Sunday, July 16, 2023


You are not responsible for the choices of others, logically you may know it but when you begin to own that. I am not responsible for the choices that others make, I am 100 percent responsible for my choices, and that is Spirit saying “here is your power back”

Saturday, July 15, 2023


 So much of humanity has lived in the denial than”I am holly” I am not God but I am absolutely one with that which God is. And that makes you so big, and the logical mind is afraid that if humanity becomes too aware of how big they are logic won’t be able to control it any more and so you’re seeing outcomes of people getting out of control but not having any understanding of allow Spirit to help you direct it. They’re just scared cause they don’t know what’s happening and they’re trying to figure it out and fix it from ways that are actually crumbling and blowing away in the winds of time. 

Friday, July 14, 2023


 When you’re trying to make something happen you’re rowing your boat upstream. You’re going against the flow. When you relax and you allow yourself to go with the flow then so many wonderful, supportive, enlightening things can come to you because you’re receptive. But when you’re moving upstream you’re in denial and it affects every level of human existence; the emotions, the mentality, the physicality all of the systems of a body but especially those that are much more of energy and light frequency, so the lymphatics, the nervous system even the cardiovascular system which is physical and yet the energy in the blood is very high frequency, it really isn’t of the physical world and to a certain extent it never has been, but it’s more so now then ever.