Sunday, August 31, 2014


Open yourself to an even greater, grander sense of allowing. To not only desire to have good but to be willing to let it happen, to let it really be a part of your being, to feel it, to let it in.
Things are changing so rapidly. Everything is going in such new and different directions, and there is a tendency to want to measure life by how you have known it to be, and everyday it becomes a little more difficult to measure life by how you have known it.
The changes sometimes are very subtle and other times they are almost like a lightning flash.
So adapting to this changeability that nothing seems to stay the same for very long. There is always been the issue in the human condition that people would say "just about the time I get things the way I want them everything goes in the different direction". This is happening so much more now, the very energy of planning becomes more and more an exercise in futility, because the plan is still based on "hard energy". Trying to make something happen, intellectually deciding how a situation should come about. And so to move into a point of ease with your energy. It doesn't take away the excitement, the anticipation, the joy and certainly it doesn't stop the accomplishment. In fact, very often when you move into a softer place with the energy things begin to manifest that have been in a holding pattern, in a place where they were waiting to come about.
To allow the approach to life to shift, to become gentler and easier. And you will begin to find that things come about so quickly, even things that you have been waiting on to come about would suddenly be there, because they were just behind the veil of perhaps doubt, or trying to hard. In these times trying to get something done, trying to make something happen, the energy of trying literally does nothing but try your patience. But when you allow, feel an openness in your solar plexus, feel the energy flowing, because when you begin to allow you may actually experience the feeling of the energy pouring into you and flowing through you.
This allowable, this understanding will most assuredly let things move when they do not seem to be moving at all. It allows life to come to you in a far more peaceful way.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Magnificent machines will be made to do all manner of things.
But no one is going to be able to get God in a box, because God is the box, outside of the box and inside of the box.
So the finite mind simply can not imagine that God is all of it, and yet that's the truth.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Every soul on this planet is important.
Every life has value.
And humanity has come to judge the importance of life by things, by accomplishments, by money, rather than by the sheer worth of being.
So as you sit and contemplate the value, the importance of your life, that there is not another on this planet like you. There is no duplication.
God had such a vast, vivid, amazing imagination that God found great joy, great creative ability in making each souls so divinely unique.
So there are no two alike. You are irreplaceable, priceless, one of a kind.
And your purpose and your dream, and your creations, and your beingness are without measure in their value.