Saturday, April 28, 2018


Having ideas and opinions at this point in time it’s one of the most prevalent conditions on the planet.
But needing to have people accept the ideas and opinions that very often simply creates war.
Getting well with self within, feeling good about what you’re finding your self to be and being amazed as you honor yourself, as you accept who you are others will also.
Oneness doesn’t mean everybody has the same idea, oneness means that all appreciate and value the considerations of others.
And when life is lived peacefully it changes the very structure of yourself.

Friday, April 20, 2018


Doing is an energy of conflict
Doing moves forward very often without a great deal of consideration of the outcome.
“I got to do this, this is what has to be done now” but masters considers the outcome of the actions before taking them, rather than acting in haste and repenting in leisure.
To really consider within self, when you think it’s logical, what is happening in the feeling center?
Because gut level instinct may be seeking to get your attention, what you thought was logical and practical is simply an attempt to stay small.
What practicality represented supposedly was security and now that isn’t necessarily altogether the truth. Many people are giving their power away in the hopes of being secure, and yet you can’t buy security. Oh the security companies will tell you you can, but even if you have guards and alarms and all manner of protections, if you still don’t feel safe you’re not really secure.

Saturday, April 14, 2018


What humanity has called love has in many ways been nothing but control games.
Because people have been so afraid to let anyone else know them “what would they think? What would they say if they knew who I am?
And so often those fears and those judgements are based on a sense of being less than worthy, a sense of being less than enough.

Sunday, April 8, 2018


Growth is not always the most comfortable of phases and yet what it brings you is wondrous new things, new life, new energy, new essence, new understanding.