Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 Divine essence is available to humanity right now in this moment, still it does not respond to force. Business in the world has become a power trip and a control games and there is more and more frustration because Spirit does not respond to control, to force. Nothing happens, all the guarantees of what will happen if you say this mantra or perform this ritual and many of them are rights of magic, but if you don’t believe in magic and you just believe in control it’s still isn’t going to work even though in ancient times it was very powerful as a tool for manifestation. Humanity has forgotten more than they know about how to be rich, but there’s such a push-pull because of all the psychological programming that has been laid down  by the ego mind, people want to be rich and yet in many ways they’re afraid of what will happen if they are rich. Will there be a price, will there be a punishment? not from God but certainly the rules of the world game have suggested if you don’t do the right thing the right way there will be punishment and there are divine laws that if you defy them there would be repercussions but it isn’t a personalized judgment of God against the individual. Every being on this planet has the same divine potential to be rich, everyone, but the focus has been so on what I don’t have or what I’ve lost, or what they have and why don’t I have just as much as they do. And invariably comes back to the willingness to allow the abundance, the willingness to let the good into your life and the realization that control does not bring abundance, and it doesn’t matter how much big business in industry believe that the power games they’re playing is what makes them wealthy because wealth is not just money. Wealth is feeling whole within yourself, that’s the most important resource of rich is feeling whole within yourself. And that wholeness will indeed assist to achieve the things you desire, but you still can’t control it because the timing is based on so many factors that the human mind, the logical mind simply doesn’t comprehend. Factors that are not about the way the game is played according to logic.

Friday, December 17, 2021


 As humanity has build walls against love and against prosperity, the people of this planet were not created to suffer, and yet there’s a huge amount of focus on suffering. The people of this planet were not created to  be impoverished and yet the energy of where the finite mind goes more often than not is on lack. When people are looking for more money, more often than not the focus is not on being open to greater abundance, it’s about getting rid of the lack. And when the focus is on the lack then that’s what you tend to draw into your life. 

Monday, December 6, 2021


 The dynamics of what humanity is experiencing are very pertinent to all of the technological changes that are going on on the planet because the outer world technology and the inner world technology are beginning to touch. There are those that have believed that technology would take over the Earth and there would be a revelation that there is none and it has never been a creative deity, a divine essence. But the revelation of the blending as human technology is accelerating to a point that if the entity is attempting to keep up with the energy in the world they can’t run fast enough. But if you slow down, if you are receptive then the way of technology can support you in your evolution and consequently allow you to be supportive of others in the evolution. Ain’t nothing what it seems, you look out into the world and it seems as though there is utter destruction and yet very often those who most desire the good are the quietest about it, they don’t feel that they have to beat a drum or shout or point fingers, they simply feel within themselves the passionate desire and clear intention that all would be well, and that all would benefit from the changes. The very fact that the good, the momentum of those who are holding energetic intentions for the planet to go in a positive direction, the good motivated that suddenly the timing was divinely appropriate that the bill that would assist a lot of people in this country passed. And those that would want to delay to interfere to block the good for all, they are quite upset that the good managed to circumvent the negative. So honoring that there  are so many guarding the light and listening within and discovering more and more who they are and how the connection to the Divine feels. So there is hope because there is love and love will always remain far more powerful than the darkness.