Tuesday, May 14, 2013


The world loves excitement.
So the mind is always looking for some new thrill.
Something to stimulate, something to activate, something to motivate.
And yet as you begin to live by connection to Spirit within, the scintillating energy
that flows from the Soul center is far more innovating, exciting, empowering and
elevating than any stimulation that the world might offer.
And Spirit does not abandon you.
If someone is addicted to any worldly situation: drugs, tobacco, alcohol, sexuality,
food...any form of intense stimulation, there is always the necessity at the next encounter
to require more.
Spirit stimulates gently, offers vitality and enthusiasm without burn out.
The revelations are beginning to show the world that Spirit has so much to offer than anything that is outside of Self.
All creation, every tiny bit begins within.
There is never anything that is created outside of Self first.
So the question may be, when something occurs: What have I been thinking about?
What have I been wowing for, affirming for?
What have I been stating in my life again and again?
Whether it would be considered positive or negative, it really does not matter
for God doesn't say "good things - bad things".
God simply says "energy and power, here is an affirmation, therefore I will assist in its outcome"
Divine law will always interact in the situation.
And so, what has been called for is not for the highest good of all concerned, it may neutralize itself in the world.
But it is God never said "you can't ask".
For there is a complete wisdom, a total understanding that the laws that were set in place in the beginning have stood thru out all time irrefutable, because those laws were founded upon the essence of creation that is called Love.
A whole new level of experience, gathering the information of awareness of how to live it.
Change is occurring in this time, because it is time...

Monday, May 13, 2013


When new Souls cross your path, it isn't even to attempt to figure out why they are there
as much as it is to feel into yourself.
What are we exchanging, what is the energy that I have for therm, that they have for I?
For no exchange is one sided.
There is no exchange where one gives so much more than the other.
The exchange is always in some manner equal, even if the intellect can not see it, understand it,
or name it. The exchange is always equal.


Everything about the changes that are going on in your world become a test.
Are you paying attention?
Are you in love with yourself?
Are you living the truth of what you are receiving, or are you relegating it still to the confines
of the intellect to be used at some future point?
You see, living the Spirit is the only way that it will serve you.
The mind says "I have gathered information to me, and when I require to use the information
it will lay dormant". And then the time comes when there is a belief that, that information would be vital and it is brought forth and there is no understanding of what it is about or how it works,
because there was never any experience in it.
So it is the living, the application of the information  that is absolute necessity in these times.
It isn't simply learning new things, but it is applying what is brought to you.
Do you understand?
And the mind says "Oh yes, I understand", but understanding comes from experience.
Therefore if there is no experience, then truly there is no understanding.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


The same mother's love (or father's) you feel in the center of yourself whenever you
would contemplate any situation.
Sending the energy out, very much like a golden net into the Universe, that would
draw back to you everything that is yours.
And this golden net will not draw to you anything that it's not yours.
So if you achieve an outcome and you find the mind questing do I have a right to this, is this the way
it's going to work truly?
The answer is YES.
And the mind may say " in what would I trust, for I trusted the outcomes that I desired, and they did not come".
You trusted how you had set the way, but you did not trust that any way that could be better, easier, clearer could possibly occur.
And so, when things did not occur the way that you trusted, you felt abandoned.
In these times to understand there is no loss in love.
Things will go in direction that the mind did not choose.
But the mind say "I need..."
And the moment that you "need" you close the energetic door to receiving what you require.
God isn't holding it away.
God is simply waiting for you to be open to receive it, to accept it.
And so, to change the way you approach the affairs of the world.
So that you begin to really experience the desired outcomes,
the achievements that you have dreamed about.
Everything is moving along it's divinely appropriate courses.
Trust, for timing is not what it once was, and things are functioning very differently.
You can look at the schisms of the world, and you can see that there are those who are living
in the hell of a world that is falling apart, and there are those who are accomplishing things that would have never believed they could.
So which way is true?
Both of them.
Because the choices of each one direct the path.
So those that are living in the hell of a world that is falling apart are living exactly where
they believe they would be. And those that are living in places where life is greater, stronger, more powerful, sweeter are living exactly the truth of what they believe.
What are your choices?
And make sure that you are not denying the very things you desire by anger, frustration, fear,
desperation. Are you choosing the way that is coming apart, or are you choosing the way of love?
You will feel the difference.
The mind may attempt to direct you away from positive outcome of a world that is created in love, but it is you will feel and know the choice.
You can make it, or you can attempt to follow the same path that all of our brothers and sisters are following that are witnessing the world not working the way they wished it would.
The energy is changing.
The times are changing.
The ways are changing.
And the mind would say "I know that"
But, are you living it?
Are you applying it?
Are you in alignment with it?

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Those who are very connected, very involved in the way life has been lived on this plane,
are finding that how they have determined that life must be is not necessarily coming about.
Many of them are devastated, and many believe if they had lived their life differently,
if they had been better people, if they had done something in another way that all of this
would be different.
God is not a punishing God.
Even though the world has used at that punishment of the parent for so long.
So the events that are occurring upon the world at this time are not something that has been
cast upon humanity by God, but something that has been unconsciously created in the psyche
of the collective.
Disappointment is simply a measure of the loss of control.
And there are many adults of great age with certainly an appearance of great wisdom that are
still within themselves like children who believe that if they have done everything right, there should be certain rewards, and yet by the laws of the world was the measure of righteousness,
not by the way of Spirit.
So these children see themselves as abandoned again one more time.
Much of the disease that is going on the planet today is the out picturing of the punishment that humanity has leveled against itself.
The punishment that people have believed they deserved.
And many even believe that if they punish themselves enough, then they will achieve
what they desire.
Because the punishment would be the price that was necessary to achieve whatever they
were asking for.


It's all about allowing a greater measure of love than you have known
since the beginning of this game.
Powerful, vast, expansive, inclusive, indwelling love.
Love that is so forceful in its magnitude, that it can bring you to tears within
yourself because you have so longed for that sense of beingness.
Now it is yours.
A gift freely given.
Not from one human to another first, but from the returning to the at-onement with God.
And then to experience in God's love, the love of human relationships from a totally new
perspective, from a completely different vantage point than you have observed.
So that you find yourself a changed human.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


To be very clear that the most loving situation is one where each person is an equal.
And yet, the rules if you would for relationships on this planet have basically been; one person will dominate the relationship, and the other person will comply.
And certainly, in the relationships of men and women it has been assumed that the woman who has been held in lesser regard would be the one that would submit.
But in any relationship there is always a balance of masculine and feminine energy.
And it is that the assignment of the weakness to the feminine energy is something that the "old order" is meeting in a very impactive way.
For in many ways woman is stronger , the Goddess energy is more powerful , but it isn't about who is the strongest, who is the weakest. It is about who is willing to be the most in love with themselves.
So that the situation can truly flow, for no one can love another more than than they love themselves.
And yet the world has looked out and said " I must find someone outside of me, to prove that I deserve to be loved".
And that in these times is becoming powerfully disappointing, because the willingness to accept the love, the willingness to allow the situation to be of service; the delight, the joy, the energy of sharing, all of those things that are so important in the loving relationship, simply can not be accepted if the entity is not in love with themselves.
You can not make someone love themselves. No one can love in a relationship enough for both people.
And if that is a belief system, than the relationship becomes a tug of war of one attempting to pull the other across the line.
Come into love!
And the resistant one, holding back in fear, many times because of the very laws that we have expressed; that love is a weakness, there would be a vulnerability and a fear to be taken advantage of.
A loving relationship considers that there are two involved.
And the patriarchal society had for a long time believed that "if I decide this should be a relationship, then it must. And if I decide this is how the relationship must be, then it must".
All of those old systems are breaking down, all of those old ways are coming undone.
And so to really consider feel within yourself  , what is the point? And what is the purpose?.
For need will build a wall, that will prevent One from being where One desires to be with the situation.
A point of acceptance.
Accepts another for who they truly are.


When you contemplate your day while still in bed.
Shall I go there, shall I do that etc
Pay attention to nature
Perhaps you will hear birds signing and it would indicate the answer is yes , and you decide to happily go to that place, meet that person.
Or you may hear the chopper in the background , and the answer to that is to perhaps look at the situation from a higher perspective, and the noise may indicate for you to wait, stay put .
As you begin to pay attention to the guidance of your Spirit, you will definitely begin to experience life in a different way, with outcomes much more to your liking.
This new way of living your life is what you are embracing and creating now , and it will move you to energetic places of amazement beyond your logical mind.
And the petals keep opening.....
Feel it
Live it
Love it
Accept and allow it


I was shown how every human being has a garden.
Instead of attending to it's own, they very often go to other people's gardens only
to point out the flaws.
You have a weed of greed over here.
I see thorns of selfishness over there, mushrooms of secrets in that corner and so on,
rather than when visiting another to dwell on the fruits of their accomplishments,
flowers of their experiences, the scents of their knowledge and so on.
So we want to be in control and tell others what is best for them.
And when One is not present within, One is looking for approval outside of themselves.
You have to meet this person, you need to do that, this is better, that is not for you...
Rather than just say
I am so well with myself that I trust that I will be guided to the most appropriate person,
the best place and situation for mine and their highest good.
What a difference!
A new way!
And this is only the beginning.
Love thy neighbor as thy self is beginning to make sense in these times.
And love thy friend as thyself is a wonderful way to experience that energy more grandly.
I am another You, indeed


Allowing is a free flow of energy that makes no determination on how the future must be.
But allows that future to unfold freely, peacefully and to bring with it the highest and most wonderful good possible.


Consider well yourself.
Consider yourself beloved.
Honor yourself.
Love yourself from within.
For you are now taking steps that are moving you in paths that do not echo with the resolutions of the mind.
You are much more guided along paths that will show you an inner way, that will speak to you of things that have been long forgotten.
The importance of these times is to stay with yourself, to really be clear about You.