Monday, December 23, 2013


As you look at the world, anything that has to do with the ways the world has called business are beginning to shift and change.
And those shifts and changes are moving everything to a whole new place of understanding.
The world can no longer continue to function in the ways that it has before, therefore there must be a new recognition and the mind would tire of hearing the word patience, waiting and yet, the patience and the waiting are a part of the spiritual evolution.
Business and the ways of the world have been set in a box. To one side the world would say, for this is business and the ways of business are not spiritual, and yet now the world begins to discover that there is nothing separate from anything else, and so those aspects that have been called the worldly way of business are now being revealed as a vitally important part of the all-ness of any individual that chooses to be involved in those games.
The same aspects apply of the patience and the allowing, of letting things unfold and listening in those places where it is still for the answer when it is time. For in those still places within you the answers are there. But quick! has been the way of the world, and now that timing is altering.
So with each event you get another opportunity to experience the essence of these changes again and again. And the mind would say then how do I figure out how to be with these changes?
And the ways of the mind could never understand how these changes will ultimately function, for the mind operates in the smallness of all that it has known, and now you are expanding.
Feel the expansion within yourself and allow that understanding to really begin to change the human that you are from the inside out, for as you experience those changes you will begin to realize, to understand that within you is the ability to bring each and every event of your life to a place that would be absolutely delightful but it will  not necessarily always be the place that you thought it would be when you begin to make the choices.
These are the times where what the world has called the mysteries are beginning to be fully revealed, and those mysteries are so beautifully simple, so amazingly well directed and as you remember how to use that energy for certainly before you came into this game of illusion you understood all of these things so well, and now the remembering.
And what is of value will begin to change as the understanding of these realizations that are so ancient that they are new are coming about for every being on this ball.
The mind understands manipulation and control but the soul understands the achievement that can be accomplished with great ease that is beyond those places of if you would the diabolic mechanizations of the egoic nature.
Constantly return to those peaceful places and allow yourself to achieve the outcomes that are so wonderfully available.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


In the stillness is great wisdom.
And so in that stillness be still and know that God is there.
And in every situation be still within yourself for in the stillness of the center comes the ability to still the mind, for the mind is the creator of turmoil, it is filled with brilliance but it's brilliance is filled with limit and the limits that the mind experiences brings it's great fear. And so to really understand that each event that occurs is another test to live in stillness. And yet in that stillness it isn't as though nothing is happening for in that quiet everything is changing.
You can not see it because it is functioning in this moment in a frequency that is not yet yours.
But it is that as you allow it you will find each thing begins to almost miraculously come to pass in ways you would have never dreamed. Each things begins to resolve itself and the newness of that experience of being able to simply observe that what you have desired is coming to pass, that what you have asked for is occurring, not necessarily in the ways that you would have believed it should but certainly in ways that bring you the very best outcome.
Our guides are there very often they whisper very quietly, there are times when they may be very firm and the ego very often does not want to hear the answers they bring and yet those answers are extremely important for you  to incorporate into your ongoing in these times.
To be with that stillness, to feel it to live it
To allow yourself to experience it in moments that might appear to be a crisis.
But as you live that stillness your confirmation of change will be that people may say to you "you're different, something has changed with you, what are you doing that makes you different?" And the difference is being centered, the difference is living whole, the difference is being with yourself rather than attempting to function outside of yourself away out in the world that will offer you the same chaos and confusion that it always has. But now as you hold that sense of peace within you the mind is no longer churning, attempting to go this way and that way like a serpent that is threatened and attempting to get away from whatever that threat might feel as though it is.
Changes are indeed occurring and though you may not recognize them in the moment they are bringing you a whole new view of life, a whole new way of seeing, really seeing without eyes and in that experiencing a vision of the ongoing that you have asked for you have called for and suddenly it is time.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Worry is one of the aspects that humanity has believed was absolutely vital and necessary to accomplishing things and yet worry is the highest form of negative creation.
The more that you worry about your affairs the more tangled they will seem to get, and you can worry and worry and continue to, and then, when perhaps finally you have come to a point where you feel exhausted with the worry and you let it go, then everything begins to take care if itself and it is no longer such a challenge to achieve your desires.
Such is the master's way.
And, truly even though you may not in the moment feel as though you might be a master your guides see that you are and this is a necessary point for you to trust that within yourself.
 I am a master. A master creator.
But the old ways of the illusion no longer serve you and so those old ways of the illusion must pass, and as they do you will begin to see everything in the whole of your life from a much clearer perspective.
Right now the vision is clouded by the fears of perhaps loosing what you have worked so hard to accomplish and yet in these times, and this is a difficult thing to hear: if something leaves you it makes a place for something better, but people do not want to hear these things they want to hear that it's all going to work out so that they can keep what they believe it's important. And so the path of mastery though it was never intended to be terribly difficult can at times seem as though it is fraught with challenges, and yet this is a part of your growth, this is a part of the experiences that must pass in order for you to trust that you are cared for that everything will be well, and it will be well in its own time for here again the mind wants to say then tell me when it will get better, and the answer that the guides can give you is when you allow it to be better, when you step back and do not pursue things with aggression.
You know that gentleness can bring good things to you and yet you are also a warrior, and the old ways are very very compelling.
The lessons of translating from the old ways into the new ones.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


There is great compassion from our spiritual guides for the challenges that humanity is calling now in these times and yet these are truly a part of the shift into the new understanding.
It is to really be patient with all of these changes. The tendency of humanity in these kind of situations is always to want to fight it. And the solution if you would is coming to a point of understanding that when you really stop fighting things will resolve themselves. And the sooner that you relax with the situation the more quickly you will see positive outcomes.
The mind wants answers. Tell me what to do and I will do it, and yet the mind will then begin to interfere with the answers that are given so that it becomes progressively more difficult to achieve what  the mind would say its attempting to accomplish.
The tests are a part of the shift, of the call that humanity have made, I desire to walk a spiritual journey and the world had said but if you are a good person, if you are living the right way then there should be no test that are difficult. And yet the tests are things that you bring to yourself to prove to yourself that you really desire to have your mastery, so to understand within yourself not intellectually how do I figure this out what do I need to do and going around and around with it. But relaxing and letting it go, and the world says how can you possibly relax in such a situation?
And that is  the test of your mastery.
And the mind says this is not what I want to hear, I want to hear that things are going to go the way I wish they would, and they will in their time, but even the discovery, the recognition, the remembering  that timing is everything and that attempting to push things beyond their time simply brings more frustration.
And so recognize the test and be assured that this too shall pass, and much more quickly as you are willing to simply allow it to pass
What do I do?
Get very clear. What do you desire ?
I desire that all things that have come into my life would be resolved.
Then let them.
And you would answer  I am attempting to let them I am doing everything I know to do . And it is the doing that honestly is required to be forgiven
For the more that you attempt to do the more difficulties seem to avail themselves in your life.
And so to give old answers in new situations will assist nothing because the time has passed for those old answers to truly function well and so many are experiencing the frustration of these changes and yet they must come for the "masters" have asked I desire to follow my path of mastery and it begins with the living of your life every day .
So this is a part of the changes, this is what has been called and it will not go away it will simply change as you allow it.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


There is a cliche that is spoken in most every language of the Earth.
"Do not put all of your eggs in one basket"
So waiting for something to happen that has great potential, but other opportunities are in the meantime presenting themselves and it is to consider are you damming the flow of your precious life force by waiting? 
You can wait and still move forward . Waiting is not holding one's hands in one's lap and not moving for fear that you will not be ready for the moment when the good arrives .
Waiting can be very active, not only that you are waiting to accept new good , but that you are waiting to bring about greater understanding. And so the opportunity to realize, to feel into the energy. Are you stagnating because you don't want to miss something that you have deemed important.
And yet it is if you would prosper yourself in many different ways.
Give yourself a number of opportunities, then you will find that good has many fountains to flow to you . So it is important for you to realize that you are in a place where you're learning to operate differently.
To wait and refuse to take a step towards an opportunity could be the very dam that could prevent the river from coming to you . To be willing to move towards the opportunity with this understanding .
I'm willing to take this step and I ask to be shown the divinely appropriate way that I would put my foot  with each and every step of this
So you make the step and as you are open, receptive not only can what you've been waiting on come about, but other things that have been available but you have not allowed them because you were waiting so intensely, and it is to realize that when you're holding your breath there is not a lot of life force and in many ways  even though you're moving about it is as though you're holding your breath.
To breathe in life, to be open to new experience more than one at a time .
Have a goal that you could say its a primary goal, and then have other goals that are secondary goals
so that you are not focusing every bit of your energy on one thing. And that begins to free you. If you would doubt this, make an effort open to other options and you may find that your physical body begins to feel more relaxed, you may actually feel a greater energy, to accomplish your mind will be clearer. Your feelings will be more receptive because the old order wanted to control good and in the old ways there were some who manage to accomplish great things and many who got so caught up in holding their breath that they did not allow themselves to have a life.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Why not throw ego the bone?
Because in these times the perverbial  bones that our guides "throw" the praise, 
the blessings, the reassurance  would not be acceptable to the ego. 
What the ego wants is a promise that everything that it has set in motion will work .
And yet what the logical, practical mind would put into motion in these days is not always appropriate for
the divinely wondrous outcome of your good. 
So the guides praise you, tell you that you are accomplishing, assure you that you are
moving in the divinely appropriate direction, but can not give you outcomes for you design them 
very often in the moment.  And can not promise you that things will work the way that you want them to because
there may be other answers that would give you what you desire with greater ease. So what the mind is looking for very often is not what the mind will accept when it's given.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


The mind is being opened and expanded.
And the changes in the consciousness are vast.
And those that would allow the shifts will find themselves operating in energies that are more refined, more comfortable, more beautiful. more expanded, more prosperous with greater wellness and more abundant prosperity. But it will not be gathered by forcing things to happen, and it certainly will not be accomplished by looking back at the past to create the future, because we are moving toward a future that has absolutely nothing to do with any past we've ever known.
And logic can't grasp that. "What do you mean we're moving toward a future that has absolutely nothing to do with the past, we have always created were we are going by where we have been, you have to " logic says.
No, we don't!
So to spend time with your inner selves and discovering the amazement of your own internal functions. How exciting! How amazing you are!
To get comfortable with the dynamics of your own selfhood.
How vast you are.
How grand you are.
How wondrous you are.
How accomplished you are.
And as you feel it, rather than just thinking about it, the greatness that you have allowed yourself to consider about yourself, is so small in comparising to the truth of who you really are.
And so to open yourself up to really embrace the truth of all that you are energetically.
That will blow your mind!

Monday, September 2, 2013


There are the gloom and doomers that want to believe that everything is just going to come to an end.
And they offer as their point of reference; there is a lot of challenge going on the planet at this time, there are a lot of difficulties occurring on all levels. And so, they want to say this is where everything is going. Now it isn't!
But that's what logic does, because logic has a tendency to figure things out according to the worst possible outcome.
The Earth is shifting into a higher frequency, and since logic can not imagine that things could change because of a higher level of frequency, then the only logical thing that you could figure out is that you've go to go somewhere else, you can't have it be here, because this is such a mess. And logic has already decided that the only way you could possibly deal with all of this is just to destroy the planet and start over again. Of course, logic always tends to get caught up in its own smallness, so the fact that no one here really has the miraculous wisdom of how to create a whole new planet if they destroy it is beside the point.
Right now everything is changing, it's moving to a new perspective, it's becoming different, it is moving to a whole new level of higher conscoiusness.
Nothing is as it appears to be. But logic has gotten caught up in it's own boxes, and it really tends to think very small.
When one is willing to go withing themselves and allow the soul to guide the intellect can things go where they're supposed to. For the intellect is brilliant, it has its limits, where Spirit has no limits.
Because religion tends to define itself from an intellectual process, religion can not open itself up enough to embrace Spirit. And therefore, most of the religions and religious tenants on the planet have been minimized by the logic.
Now they were grand works in the beginning, they were amazingly vast. they held principles that would boggle intellect. They were ideas and teaching that were so amazing, so pure, so sweet that the intellect couldn't even grasp it. And especially in the US there has been such a tendency to give the people the idea that they are in charge, and then take it all away in fear.
And so in this country, there has been a lot of determination to hold people in small place by the thoughts and ideas that they would pay a horrendous price if they did not obey God.
And God, that is set up as the one to follow, very often is a God designed by logical mind.
And therefore, there's great limitations.
And so, everything is being required to stretch, to shift, to change, to expand, and to be viewed from a totally new vantage point.
As things move, there will be records that are kept in certain of pyramids that would totally up-end how humanity has believed that things function on this planet, how religions have attempted to prove that they have absolutely the most righteous way of dealing with whatever is going on.
And it is, when things begin to change of how it was doesn't work, then the fear that opens up in the hearts and minds of the people causes them to want to grasp the old. Attempting to hold on desperately to the past, as though it was something that could not be lived without.
And yet, everything is changing now in this time. And those that attempt to grapple to stand on the ground they have known before will feel as though they are standing on quicksand, because it won't hold them. Those that have attempted to demonstrate they have righteousness by certain points of logic will find that those points of logic are turning to dust as they are using them as a reference.


Fighting what is occurring will actually assist nothing.
Because there are already many battles going on. And so those that even fight for causes, are still engaging themselves in war activities. And even those they can say "the reason for my fight is very worthy", it's still a battle. And the Earth is reacting to all of the anger, hatred and war that is going on on her surface. For people do not realize how absolutely powerful their energy is, how much influence their thoughts have.
A great deal of the upset of the balance of the ecology of the planet comes from poor emotional ecology. Much more that it does poor physical ecology.
What can you do for your planet?
Hold an intention for the highest and best good of every being on this ball and hold it clearly. Hold it without judgement or reservation. And that is going to have a great influence, even though the ego may say " but what can one person do?" One person can change the destiny of the world, if they are willing to put it forth, that power of love. A 1000 like minded beings would have such a magnetic influence that what they would accomplish would appear almost magical.
The more that you hold an intention in love, to bless the Earth and all of her people in these times of dramatic change, the more you can know, form the Lord God of your being that you are giving one of the greatest blessings you possibly could.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


The changes are quite dramatic for each one, and therefore because they are so uniquely personal it is rather difficult to define exactly what is happening.
Certainly the wars that are going on on the planet are the last effort of the egoic elements to prevent humanity from achieving the overcoming in these times.
It is that the battles that are going on in the world: the old order attempting to draw the energy of the planet one more time into conflict and separation, rather than into overcoming. And so each person within themselves is being challenged.
Where will you put your focus?
Where would you put your attention?
Where would you put your power?
And many are so numb by the old way. They would say: "loyalty no matter what it is the most important thing" and yet where would that loyalty be? and where would that loyalty be focused? and to what are they being loyal?
There are those that would not give a thought to how they feel in their solar plexus about the all things that are going on in these times indeed. Many more are waking up. The awakening is very powerful. The awakening is happening in everyone, even those that seem to be the most resistant are experiencing in these times the awakening.
As you feel the changes within yourself, that the energy is different, that you don't think as you once did, that you don't even feel as you once did about many things and therefore those subtle changes that you're experiencing are calling you to look at life differently. Almost at times as though it isn't your effort, but that you are being upheld or supported to feel differently about the way your life is going or how you would conduct your affairs.
And those changes are occurring in everyone.
Humanity has prayed to have the power back, to be more who truly they are. And yet it is as that those opportunities are occurring, people find they are afraid cause they can not control the changes.
And no one ever said you would be able to control the changes, only that they are indeed coming with the greatest of love.
 Many of the Earth's changes and their great violence have been altered over the past 20 years by the amount of love that has been:
1.Funneled into the planet from the higher planes, and 2. Accepted by those that are here.
And so yes, there are Earth's changes,, and some of them definitely  appear to be quite dramatic. They could have been much worse, without the greater influence of love.
And so the earthquakes, the floods, the fires, powerful winds, changes in the climatory conditions, all of these things certainly are a part of the shift that are going on in this time.
Those things will continue to happen, and yet when you look at how few lives are lost, then you know how absolutely protected in love you are.
The Earth is changing. The old order that has existed on this planet is ending. The Earth herself is not dying, she is not coming to an end.
There are many that would say there will be new Earth. And it is, yes it will be for those who change their consciousness, as they lift their vibrational frequency , they will live on the same ball with those who have not yet. And yet those who have accomplished the higher consciousness will live in such an energy that those who are still in conflict would not affect them. They would have no direct influence on your power in this place.
The new Earth is created by new thought. And it would definitely feel as though you're living on a different planet, cause right now in this moment, if you set an intention that you were going to call for everything in your world to be better, to be sweeter, but you would pick one thing in particular. Let us say that you decide that you want to see the oceans cleaner, that you want to see the ecology of the waters cleaner, and so you begin to hold that focused attention on the ocean, and you may begin to notice that the color changes, that the smell seems to freshen, that there is a different energy that you feel around the water , and you may be delighted with the outcome of your intention only to hear someone else say "look how dirty the water is". Because they haven't shifted their consciousness and
consequently they are still seeing the way it is in their places, rather the way it is in your places.
It does not mean you failed, it simply means you changed your world. And that is the only energy you can directly influence. You can hold an intention for others to change their consciousness, but you can't make them.
As you practice holding an intention for positive change for the planet where you live, then you will begin to change the energy of the whole planet.
For the love of the planet, to hold a conscious intention for her ongoing, that is why you are here.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Humanity wants to be free.
They want to be rich.
They want to be loved.
They want to be happy.
But they do not consider when you experience these things you also get to be very different.
You are no longer who you were before.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Your guides are always with you.
The answers they bring will be felt far more by your heart and soul then a satisfaction of intellectual patterns.

Monday, August 12, 2013


To really know that from one moment to the next things are changing so rapidly. To really know that the planning that the mind has depended upon for so long will not necessarily bring any peace to the life. To literally take it all one moment, one hour, one day at a time, and be absolutely amazed at the end of each day what unfolds.
Perhaps to even keep a gratitude journal, so that you begin to make a point of assessing what you are grateful for at the end of each very busy, very different, very crazy day.
For you a accomplishing so much that making notes might be helpful, so that you can make an assessment in the times to come and have some idea of exactly how far you have moved. For you are moving so rapidly , it's almost as though you can't measure any longer what is my movement, how have I grown, where am I going, for its moving too fast, it's changing too quickly.
To simply know that your Spirit guides are with you, accompany you, assuring you. For in these times the mind want to say "I'm alone, where did everyone go?" But you are not alone, you travel well accompanied on your journey.
To pay very close attention to how the energy feels into your solar plexus when you're making a decision. To feel into it, to as best you can operate within yourself, to feel the connection in the depths of your being. It is vast, it is unlimited, it is powerful, it is You.
And to know that, to recognize that, to understand it from the inside out and you will begin to understand everything that you see out there is a reflection of what is going on within. Whether you like it or not, whether it's comfortable or not, whether it feels good or not. Everything that you see out there is a reflection of what is going on within you. So those things that you might judge as uncomfortable deserve to be healed, and those things that you might decide are wonderful deserve to be embraced, accepted , allowed. And to constantly forgive yourself, for anything that would wound, limit or prevent your forward motion in this time, be clear and present with yourself.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Here is a lesson opportunity.
When you feel into any situation it is to go beyond want, to go beyond need, to feel into the situation and get very clear. When you feel into it, does it feel open and free and easy or does your mind begin to race around trying to find some way to make it happen and does your heart race?
Does your pulse accelerate? Do you feel excitement that if you are honest about it feels more like fear than enthusiasm? For enthusiasm does not have a fear base.
So get very clear with yourself. Very clear with yourself, that you are allowing everything that it is about to work for the highest good of all concerned. So that you and others can benefit and prosper and then when it doesn't matter, when you absolutely honestly feel as though the situation will work or not. When it really is of no consequence any longer because you have allowed desperation and need to pass away then it will come about.
And that law applies to anything. It applies to the achievement of any business deal. It applies to the making of money, it applies to being wealthy. It applies to having things function in your life as you desire them. When it doesn't matter. When you can let it go. When it isn't a desperate necessity it will potentially work in your favor, but if you need it to happen, if you are racking your brain to find some way to make some money then in that time you simply will not get the answers because your inner ear is not functioning when there is desperation or need, even if its a need for an answer immediately. The neediness prevents you from getting a clear understanding . Spirit can give you the clearest of answers and in the moment the mind would avow that  Spirit gave you no answers that was worthy at all, only to find later when you achieved the state of compassionate objectivity that you really would be able to see Spirit gave you a very clear answer.
So if you can bring yourself to a place of where it is just fine, everything is going to be just fine. You don't have to know the answer, then it all will begin to come together for you. And the ego is very impatient, and it want things to work immediately. And it will recite all of the things that its done to make things happen, but the time of making things happen is passing away very rapidly. And the harder humanity attempts to make things happen the more tedious things can become.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


The rules and laws of the world have very often had very little grounding in goodness and truth.
The more that the ego has created that things have become so entangled, the more that things have become painfully complicated, and the more that dishonesty has often become the rule. Not criminal acts per se, but each being refusing to look at who they really are and what they are really about and not acknowledging your a mince capability to bring about a greater good.
It is time for these things to be examined in your heart and turn this over and allow yourself to see clearly a new path, for your mind has certain limits; this is what you must do, this is the "right" thing, but as you begin to operate in love you will find love has no right or wrong. For right and wrong are based on the fear of separation and loss that something can be taken away, and in love there is no fear of these aspects.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


A good place to begin is what brings you joy?
To allow yourself to begin to prosper by what brings you joy. For in the truth of the becoming humanity will discover in time that it can prosper far more grandly by creating by something that feeds the soul and not just the bank account.
The prosperity will come because the currency source is God. It is not some moneyed being out in the world though that has been the perspective for a long time. The money comes because you are willing to see yourself as a rich man. For a poor man with money is still a poor man. His attitudes, his beliefs, his perspectives are still that he is a poor man, and that he must struggle and that he can not have enough. And so there is much forgiveness in the world to honestly let go of the old ways, old patterns.
And it is that you can not figure this out intellectually, that you can not do the same things you've always known to do the same way that you always knew to do them and achieve some different outcome because that betrays all law. So if you're going to have different responses then you have to make different considerations. Because if you keep planting seeds of the old way, then the crops that would come up in your life will be very much as they have been before. It is to get very clear within yourself that there are many facets to prosperity in the world. And the old ways of gaining wealth, abundance are becoming more and more difficult all of the time. Those who have amassed great sums are feeling a great deal of fear because the encroaching of the new energy feels like a threat to all they have amassed. And yet the very concept of amassing is something that has to do with the illusion, because when you amass you damn the flow, you hold your money together in one place and it is surrounded with the fear that it might be taken from you. And so as you are a comfortable man with your trust in yourself that you are safe and you deserve to be well cared for then the energy of your life begins to demonstrate exactly that; that you are safe and that you deserve to be well cared for.

Monday, July 29, 2013


If others are having issues about your choices, that is their choice. And if they do not like what you are doing, if they are not comfortable with what you have chosen, then as a Master in the remembering you get to really let it go. Let it go and no matter what to be so clear within yourself about the energy that you  are not getting caught up on your own judgements, for this is an issue for these times; all of the judgements that every human being has carried through the game of separation to play that game. All of those judgements are coming to the fore, they are revealing themselves in every possible way and many of those judgements have been terribly painful. So these mirrors that stand before you that apparently are not in approval of your choices are reflections of things that consciously or unconsciously you have held against yourself. And now it is time to forgive, forgive, forgive, let it go, be done. For every thing that might cause aggravation or that might cause you to feel sorrow. Why would they not appreciate my joy? All of this is so vitally important for you to look at within yourself. To really get clear so that you are not caring old burdens that absolutely no longer serve your life.  Very often the mind looks outward for validation among those that are in the collective of the life, and now it is for those to be considered. Must I make changes in my plans because of their disagreement? No.
But would I feel wounded because of their disagreement? And that is the issue that requires solution, that even though it might not hurt your feelings, it could make you feel uncomfortable, it could make you feel unsettled. You might even find yourself questioning I have called these my friends and now they are in disapproval of my choices. And then the ego begins its journey of activity to make you question all that is in your life. And these questions are not to call you to turn away nearly so much as they are to cause you to examine, just examine yourself and find the answers within you. If there is an issue with what someone else is doing then you get to sit quietly with yourself and to look at why am I bothered by their perspective?
As you will be well with the changes, and more that any other time since humanity began to play the game of separation, this is a time where you must be absolutely clear that you are living your own truth. That the choices that you are making are choices that would call you to be true and faithful to yourself. For if you would make choices that would in any manner separate you from yourself again one more time, the pain of that separation could be greater than it has ever been felt before simply because the energy of these times is bringing in a dynamic that has not existed before. And that dynamic is the necessity to remember that in the beginning time you were faithful to yourself, that the love of God that created you kept you faithful to yourself . So make your choices in joy and as you are faithful to yourself then it will be well. And others who are reacting perhaps to the fact that you are changing, and people have a great deal of difficulty with someone who is making changes because if you are changing it is as though you are putting a mirror of shift before them. And if you are changing, perhaps things in their life are going to have to change also, and they would rather prevent you from changing than to contemplate the fact that soon they may be following exactly the same path that you are. And so to enjoy, delight, lovingly enter into the changes with greatest of understanding and appreciation for yourself.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Love in it's most elemental form embraces everything.
As you come to understand and appreciate the love, then you begin to understand that you can love everyone. You can feel from your heart a love for all.
Because all are One.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Another more interesting law of the illusion.
Debit and owe are perhaps the most deadly game that the illusion has devised. For it imprisons souls by the obligation of energy.
Now, there is a choice  when someone would decide to loan money and very often that choice is driven by I have plenty in this time, and therefore I can loan the money and there is no problem. But all things are subject to change in a moments notice. And very often life does as is for one who loans the money change.
And when there is no availability or perhaps not as much as it could be that one who borrowed would make repay in full. And yet it is that there are many factors that involve both.
That one who can't repay it in the moment would hold a powerful intention for the other's well being in all of their affairs including the finances.
The one who lent the money could look at the another who received it and say "you owe me and therefore you are the only source of my good, and if you would not repay me then I have no recourse."
And yet very often the same entities that would function with mind sets such as this would avow their very spiritual being, and yet all of your good comes from God.
All of "the good" comes from God.
All of the money, all of it comes from God.
Since the one who borrowed have no solution in the moment for this situation, it is time to give it over to God.
And ask"show me the way, allow me to see clearly".
And it is not an aspect that would put one into jeopardy by forcing one into a position that one would hate.
This can not be solved by the finite mind. This is something that is  causing one to turn to Spirit to listen within and to accept and acknowledge the answer in the greatest  of love, because in these times ain't nothing what it seems.
Things that seem the most  fought with difficulty and tedium are just a step away from the greatest blessings that humanity has ever known.
And so to set the burden down, it is not to walk away from it but be willing to hear the answer. And the answer may not come immediately because remember these are the tests of life to assist us to remember our mastery.
They are not easily won, because we are required to trust ourselves in it.


Love is like a butterfly.
You can not hold it tightly in your hand, it will die.
If you can even capture it at all, because it flits away. And yet if you are willing it would come and be with you gladly, joyously. And if you do not try to hold it, it will stay.
But love is not a possession. For the world has treated love as though it is.
 And very often the desire to own someone because of love has caused that very loved to disappear. So to know that you can not own love.
That it must be that those that are involved are willing, free, comfortable , joyous. For love is not an acquisition, it is a gift

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Consider any business opportunity that come your way
Is this truly feel into it, consider it, is this truly a step that in the ways of how things are changing.
Is this a step that is for the highest good of the world.
For you are moving into places where you can no longer walk with a foot in two worlds.
You have vowed  to make these choices and to make these changes.
And to attempt to carry out by the standards of the old way what the mind would call business and attempt to separate it from Spirit, and say "this is business", and Spirit has no part in it. You can no longer tell yourself these things..
So are you clear that this is an affair that would truly be for the highest good of all concerned , or is this simply another game of the world.
For you will set yourself in these times, many tasks and many many tests.
Pay attention to how it feels, for the opportunities to return to the ways of the world will be available everywhere.
Are you being faithful to yourself?
Are you being faithful to what you avow to be? Or is your mind still attempting to play the old game "I will be faithful, just don't look to close, I will be faithful , just don't ask any questions. I am faithful ". But now it is at every step you take will be a step of revelation. Every choice you make, are you moving in the direction that you avow or are you moving in the ways of what was?
These are not questions of judgement or accusation.
These are questions of clarity and truth.
Are you being faithful to what you avow to be or are you attempting to convince yourself you're being faithful, and how does it feel?
For this is no longer a game of rules and laws of the outer world. This is an understanding from the depths of your being. Are you living up to what you avow to be? Are you true to yourself?
For it is as it was said You can no longer walk with a foot in two worlds. You can no longer live that way because of the choices you have made, and many things will not serve you any longer, because of the choices that you have made. Not that they were bad choices, but that you have chosen by each acknowledgment to move into a different place , a different realm, a different way.
You can not live by the old standards, you can not walk the old paths, for you will quickly realize that nothing is as it has been before.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Remember who you are.
The memory of it isn't intellectual.
It isn't connected to some identification in another lifetime. It's about feeling the power of who you are. And that is something that can not couched in intellectual phrase, so the questions "who was I where was I what did I do?"
Who you are right now in this moment and who you are becoming is the most powerful information. It isn't about farrowing your brow and trying to remember something that's distant past. It is about being connected to every aspect of who you really are. So mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually allowing yourself to integrate . And if the mind gets involved with it, very often the mind can stop process. So letting go of everything you have known yourself to be, very often is the most important part of this simply because when you let go of anything you've known yourself to be you're not attempting to go back. There is no back to go to.
Trying to remember who you were in some other lifetime is an energetic hook that draws you away from now. And now is the only place, the only place where you can remember. Now is the only safe place there is. Now is the only place that you can become who you really are.
Right now. And the mind keeps coming up with wonderful ideas to get it back into the driver seat. The mind wants to take over, the mind wants to be in control, the mind wants to continue to run the game.
Love your mind. Love it
For that is the only way it will become your ally, otherwise the mind could be what the world has called the devil.
The mind could be called evil, simply because it wants to keep everything divided in separation. And yet it is an imperative to your being in this place because the mind also defines how you are in this construct. So you require the mind but you also require to be the master of the mind, rather than the mind dominating you.
And the only way that you can master your mind is to love it. So anywhere you find there's a war game going on, let it go. Anywhere that you're fighting to get something, let it go. Anywhere that you feel the tension and stress of battle mentally, emotionally, physically, let it go.
For that is how you will move forward. You will not move forward by attempting to create in the old ways. You really will not move forward by attempting to live by the old standards. It's all passing . How it was a year ago will not serve you today . How it is tomorrow may feel completely disconnected from what you experienced on this day. Simply because the energy is changing so rapidly.
Everything is moving so rapidly, that the mind literally can not keep a count of it. And that disturbs the mind a lot.
It is a great worry to the intellect that it can't have control over everything. And yet for you is a gift, it is new piece.
It is the ability to have a whole new world.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Are you worthy?
Do you believe it?
Ah that is where the worlds says the rub comes in.
Do you accept that you are worthy?
Do you really live it?
Knowing that you're worthy is a limitation .
Feeling that you're worthy, recognizing it, accepting it , acknowledging it, living it everyday, that is unlimited potential.
And it's available to you right now.


The order of doing is finished!
And this is one of the greatest frustrations that is demonstrating itself in the material world of
business. The old ways are simply less and less functioning, because they are the old ways.
So business as usual, isn't.
And the most brilliant mind on the planet is still operating in the realms of what it knows,
rather than in the possibilities of what it does not yet understand.

Monday, July 1, 2013


I'm going to give you a spiritual secret, and it frustrates the mind no end.
When you desire that something you desire will come about in your favor - let it go, let it go.
The mind wants to work on the energy. How do I bring this about in my favor? Let it go .
And the mind says " no you don't understand, I've got to do something to make this come about in my favor"
No, let it go.
When you are willing to let it go, you will be amazed at how quickly the energy will shift in your favor.
But when you are trying to make something happen in your favor you will be absolutely amazed how difficult it is to get things to move in your favor, so let it go.
Mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically , spiritually let it go.
Let it be done in your mind.
And when you are willing to let it be done in your mind then it is as though you begin to move cogs in the Universe that simply would not move as long as you were still thinking about it, going over it, wondering what you needed to do or say.
Letting it go means with every fiber of your being , let it go.
Let it be done .
And be amazed how quickly things will begin to present itself, answers will show up that you would have never dreamed of when you let it go.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Letting it go means letting it go.
Forgive worrying about it.
The mind wants to worry, and the worrying of the mind is the magnet that keeps calling the situation to on go.
Another spiritual test.
It isn't a denial of the situation, because a denial still has a hook in it.
Let it go, when you really let it go all of the emotional attachments and reactivations all of the fears and doubts all of the any imagining.
When you let it go, really let it go than it can go in a positive way. It can have a positive outcome.
It can move in a direction that would absolutely amaze you.
Have the experience. Let it go.
And be absolutely amazed, once you had the experience .
It's about your experience.
Create something powerfully in love, and yes it takes a lot if courage to have these spiritual experiences because the mind keeps wanting to tell you it can't possibly work.
But you will never know just how powerful you are until you are willing to let it go.
And then you will understand Spiritual law works far more grandly even in the world than the law of the mind.
Spiritual law is far more powerful, in every aspect than the world game, and therefore when you are truly willing to trust, let it go
Then you will have the experience that will show you that letting go is like a key in a lock, it opens the gateway so that positive outcomes can come from situations that the mind will assure you could never possibly be positive.
And yes, it's a whole new world.
It's a whole different way of perceiving things. It is not thinking, it's allowing.
And the mind wants to sneak back and start worrying about it again.
Surrender the worry.
Surrender the worry.
Surrender the worry.
Every time you find your mind sneaking in to bring the worry back to you, let it go.
And you may have to surrender the worry 450 000 times a day.
You may find that if you're trying to let go that the mind is going to use that as a gateway to really attempt to worry you. So you can't try to let go. It is truly to energetically, spiritually, not mentally let it go.
In the letting go you begin to access what has been called Heaven.
And it's available to humanity right now in this time. It's always been there. You just didn't see it because you had created a belief system that it didn't exist.
In the process of letting go you begin to discover a spiritual understanding that is so powerful, so amazing, and intellectually you wouldn't have believed it.
Trust your own experience.
Have the courage to let go.
And yes it's a bit like standing on edge of cliff with new pair of wings when you're not really sure if they're going to work, but you know that it's an imperative for you to fly.
Love will help you to trust.
Love is not an airy fairy notion, Love is the most powerful energy in the universe.
Allow the love to help you, let go.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Allow yourself to feel peaceful, comfortable, easy with the changes.
Not attempting to have a specific outcome in mind,  that the goal would be a positive outcome.
But how that goal might be achieved would not be a part of the situation, much more that the goal would be achieved, and therefore as there is a willingness to let go of how things must happen, you will begin to discover that everything happens much more easily.
To desire a certain outcome can simply lead in these times to frustration as the ego wants to be right. The ego needs to prove a point, the ego nature is still attempting to in all things prove that it has the right way, and yet more and more the ways of right are not necessarily demonstrating themselves to be the ways of joy.
For what the mind would avow is right is not necessarily the outcome that was desired.
So getting very clear within yourself what is the desired outcome, and then holding intentions within yourself energetically, that this outcome that you desire can come about in a simple, easy, comfortable manner. Rather than this is what must happen
Allowing it to occur in a way that brings the highest good, the greatest joy and the most positive outcome for all concerned.
And being open to being guided in ways that will test you . Do you trust Spirit? For, saying that you do means nothing if you do not.
For Spirit would not be fooled,as the games of the mind have played in this place where people were not paying attention because of their greed or their need or their passions, and now it is to discover that the mind can not fool Spirit.
And the ways, the ploys, the manipulations of how things have been will no longer serve.
So getting in a hurry and wanting things to get on with it, or being angry or frustrated because you had an idea of timing, and so to surrender those ways of being, to forgive, to compassionately understand and appreciate what you are discovering in those that you are seeing.
The paths and patterns of energy are changing and shifting, and so to accomplish more and yet to do less.
And the mind says if I don't do enough certainly I do not deserve.
And to surrender that.
For that is a belief system of the illusion that what you deserve is earned by what you do.
And God does not make gifts and rewards based on works in the physical world. God reads the heart.
God sees the soul's understanding. And God is not impressed by the whiles of the mind.
God is not fooled by the ploys that have been implemented in the human world . God has been most impressed with how humanity has played this game , certainly .
And so every thought that you have, every breath that you take, every concept, every surrender or not is simply observed by I AM.
So saying that things are a certain way if you do not understand it or if you do not trust it is simply a point of observation for I AM.
For God does not say if you said it so  than that is truth. God simply waits until you are connected more deeply with yourself, more in alignment in love. For the gifts that you have, the things that belongs to you are right at the tips of your fingers, just beyond the veil of your disbelief .
And they will be there for they are not going anywhere .
But it is, they will not be given just because you want them.
And the mind like a child very often wants to whine about the unfairness of the situation, because the world game has been based on the parent's approval and being given gifts because you did what the parent wanted. And God is not a man.
And God approves of all, in love.
And God has forever , and truth in these times is so do you.
For as the time space continuum has changed so dramatically in the shifts that are going on . You will find that you have all the time there isn't .
You have the ability to achieve whatever you desire, and you have the time to bring it about.
Because this is all an illusion, and it is you have the time that doesn't exist.
And death is no longer a necessary limitation.
It has always been a plot that have been  woven into the limitations of this illusions. But it is no longer a necessary limitation.
And so you're not running out of time.
Feel the frustration in the center of your being and surrender .
Feel the desperate need to get on with things to push and surrender.
Feel the letting go and realize that as you truly let go, that things move so much easier, and very often things move when they have not moved at all because in the energy of these times the harder you try the more you can stop things from occurring .
An opportunity for you to begin to implement the understandings that you can create differently and achieve an outcome that will really please you. And it isn't about what others would do, for the mind will still want to say and they can limit my good.
And the truth of it is if you are willing to have your good then it will come.
And the mind gets so focused on only one way , there is only one way that this can come about, only one way that my good can be with me, only one way, and that dams the flow.
But if your intention is to receive the good, to achieve the good, to be in a place of fulfillment then you will as you surrender allow yourself to be shown in new ways .
Love is the most amazing guide that any mind can have in this time of the journey , for love will show you clearly , truly, powerfully the way that things can be accomplished differently.
Attempting to achieve things in the same way and calling it new is simply an exercise in frustration, for you can not solve old problems in the same place where they began.
This is a spiritual test that you have assigned yourself.
Are you paying attention?
It looks like just another game of the world but it isn't because you're different.
Nothing that you will achieve, nothing that you will persue is going to be in the same place that it has always been before, because you are not in the same place that you have always been before.
And so this requires a very different approach . It requires, not only thinking about it but feeling it.
And feeling it is not thinking about it.
For you can not feel in your mind.
The mind simply is not equipped to deal with feeling,  the mind can have emotional reactivation,
Feeling is a higher octave and the mind tends to operate primarily in dense physical matter.
Even if the mind is brilliant.
So this is a test.
Are you willing to allow your good no matter what , are you willing to allow the very best good for all no matter what?
Are you willing to forgive attempting to make things happen in your timing and allow them to come about in divine timing ?
They would come much quicker  in the essence and energy of these times when you are not attempting to make them happen.
Spirit moves with lightning speed.
So as you are willing to step out of the way , then things can come about that are waiting that can not move at all until you do step out of the way .

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Surrender is about letting go of everything you believe you can not live without.
In order to discover that everything is available to you when you surrender.
And to consider what is surrender.
Because you can not do it.
It is a process of letting go on energetic levels that can not be done by the mind.
In fact the mind can get very frustrated with the process, because the mind wants to do - separation,
Rather than to allow - integration.
And so, changing in every aspect.
And forgiving the impatience because after all you have chosen to be in this place a spiritual master having a human experience, not the other way around.
And as you remember you are indeed a spiritual master.
the ability to be more peaceful with the changes that are occurring will allow you to discover what you really desire right where you are.
Surrender is a gift that cannot be shared with anyone else .
And yet, as you make surrender, you give the gift of what you discover to everyone.
Power in the changing times .
And yet a different perspective than you have known before.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


The Power within you is your capability, as divine creative master to bring about whatever
you desire.
Your capability and it involves how you flow with the energy of allowing.
The old order has been completely about control.
I decide that I want something. I make an enforced march to get it, and I will make it happen.
Those are the elements of the old order. And yet it is that in these times. much more I'm joyously
enthusiastic about what I desire. I hold my focused intention on that, and I'm willing to allow
myself to bring it about, and therefore in that openess you will be shown exactly what is required, exactly what is necessary. You will be directed, because you're open to divine directive.
As you move more and more into the power of your own capability, to create the life you desire.
In the name of love, there is a sense of relaxation, peacefulness, a great sense of allowing that
everything you desire is coming about, and you don't have to know exactly how.
The old order said, but I have to know, I've got to know in order that I can direct things.
And as you are clear what you desire, and put your focus into it, that you will be shown the way.
And very often the way that would bring about what you really desire is amazing.
You would have never thought of going that way.
To bring about the understanding of your own personal power, it requires the attention, in love, of how you would your intentions for the ongoing of your life.
And that means as much as possible every moment of every day you keep your focus on joyful things, you keep your intention on what you really desire - happiness.
rather than giving over to desires or depression that you always hold your attention and intention on higher level of consciousness.
Worry, fear, doubt, anger, frustration have been the tools of the game of separation, and certainly have held humanity in the old way. But it is as you would look at yourself, and feel into your solar plexus, then it is you will begin to clearly understand whether you are moving in the direction you desire, or
whether you are holding yourself away from the things you would have, the outcomes that would please you.
And when you are working with others, the power is the balance for the highest good of all concerned always. And the ego wants to run in, for the highest good of all may mean I don't get what I desire.
For the highest good of all concerned will bring positive outcomes to everyone involved, and in that
moment the ego may look at the situation and say I have lost.
But in the ongoing, as a bit of time passes there becomes more and more the ability to see.
Oh yes, this is indeed for the highest good of all concerned.
Cause very often what humanity thinks is teh only way something can work, is not.
And therefore if they would use their logic, they would miss the greater reward.
The highest good of all concerned.
It opens the gateway so that everyone can benefit. And that is reclamation of Power.
The energy of the use of Power is a flexibility in love.
Where the old order was very rigid, it has to be this way or I will not be pleased.
The new understanding is so about the Love.
First being in love with yourself. Allowing that love to flow out into the world as a magnetic
attraction of everything that you would desire to have.
And Love is so attractive, it literally invites the most wonderful things to be in your life and it
allows you to live in divine order.
As you hold your intention, the focus, this is in divine order. Then it is as you speak those words into your affairs, over your body, around your relationships, then it is more and more the things you
desire are occurring in divine order.
Disease, whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual does not abide when things are in divine order, so to say it, to feel the essence of energy of how it works in your life.
It is very powerful.
One of the greatest challenges, and this is one of the most powerful understanding, that as you would
accept everything is in divine order, it is also true that it changes how you are. As you own it, it brings you up and over old limitations that you have been with. It frees you from a lot of painful judgements.
It is a great time for all to know you are 100 % response-able for everything that occurs in your
life. That means you have the capability of creating your life exactly as you desire it.
And no one outside of you has the right or the capability to prevent you from having the life you desire.
If things are not going the way you would have them, then it is to examine within yourself; where
am I angry, afraid, where is my faith weak, what am I doing to prevent myself from allowing and accepting it. It isn't just allowing, it is the acceptance, the willing to accept the good as it comes.
Because if there is fear, and very often it is the fear of the good that humanity comes to.
The logic may say, what fool would be afraid of the good? And yet eons of time, humanity has
put so much energy into being separate from God.
Now that is time to realign with that good, there is almost as much fear in the realignment, and
the responsibility of being realigned as was in the beginning when the ego began to pull humanity
out of that alignment with the good.
There is doubt, fear; what if I'm not strong enough to do this?
There are judgements about others, which become distractions. Well I know that i am doing what I'm supposed to, but look what they are doing, and they are not going to prevent you from your
accomplishments, unless you give them the power.
And to know it is entirely up to you.
When you allow things to be for the highest good of all concerned, then you are directed in a very sweet way, that will assist you to accomplish everything you desire.
It is that in those accomplishments you can feel such a deep sense of satisfaction, because there's not
only the satisfaction of I've achieved of what I desire, but there is also a satisfaction, and I am so at-one, so connected with I AM.
I feel the connection, and every time you pay attention, that connection is strengthened again.
And every time that you would listen within yourself for divine guidance, that connection is strengthened again. It's like a double blessing. As you would listen within yourself for the guidance, it makes you feel safe, but it also empowers you to achieve the very things you desire the most.


To look within to find the love means that before you enter the sanctuary, your inner self, you are required to take off the battle armor, to lay down your weapons.
You are required to enter into the holy temple of yourself just as you would enter any sacred place.
So, anything that is not about love would be left outside of the door.
For when you enter into your sacred space in love, it is to honor and respect that temple within you.
The most holy of holies, a place of great reverence, and therefore it requires that you accept that you are that sacred, that you are that holy, that you are loved that much.
So that you can live with it.
So that you can feel it.
So that you can have the courage to maintain that connection.
So that the ego is not saying I had that experience once, but I never had it again.
You don't decide to connect with yourself in love.
It requires letting go of everything that is not about GOD, that is not about love.
Going to find love with anger, resentment, doubt, frustration, conflict on your mind is not going to open the way.
Living peacefully, living peacefully and continuing .
Every time there is an encounter where the energy would say rise up and fight, live peacefully.
Every time the old way confront you with fear, what if it doesn't work, what if I fail, what if I don't prove to the world I'm good enough, what if?
Live peacefully and again and again live peacefully.
And the mind being a good lawyer would constantly be asking questions, how do you believe that you can live peacefully when these people are doing this to you, or those people are not living right or how can you live peacefully when the world is the way it is.
Because you create that world.
And the only way that you can live peacefully is to change your perspective of the world.
Change what you name it.
If the world is a terrible place than you will live in that terrible place, until you are willing to allow your world to become a place of goodness.
And then you will live in a world of peace.
How can "they" do that is a question that the ego asks constantly, to keep the world in separation.
How can they live like that, how can they act that way, why can't they see?
Why can't you?
And if they can see, would they have to see what you see to be acceptable? Or would it be alright they see the world they created?
For when you connect with the love inside of yourself, you're not only begin to be more acceptant of yourself, but you began to be acceptant of others.
They do not do things the way I do.
And it's alright.
They do not live the way I live, and I can love them.
They do not understand with my understanding but it does not mean that they do not have understanding.
The remembrance of the One, of the Unity, of all things in love is what these times on the planet are about.
Unity and Harmony.
Remembering that everyone is a part of the One.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Anything that you hold in your energy, any belief, any idea or concept, any that is just
how it is. Any of those things that you hold, that are not about God, about the Love,
about the understanding, that you are so cared for, that every requirement that you have
will be met if you allow it.
The world is based on fear, and fear needs to amass great amounts of substance.
A master understands that everything that is required is available right now in this moment.
And the egoic mind will scoff at that.
And that is why the world does not see the good that is there available to them, because the ego will
not accept that everything you require is available right at the tips of your fingers in this moment.
Every bit of well being that your body would require is in you.
But it's like a warrior who says rather than to stay and put salve on the wound and take the time to heal.
I am a battler and I must go forth and fight.
And so the warrior runs to the battlefield again.
And the medicine that would heal sits on the table.
And what you require to heal yourself; mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually exist
right where you are.
When you ask the answers may come, but it is not that it has to be hard work or tedious.
The ego creates difficulties in order to make humanity believe they can not have what they require.
When you hold your vision of your finances in difficulty and your intentions are to get rid of a
situation of limit, your focus is constantly on limit.
When you truly are willing to allow yourself to move out of the places of lack. You will forgive
focusing on the lack at all, ever.
Lack would not be a part of the life you live.
And when you forgive the constant attention to lack, then you will begin slowly, perhaps to realize that plenty is with you, that you are no longer held in the prison of not enough.
And when you are willing to forgive going to the battlefield again and again, just because you are a
warrior, rather than taking the time to heal yourself, by paying attention to You.
And the rules of the game of this illusion are set in such a way that those who live by those rules
repeat them constantly.
There is not time to take care of myself, there is not enough. I have so many obligations, there is a limit
here, and a crisis there.
So pay very close attention to where you are putting your attention.
What are you saying about your life?
Because when God said "Let there be light" there was light.
But when man says "there is darkness all around me", constantly the man creates darkness.
Because he has the same ability to create that God did, but his choice is to name it dark rather than light.
So it's a master's choice, that you live in limit, that there is not enough.
Are you willing to make the changes?
Are you willing to name your life different?
And the ego says "I don't see any difference", that does not matter.
Are you willing to have the faith to name your life different until you see the difference, because
you will create it from the inside, and it will manifest in the outer world, not the other way around.
You are powerful creator, you are an amazing manifester.
It's simply that what you are choosing to name in your world is not what you want, but what you don't want.
And you keep naming it that way.
Oh my finances, look at the woe of them, look where they don't work.
Have you taken the time to see where they do work?
Have you considered that if you name them differently with faith, with a powerful intention that you will change everything in your world to a more positive outcome?
But as long as you not only keep naming your finances ill, but you keep finding others who will agree with you that their finances are ill, and that 's just the way the world is, the economy is down, everything is falling apart, look at it, see what the world has.
Yes, focus on that; what you can see, smell, hear, taste, touch, but for God sake don't focus on what you can't see. They might think you're a fool.
There is nothing sweeter to be than a fool for God.
It takes courage to make these changes.
They are something that simply can be thought about, discuss about, put in a draw and forgotten, and then they work.
These are the tools of life.
Are you willing to live it?
It's not a game!
You're coming out of a game.
And the game has been very brutal and very cruel.
Are you willing in the name of love to change the name of the game?
So many will say "I'm tired of this". And yet, again one more time they will rehears all of the words
that have created what they are so tired about.
If you keep saying that your life is a certain way, it is not going to change until you name it different.
And only You can name it different. Because it is your free will. Because it is your masterful capability.
You are so much more powerful than you would dare to acknowledge.
And yet it is the unacknowledged power that you are so tired of, because you keep mistreating with the power because you do not understand it's your own creation.
When humanity hears the words - you create your own reality, the egoic mind says "yea-yea-yea".
But it's true.
You are designed and created in the image and likeness of I AM.
And you were given the tools of creation that I AM uses.
But you have not used them in loving ways, you have used them for self advancement.
And when creation is not designed according to the highest good of all concerned, then it has a tendency to backfire on the creator.
Everything that God has ever created was always for the highest good of the whole.
And the laws that were set in place by the divine are laws that are simply about bringing everything about in love according to the highest good of all concerned.
And the ego says "but how can everyone benefit? I must consider myself first"
There is a vast difference between loving yourself completely and making yourself the first in line in the fear.
It really is not about anything that you can think about.
This is about something that requires application, it must be lived.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Feeling into yourself to find a place where you will allow a clear, positive balanced outcome.
And that you will not attempt to change the answer by making war with time.
To take a deep breath, aah to take a deep breath and allow that you will be led to the most divinely appropriate outcome, and to a point of celebration so that when that outcome has achieved,
you will not only celebrate the joy of the outcome, you will celebrate your own choices for
allowing that outcome to come forth.
A completely different perspective. Not one that the old ways would teach at all.
When you consider that the old ways for such a long time have been out focused, that others
are responsible for your life, that everyone has given their power away.
And now it is time reclaiming self, and when you really are willing the solutions will come
so easily, so clearly, so powerfully, so positively.
And they won't necessarily come immediately.
But they will come in their divinely appropriate time.
And your faith makes such a difference in how and when the very good that you seek will arrive.
And so, the internal contemplation, the being well with self.
Feeling into all that you are.
The being aware, the being there for yourself.
In love you gain dominion over your affairs and your life, and the mind has feared the love,
as though it were a monster lurking to jump in and devour all that the mind has accomplished.
And yet, the love is what you are.
It is that of which you were created, it is that from which all have been made.
And in these times of remembering, it is a great part of the homecoming that will allow you to experience that great sense of inner peace that will allow you in more clearly to walk along the way that is new and yet it is so ancient. That is why it appears to be  new.
To honor your desire, and to be well with that.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


To take life lighter.
To allow more joy would be absolutely wonderful for you.
As long as you stay very clear, very aligned with yourself, that what you are involved with is not
a distraction from what you are about in these times.
The constant consistent requirement of being faithful to yourself, feeling within yourself.
Am I here for myself, am I present in this moment?
For joy enlightens the life.
It illuminates the internal places, it brings greater sense of peace.
The ways of the world are allure. They call the mind aside, they call for things that are not
always of the highest purpose.
And it is to constantly seek within self; am I being faithful to myself, true, clear, honest.
And it takes great courage to be honest, to be there for yourself.
To really feel into the energy of the choices you would make, to see are you making your choices right here in this place, or are you making a choice out there in the unknown future with the assumptions
that certain outcomes will occur.
For you have frustrated yourself greatly, by making those choices, where you make the choice out
there in the unknown. But where you are saying this would be the outcome. And it moves to
prove that is not at all the outcome.
And so, the attention to where you are energetically with yourself, no matter what choice
you would make now.
For every choice that you make becomes a wonderful opportunity for knowing who you are
even more grandly. And if you are not present with yourself, you will not achieve what you desired,
because the unknown future will always remain unknown.
And choices made to manipulate the future very often become exercises in futility.
Great frustrations to those who believed that they could recreate the future where they stand.


Live the love and love is not abandonment of self,
for truth is as you remember your mastery, you can only love another as well as you
understand to love yourself.
So discount of self in the name of loving others is an imbalance that creates after time
a disease within a psyche.
The changing times.
The mind says how do I make the changes?
You don't make them, you allow them.
Every aspect in your life that brings a feeling, an energy, a thought of conflict or battle
requires to be forgiven and to be healed.
Because if you're going to make something happen, that implies force.
And force means that something is not being considered.
As you allow, it is a point of surrender that opens you up.
I'm willing to be shown a new way.
I'm willing to be directed in a new direction.
I'm willing to accept the changes and seek within them the seeds of my new becoming.
You can not run your changes with your mind.
The mind in many ways wants to keep going back to the old understanding, and you are
moving rapidly into quantum energy.
Love without a condition, not just romantic love or possessive love,
not just love that says if you really loved me you would fulfill my requirements.
But love that loves without condition.
Consider in every friendship, in every relationship, love loves all the beloved loves thru them.
Love does not attempt to decide what is good for the beloved, who the beloved can befriend,
how anyone else would live their life, but love loves self first with the clarity that says
I love you and I must understand within myself that conditions of my life require that I
take certain steps and I will not forgive my truth for the life of another.
And truth is not an opinion.
Truth is an understanding from the depths of your being, it has an energy that sends a chill
up your spine.
Truth is so empowering, that with the word it can lift you to a new level of awareness, and
then that you would stand with yourself to maintain that level of loving, and allow yourself
to move to a whole new vibrational frequency.
And when it no longer matters, when the illusions of this world are no longer so important.


There is nothing that is as it appears to be in this world.
So the assumptions that have been made for so long; that if someone says the right thing,
does the right thing, looks the right way, comes from the right places that they're probably
someone you can trust.
And now the attention must be on how does it feel.
How does it feel?
For beautiful words can at times clothe a situation in such a way that it does not show
what it is all about.
Simply to stay present with yourself, to feel.
For shifts and changes in the energy that would cause a question.
And in no situation in these times will anything be one way, or the other.
There'll always be a necessity to make the choices for the greatest balance and
the greatest harmony in the situation

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


The world loves excitement.
So the mind is always looking for some new thrill.
Something to stimulate, something to activate, something to motivate.
And yet as you begin to live by connection to Spirit within, the scintillating energy
that flows from the Soul center is far more innovating, exciting, empowering and
elevating than any stimulation that the world might offer.
And Spirit does not abandon you.
If someone is addicted to any worldly situation: drugs, tobacco, alcohol, sexuality,
food...any form of intense stimulation, there is always the necessity at the next encounter
to require more.
Spirit stimulates gently, offers vitality and enthusiasm without burn out.
The revelations are beginning to show the world that Spirit has so much to offer than anything that is outside of Self.
All creation, every tiny bit begins within.
There is never anything that is created outside of Self first.
So the question may be, when something occurs: What have I been thinking about?
What have I been wowing for, affirming for?
What have I been stating in my life again and again?
Whether it would be considered positive or negative, it really does not matter
for God doesn't say "good things - bad things".
God simply says "energy and power, here is an affirmation, therefore I will assist in its outcome"
Divine law will always interact in the situation.
And so, what has been called for is not for the highest good of all concerned, it may neutralize itself in the world.
But it is God never said "you can't ask".
For there is a complete wisdom, a total understanding that the laws that were set in place in the beginning have stood thru out all time irrefutable, because those laws were founded upon the essence of creation that is called Love.
A whole new level of experience, gathering the information of awareness of how to live it.
Change is occurring in this time, because it is time...

Monday, May 13, 2013


When new Souls cross your path, it isn't even to attempt to figure out why they are there
as much as it is to feel into yourself.
What are we exchanging, what is the energy that I have for therm, that they have for I?
For no exchange is one sided.
There is no exchange where one gives so much more than the other.
The exchange is always in some manner equal, even if the intellect can not see it, understand it,
or name it. The exchange is always equal.


Everything about the changes that are going on in your world become a test.
Are you paying attention?
Are you in love with yourself?
Are you living the truth of what you are receiving, or are you relegating it still to the confines
of the intellect to be used at some future point?
You see, living the Spirit is the only way that it will serve you.
The mind says "I have gathered information to me, and when I require to use the information
it will lay dormant". And then the time comes when there is a belief that, that information would be vital and it is brought forth and there is no understanding of what it is about or how it works,
because there was never any experience in it.
So it is the living, the application of the information  that is absolute necessity in these times.
It isn't simply learning new things, but it is applying what is brought to you.
Do you understand?
And the mind says "Oh yes, I understand", but understanding comes from experience.
Therefore if there is no experience, then truly there is no understanding.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


The same mother's love (or father's) you feel in the center of yourself whenever you
would contemplate any situation.
Sending the energy out, very much like a golden net into the Universe, that would
draw back to you everything that is yours.
And this golden net will not draw to you anything that it's not yours.
So if you achieve an outcome and you find the mind questing do I have a right to this, is this the way
it's going to work truly?
The answer is YES.
And the mind may say " in what would I trust, for I trusted the outcomes that I desired, and they did not come".
You trusted how you had set the way, but you did not trust that any way that could be better, easier, clearer could possibly occur.
And so, when things did not occur the way that you trusted, you felt abandoned.
In these times to understand there is no loss in love.
Things will go in direction that the mind did not choose.
But the mind say "I need..."
And the moment that you "need" you close the energetic door to receiving what you require.
God isn't holding it away.
God is simply waiting for you to be open to receive it, to accept it.
And so, to change the way you approach the affairs of the world.
So that you begin to really experience the desired outcomes,
the achievements that you have dreamed about.
Everything is moving along it's divinely appropriate courses.
Trust, for timing is not what it once was, and things are functioning very differently.
You can look at the schisms of the world, and you can see that there are those who are living
in the hell of a world that is falling apart, and there are those who are accomplishing things that would have never believed they could.
So which way is true?
Both of them.
Because the choices of each one direct the path.
So those that are living in the hell of a world that is falling apart are living exactly where
they believe they would be. And those that are living in places where life is greater, stronger, more powerful, sweeter are living exactly the truth of what they believe.
What are your choices?
And make sure that you are not denying the very things you desire by anger, frustration, fear,
desperation. Are you choosing the way that is coming apart, or are you choosing the way of love?
You will feel the difference.
The mind may attempt to direct you away from positive outcome of a world that is created in love, but it is you will feel and know the choice.
You can make it, or you can attempt to follow the same path that all of our brothers and sisters are following that are witnessing the world not working the way they wished it would.
The energy is changing.
The times are changing.
The ways are changing.
And the mind would say "I know that"
But, are you living it?
Are you applying it?
Are you in alignment with it?

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Those who are very connected, very involved in the way life has been lived on this plane,
are finding that how they have determined that life must be is not necessarily coming about.
Many of them are devastated, and many believe if they had lived their life differently,
if they had been better people, if they had done something in another way that all of this
would be different.
God is not a punishing God.
Even though the world has used at that punishment of the parent for so long.
So the events that are occurring upon the world at this time are not something that has been
cast upon humanity by God, but something that has been unconsciously created in the psyche
of the collective.
Disappointment is simply a measure of the loss of control.
And there are many adults of great age with certainly an appearance of great wisdom that are
still within themselves like children who believe that if they have done everything right, there should be certain rewards, and yet by the laws of the world was the measure of righteousness,
not by the way of Spirit.
So these children see themselves as abandoned again one more time.
Much of the disease that is going on the planet today is the out picturing of the punishment that humanity has leveled against itself.
The punishment that people have believed they deserved.
And many even believe that if they punish themselves enough, then they will achieve
what they desire.
Because the punishment would be the price that was necessary to achieve whatever they
were asking for.


It's all about allowing a greater measure of love than you have known
since the beginning of this game.
Powerful, vast, expansive, inclusive, indwelling love.
Love that is so forceful in its magnitude, that it can bring you to tears within
yourself because you have so longed for that sense of beingness.
Now it is yours.
A gift freely given.
Not from one human to another first, but from the returning to the at-onement with God.
And then to experience in God's love, the love of human relationships from a totally new
perspective, from a completely different vantage point than you have observed.
So that you find yourself a changed human.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


To be very clear that the most loving situation is one where each person is an equal.
And yet, the rules if you would for relationships on this planet have basically been; one person will dominate the relationship, and the other person will comply.
And certainly, in the relationships of men and women it has been assumed that the woman who has been held in lesser regard would be the one that would submit.
But in any relationship there is always a balance of masculine and feminine energy.
And it is that the assignment of the weakness to the feminine energy is something that the "old order" is meeting in a very impactive way.
For in many ways woman is stronger , the Goddess energy is more powerful , but it isn't about who is the strongest, who is the weakest. It is about who is willing to be the most in love with themselves.
So that the situation can truly flow, for no one can love another more than than they love themselves.
And yet the world has looked out and said " I must find someone outside of me, to prove that I deserve to be loved".
And that in these times is becoming powerfully disappointing, because the willingness to accept the love, the willingness to allow the situation to be of service; the delight, the joy, the energy of sharing, all of those things that are so important in the loving relationship, simply can not be accepted if the entity is not in love with themselves.
You can not make someone love themselves. No one can love in a relationship enough for both people.
And if that is a belief system, than the relationship becomes a tug of war of one attempting to pull the other across the line.
Come into love!
And the resistant one, holding back in fear, many times because of the very laws that we have expressed; that love is a weakness, there would be a vulnerability and a fear to be taken advantage of.
A loving relationship considers that there are two involved.
And the patriarchal society had for a long time believed that "if I decide this should be a relationship, then it must. And if I decide this is how the relationship must be, then it must".
All of those old systems are breaking down, all of those old ways are coming undone.
And so to really consider feel within yourself  , what is the point? And what is the purpose?.
For need will build a wall, that will prevent One from being where One desires to be with the situation.
A point of acceptance.
Accepts another for who they truly are.


When you contemplate your day while still in bed.
Shall I go there, shall I do that etc
Pay attention to nature
Perhaps you will hear birds signing and it would indicate the answer is yes , and you decide to happily go to that place, meet that person.
Or you may hear the chopper in the background , and the answer to that is to perhaps look at the situation from a higher perspective, and the noise may indicate for you to wait, stay put .
As you begin to pay attention to the guidance of your Spirit, you will definitely begin to experience life in a different way, with outcomes much more to your liking.
This new way of living your life is what you are embracing and creating now , and it will move you to energetic places of amazement beyond your logical mind.
And the petals keep opening.....
Feel it
Live it
Love it
Accept and allow it


I was shown how every human being has a garden.
Instead of attending to it's own, they very often go to other people's gardens only
to point out the flaws.
You have a weed of greed over here.
I see thorns of selfishness over there, mushrooms of secrets in that corner and so on,
rather than when visiting another to dwell on the fruits of their accomplishments,
flowers of their experiences, the scents of their knowledge and so on.
So we want to be in control and tell others what is best for them.
And when One is not present within, One is looking for approval outside of themselves.
You have to meet this person, you need to do that, this is better, that is not for you...
Rather than just say
I am so well with myself that I trust that I will be guided to the most appropriate person,
the best place and situation for mine and their highest good.
What a difference!
A new way!
And this is only the beginning.
Love thy neighbor as thy self is beginning to make sense in these times.
And love thy friend as thyself is a wonderful way to experience that energy more grandly.
I am another You, indeed


Allowing is a free flow of energy that makes no determination on how the future must be.
But allows that future to unfold freely, peacefully and to bring with it the highest and most wonderful good possible.


Consider well yourself.
Consider yourself beloved.
Honor yourself.
Love yourself from within.
For you are now taking steps that are moving you in paths that do not echo with the resolutions of the mind.
You are much more guided along paths that will show you an inner way, that will speak to you of things that have been long forgotten.
The importance of these times is to stay with yourself, to really be clear about You.