Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 Divine essence is available to humanity right now in this moment, still it does not respond to force. Business in the world has become a power trip and a control games and there is more and more frustration because Spirit does not respond to control, to force. Nothing happens, all the guarantees of what will happen if you say this mantra or perform this ritual and many of them are rights of magic, but if you don’t believe in magic and you just believe in control it’s still isn’t going to work even though in ancient times it was very powerful as a tool for manifestation. Humanity has forgotten more than they know about how to be rich, but there’s such a push-pull because of all the psychological programming that has been laid down  by the ego mind, people want to be rich and yet in many ways they’re afraid of what will happen if they are rich. Will there be a price, will there be a punishment? not from God but certainly the rules of the world game have suggested if you don’t do the right thing the right way there will be punishment and there are divine laws that if you defy them there would be repercussions but it isn’t a personalized judgment of God against the individual. Every being on this planet has the same divine potential to be rich, everyone, but the focus has been so on what I don’t have or what I’ve lost, or what they have and why don’t I have just as much as they do. And invariably comes back to the willingness to allow the abundance, the willingness to let the good into your life and the realization that control does not bring abundance, and it doesn’t matter how much big business in industry believe that the power games they’re playing is what makes them wealthy because wealth is not just money. Wealth is feeling whole within yourself, that’s the most important resource of rich is feeling whole within yourself. And that wholeness will indeed assist to achieve the things you desire, but you still can’t control it because the timing is based on so many factors that the human mind, the logical mind simply doesn’t comprehend. Factors that are not about the way the game is played according to logic.

Friday, December 17, 2021


 As humanity has build walls against love and against prosperity, the people of this planet were not created to suffer, and yet there’s a huge amount of focus on suffering. The people of this planet were not created to  be impoverished and yet the energy of where the finite mind goes more often than not is on lack. When people are looking for more money, more often than not the focus is not on being open to greater abundance, it’s about getting rid of the lack. And when the focus is on the lack then that’s what you tend to draw into your life. 

Monday, December 6, 2021


 The dynamics of what humanity is experiencing are very pertinent to all of the technological changes that are going on on the planet because the outer world technology and the inner world technology are beginning to touch. There are those that have believed that technology would take over the Earth and there would be a revelation that there is none and it has never been a creative deity, a divine essence. But the revelation of the blending as human technology is accelerating to a point that if the entity is attempting to keep up with the energy in the world they can’t run fast enough. But if you slow down, if you are receptive then the way of technology can support you in your evolution and consequently allow you to be supportive of others in the evolution. Ain’t nothing what it seems, you look out into the world and it seems as though there is utter destruction and yet very often those who most desire the good are the quietest about it, they don’t feel that they have to beat a drum or shout or point fingers, they simply feel within themselves the passionate desire and clear intention that all would be well, and that all would benefit from the changes. The very fact that the good, the momentum of those who are holding energetic intentions for the planet to go in a positive direction, the good motivated that suddenly the timing was divinely appropriate that the bill that would assist a lot of people in this country passed. And those that would want to delay to interfere to block the good for all, they are quite upset that the good managed to circumvent the negative. So honoring that there  are so many guarding the light and listening within and discovering more and more who they are and how the connection to the Divine feels. So there is hope because there is love and love will always remain far more powerful than the darkness.

Friday, November 26, 2021


 Humanity is using the dream time to release old habits and patterns from many lifetimes, choices, pursuits, even judgements that have caused a whole race of people to very slowly forget that they are directly connected to the divine, and it is that connection that truly can assist in making this a wonderful life on the physical plane, or a chaotic, upsetting, tempestuous time. But people are releasing through their dreams wild and crazy energies, things that make no sense whatsoever to the logical mind.

Monday, October 4, 2021


 Divine timing still operates as divine timing. The mind says I’ve got it. the mind says I feel it , the mind says I know, but Spirit looks for certain energy signatures that the mind can not fake. And so the mind making decisions that it’s ready and that it knows, it’s prepared but Divine observes and watches for the energy to move into an established pattern and then things will begin to come about.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 In the new way of viewing life the need to know is really not all that important because what logic says was the need to know was simply attempting to find ways to be in control. Control is the product of the physical world. And Spirit has no necessity for it. So the mind may want to spend a great deal of time figuring out how to be in control when being in control ,is not necessary or important to achieve what you really desire. And yet achieve it you can and will but it’s different because Spirit doesn’t have any necessity for hard work.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 Allow the openings to allow yourself to be embraced by Spirit and energetically directed along new pathways. And it isn’t about how much I will let go off and what I will hold on to, it really is about surrender and being open to being new. And that deeply frightens the logical mind because it wants to know what will happen, where are things going, what will I do, where will I be, and those questions are a part of the limits that humanity has lived, not nearly so much a part of where things will now go, but things of the old way that really do require to be forgiven to accept change without wanting to make a bargain about how much change I will allow and then I want what I want. So it definitely an opportunity for new freedom, but freedom isn’t how I control things, freedom is my ability to embrace all that I am and recognize I am indeed so much more than I have known for ever.

Monday, August 2, 2021


 The logical mind does not have connection to wisdom. the wisdom lies within self and only as the mind is blended to the inner understanding will you begin to discover who you really are. And logic may say “well I think I found it” but it isn’t really about thought that’s going to open the way. So it’s a whole new level of awareness of education, of understanding. Humanity has changed and still changing and all of that is waiting for each individual to come to a point of decision that they are willing to let go of everything they believe they could not live without in order to discover it all. And the mind says “but there’s got to be a way that I can keep what I’ve got and get what belongs to me” And this is not about loss because in God there is no loss. Simply when you genuinely are willing to let go of everything then what no longer serves you will pass away, but what will bring a greater life, new wisdom and understanding that will be revealed  as yours and it will be so amazing.

Monday, July 12, 2021


 So much of the ability to heal is contingent on their willingness to heal, because one of the major shifts in energy that’s happening on the planet is humanity has been basically thought that healing is done to you, and it is really becoming more and more dependent on is the individual willing to accept the healing because there can be the greatest healers, the most ancient wisdom , the finest of facilities and even the greatest of ancient magic if you would. And it still depends on the willingness to accept the healing. How much one is willing not just to heal but to embrace the changes that the healing brings. And that’s where so many people will actually step back is they desire the opportunity to be well, they desire to have a comfortable life or to have an adventurous life, whatever but it is that the bottom line is if you’re going to really be well you get to let go of how you believe life is, who you have been and those changes create a lot of fear to the ego mind, and so it is that consideration is the biggest factor actually, because as things are moving on the planet and the movement really is going toward the ability to step into being the masters that humanity was created to be, to live in a higher frequency and it’s available to everyone, but so many don’t understand, they don’t remember, they don’t want to know, they don’t care, and so the opportunities are presented to all, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that a lot of people will be receptive right now in this time. And so healing of the physical, the mental, the emotional bodies also requires the embrace of Spirit. Surrendering to Spirit. 

Friday, June 18, 2021


 For the rush, the push to get everyone vaccinated and yet so little consideration in outcomes that have not been considered. To control the population has been the way for all the lifetimes. Those who want to be in positions of power want to keep those that they want control sick, uneducated, sad, lonely, impoverished and yet create an illusion that they are the saviors and they are the ones that are doing good for the downtrodden. The whole idea that there is a necessity to keep humanity believing it is downtrodden is a question that as things are changing on the planet as revelation is causing people to really look within then suddenly there are deeper levels of awareness that just because someone tells you they’re saving you doesn’t mean they are. And yet there are people who have allowed themselves to believe that they really have been saved by a dictator, by a tyrant, by someone who has an agenda something to prove, and when the mind does the planning a lot of times it doesn’t consider a lot of subtle nuances. and so there are arrogant determinations of how things could be, should be, would be all over the planet, there are those that would wish to do away with democracy and there are those who would take ridiculous risks to preserve democracy. And yet the answers ,the clear answers for the highest good of all concerned really exist within each individual within, not out in the world, not by some action outside of selves or reaction but feeling that courageous necessity to make wise choices even though sometimes those choices seem incredibly difficult. And so it is that the things that have been going on for lifetimes are simply being made more obvious than ever. And as they become progressively so much clearer that no one can say “I don’t see that”. And in this point in time there are still many people that are refusing to see what’s going on right in front of them because they have spent so many lifetimes looking the other way. In order for humanity to make evolution that had to be a clearer understanding of what it is to be a physical being, and so a number of lifetimes, thousand lifetimes humanity has spent and some many more than that in that process living as a physical human, and all of the challenges that come from being a physical being, but the people of Earth have lived it so long that they refuse to believe that there is any other way. And so these times are opening the way so that people can experience within themselves, remember when you actually knew who you were, and you weren’t trying to figure it out outside of yourself and people knew that the purpose was a spiritually oriented situation rather than something that made them look good before the outer world population. All of those things that have been the foundations of judgement for lifetimes must now be recognized and forgiven, because no one is more right than anyone else and no one is more wrong than anyone else, but the way that each soul goes about the becoming really has a powerful influence how things will be for that being in the future. What’s always been there suddenly it’s becoming blatantly obvious. And yet it’s still isn’t time for the major evolution because there are still too many that still believe in the old ways of being.

Friday, May 28, 2021


 The political arena is turning into a circus. And it certainly provides a distraction that can keep people looking away from what’s important. They look out into the world and they look at what some politician may or may not do. but they don’t take in the consideration that one man or a group of people can not change the world because free will says everyone still has a right to choice, and even if the choices that certain politicians are making are good choices it isn’t about forcing the whole to comply to their idea. So who runs for office and what they’re going to accomplish from my perspective and what I see is the Earth is calling humanity to come home and look within. Come home and feel yourself and be in touch with your own energy and desires, not just what you think should happen in the outer world but what is your loving desired attention for your own life because focus on the outer world has kept humanity separate from their best and finest part. And so it is vital, it is absolutely necessary that humanity begin to honor that the answers really do lie within. The answers aren’t out there. It isn’t finding the right person to do it for us it’s about finding us.

Monday, May 17, 2021


 The old ways are becoming more passé each day. And humanity is so determined to keep,doing things the old ways, and it’s nit healthy, it’s not changing because the old ways are becoming more antiquated each moment. Even the address of the medical profession can get so far behind because of how many people are not feeling well, that you’re being treated for something that may no longer be an issue or that there have been changes energetically in the basics, and the doctor may be treating you for something that really is no longer a factor ecause you have moved forward, you have advanced, you have changed.

Monday, April 12, 2021


 The intellect is a knowledge gatherer, but only functions well when it’s blended with the wisdom of the Divine. And the ego mind  has wanted to deny that connection. So the intellect throws the word understanding around “oh yes, I understand that”, but until the mind is willing to surrender to the partnership to the Divine, the mind still doesn’t have the understanding to move into the higher frequencies that are becoming more readily available to humanity everywhere in these times.

Sunday, April 11, 2021


 The logical mind basically has emphasized “you are here to help them”, which is way the illusion has been such an easy sell because the ego mind has a tendency to present it as something that is “if you do enough good you earn your own well being, if you give enough away then others will give to you”. And the ego has through out time taken the truth of the divine and twisted it just enough that it still seems true, and yet if you follow the intellectual understanding it would with each action take you a little further from yourself. So all of humanity is being called to a whole new levels of healing and this remembering of who you really are to love, to value to appreciate to honor yourself which the intellect, the game of knowledge has really advise against. And people are afraid they will be arrogant, but arrogance really stems from the fear “I’m not good enough” and so the ego may admonish against arrogance and yet it will put humanity further towards the feelings of separation that caused that fear I’m not good enough.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Being in control has been virtually worshipped on the planet. It’s touted as a great strength, and yet control is one of the greatest limitation that humanity has dealt with in all the lifetimes of the illusion.

Saturday, March 20, 2021


 Divine intervention is an energy that binds you to the divine, rather than something that gets rid of issues and problems and complaints that life in the outer world simply perpetuates. Letting go is an extremely challenging situation for much of humanity because for lifetimes it operated from the intellect. The mind and it’s ideas the what to do, how to do it, where to do it, when to do it, all of those things have been such an imperative and now it’s about letting them go; it’s about trust; it’s about trusting yourself and trusting it’s connection with the divine. Trust, faith it works better than any pill, any medicine, any thing that the medical profession could come up with, it is very simple and yet it is so far beyond the keen of understanding of the finite mind that the mind simply says “impossible, it can’t happen, I want someone to do something, tell me what to do” and the whole energy of doing is in many ways out of focus resistanc.

Monday, March 8, 2021


 This time on the planet, this time of self discovery really is a time where things can not be controlled. Nothing is as it appears to be. And who you are becoming isn’t necessarily all together clear because you’re in a process, and the mind wants to know where is it going and what’s going to happen and what is it going to look like, and yet the truth is you can’t turn the corner till you arrive at the corner. The ego would say “life has entirely too much waiting involved” because the ego wants to get on to the next thing. But a lot of times the waiting is a part of the education. Just learning to wait. And have faith that the divinely appropriate outcome will be with you when it’s time.

Sunday, March 7, 2021


 Those that are learning to connect within themselves may put an energetic bookmark on a situation. Spirit show me the way, and then maintain an energetic openness so that when it’s time the answer will present itself to them . And when it is the answer that will support them in their ongoing it will recognizable as truth. All truth is truth but not all truth is available in this moment because if people aren’t ready for a new perspective then truth as they would call it really doesn’t mean much to them. They want to be told the same answers that they’ve always gotten even if those answers are not and perhaps never were the answers. This illusion has lived in separation and many eons of time before it, but it is as thugs are being called to blend, to become whole then the remembering that nothing is really separate from anything else. Life is fascinating, life is exquisite, life is intriguing and there’s so much more to experience than there has been in so long that humanity has no grasp, no memory of a lot of these things have gone before, but not in so long that the finite mind would remember them at all.

Saturday, February 20, 2021


The changes that are occurring in each person, the changes that are occurring out in the world, all of those changes are redirecting humanity, redirecting life as it has been known and so much that has been taken for granted for such a very long time is now being called to be re-examined, reconsidered, opening up to more. Opening up to more and letting go of limitations that have simply been accepted as so for such a very long time but living beyond what you have known. Recognizing yourself as beyond what you have been thought to believe. The changes go so deep and call each one to live much more aware, much more clearer, much more present now in this time. The energetic shifts moving into a higher frequency and allowing it to unfold because if you’re living somewhere you’ve never been then there can be a lot of realization that the rules by which you have lived for so long do not necessarily apply to the new place where you now are. So being aware, being clear, being comfortable, checking things out within rather than going to the logical mind and saying “Is this real” and because the logical mind has functioned in illusion for such a very long time, there’s a lot of things that the logical mind wouldn’t know if it’s real or not. So the answers lay within, and what you live out in the world starts within you, created by what you think about, what you believe in, by what you’re afraid of, what you have faith in. The more you listen within for the answers, the more that you realize that what you discovering in the outer world is a product of where your attention has gone the most.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 The energetics are affecting everyone but they’re not affecting everyone alike because there are so many different dynamics in the human condition. So being comfortable with the changes, it isn’t even necessarily attempting to figure out what is going on because the energy that is changing now is not something that the finite mind is really clear about or connected to. So patience with the changes , and the mind says “what can I do about it” when the mind hears nothing, there’s a great deal of frustration because for lifetimes it has been that the mind says “you got to do something about this” And you immediately begin to think and calculate then you come up with something that you can do and make and maybe it works then you say “ah I did the right thing” but it isn’t so much the doing as it is the discipline of allowing, allowing yourself to be peaceful. and the ego says “but I got to take care of myself” Caring for yourself does not necessarily mean that you’re going to be in jeopardy or that you can’t function as you forgive trying to function the way you always have, it will get easier and easier to function differently.The mind says “fight to take care of yourself, fight to get well, fight to overcome” and in all honesty it takes a lot more courage and a lot more strength to wait and listen especially since the logical mind is saying “we can’t wait, you can’t wait” and yet the discipline of waiting can show you a comfort they you really have not known in lifetimes, and the patience to allow things to unfold rather than making an instantaneous judgement about what’s going on or what isn’t, and trying to fix it without being clear if it even requires to be fixed. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


 The need to do something about what’s going on is causing a lot of pain and a lot of conflict in the world, because people really have occupied themselves for lifetimes attempting to figure out what to do to make things change out there. But the changes don’t start out there. they start within and so it brings us back to surrender. Surrendering the pain and the cause of the pain. And one doesn’t need to know what the cause of the pain is because it isn’t about the intellectual mind finding out what’s going on and making a plan. it is about letting go of control. Letting go again and again of control. because control hurts, and the more the energy is pouring into the planet that is about expansion  then it is one reason the master book says “You can not put new wine in old wine skins”. because the new wine expands m, and if you pour it into old places that are resistant that don’t have a lot of flexibility then the new wines splits the old wine skins. And humanity is indeed in a process of growth and expansion. And yes there is more pain on the planet than perhaps it has ever been before because there are multitudinous humans who are required to let go of control. And the idea of winning is a control game. The idea of  vesting the opposition, the idea of coming on top, not that Spirit wouldn’t see every human being expand beyond where they have been. but it’s changing the perspective, changing the attitude, changing the ideas. So surrender at every turn. letting go, and the mind says “what am I letting go here” And you’re not even required to know. The willingness to release the grip on what has been begins to ease The more you surrender the less you holding on to . So the more you surrender the less it hurts.

Monday, January 25, 2021


 All of humanity has turned a corner as planet moved into the aquarian age. And the energy has shifted and people notice that things really are feeling different. And the finite mind even wants to figure out and calculate and see if it can be clear how long this strange feelings are going to be there before we get back to where we were. But the call in these times is to move forward not to go back.