Sunday, December 20, 2015


Those that are accustomed of saying how things will be and having them be that way are required to sit with themselves and discover how self determine they are. And the fact that self determination propels things forward in a much slower time, but now that kind of force, that kind of push can simply put a great monkey wrench in the cosmic works, and things don't move much at all. And the mind doesn't understand it. The mind hears the words and then wants to dismiss them, "I don't get it" so it can't be real. But what is passing was never real. And what is moving into place is real. And humanity has not lived real in thousands of years. You have been very carefully instructed that dreams are an illusion. And dreams are the stuff of which the future is designed. So they are potential reality. And how the mind has defined things is beginning to reveal itself in business, in the monetary system, in religious institutions, in every facet where the control of the intellect has been the factor that has made the planet work. It's all slowing down and coming to a holt. 

Friday, December 18, 2015


Men have been very accustomed to seeing a woman as a possession. And wanting them to fill a nitch that the man has in mind for them. And as the Goddess is emerging, women are masters, they are equals and they're very intuitive. So are men, but they don't always pay attention to it. Women are more likely to listen to gut level instinct. Men have been so accustomed to desperate women, needing their presence so badly that the woman will throw her life, her future and everything else away just to have a man, and if he shows her attention and appreciation, then they will lay down their life for them. And even that is beginning to change. Because it's an energy that no longer serves the world. As women walk as equals with men there would be a profound energetic shift for a much higher level of consciousness.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


The changes that are occurring now are pulling the planet more and more toward interdependency. The changes, the divine shift is more and more the energy of the Goddess moving forward, more and more calling for a clarity of appreciation of how to relate. And the blending of the ancient into now. Bringing that divine, that you were in the very beginning into a direct connection with all of the technological shifts that are going on on the planet. And people are required, and many would not agree with this, they're required to be more peaceful rather than more war like. Because the more the planet focuses on fear, the more that you powerfully as creative masters simply magnify fear, rather than the potential for the new Earth which is so wondrous. 
So these changes are causing a shift of consciousness that humanity really can not control. Because control is another factor that can take you to the edge of the higher frequencies, but it can't go there. So as you are being called into higher dimensional understanding, the way that your mind has functioned absolutely is required to shift and change. And that in an of itself has a certain amount of fear because it feels so strange. A lot of people actually believe they're losing their mind. 
If you lose your mind, you'll take charge of your life. And this is what is happening, the mind simply technologically does not function under the old standards any longer. It definitely requires that you think/feel and that you shift your base of thinking operations from the head to the solar plexus. For the new technology operates from the center not from control booth of the mind.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Vulnerability isn't a destructive issue. It actually restores you to a place of power you have not known in so many lifetimes, that it's almost as though you would doubt that such a wonderful potential could even exist. And yet as you honor yourself and you feel the love within you for you, it opens doorways of potential that have been closed for so very long, and it will change your perspective of your life. It will help you to realize your greater capabilities, your greater gifts and talents and even bring you the ability to have the courage to step out and fulfill things that you have wished for, things that you have held back. And the primary limitation generally begins with the words what if? 
What if I was myself and it didn't work? What if I dared to step out and it failed? And what if it didn't fail? And what if you got to realize a whole new capability within you ?