Sunday, September 25, 2016


The necessity of quieting of the energy for the health and the well being, for the peace of the family, it's necessary consideration and the perspective is; if there's peace for any length of time then something has got to be stirred because there is a great difficulty in living quietly.
It is time for some peaceful outcomes.

Saturday, September 24, 2016


The need to be right.
The overwhelming fear of being wrong. 
And all of the prima donnas that are attempting to get their 15 minutes in the sun in a time where revelation is seeking to help humanity remember, it isn't just 15 minutes in the sun and then it's all over. It is a lifetime and then there is more, but impatience is very powerful in humanity, and people have forgotten how to appreciate themselves and others. To appreciate the uniqueness, rather than to fear it.

Friday, September 23, 2016


The children, the child within simply requires a quiet time to come together with themselves. And just constantly keeping them busy is quite difficult for them because they require time just to be.
The expectations, perhaps not even the outer expectations but the expectations that the child would put upon himself or herself, the demands that they may feel are being placed on them even if they're not. 
The children of these times bring in very different energy than even of 30 or 40 years ago. And so they are fine tuned a knots like technologies of these times, they are sensitive, and yes these are times on the planet when things are moving so quickly, everything is going so fast, and the changes are happening almost quicker than anyone can assimilate. 
The children still require time to just be children.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


You can not make the knowing that something will work well. It is simply something that your intuition brings you when it is time, and therefore to say "this is what you do to make things work" not really. But to feel it within you, to allow things to change within you. And in time there will be a validation of all that you require. And the ego mind may say "I don't have time for that" and if you do not have time for that it probably isn't time. 
Wanting something to work, having a desire for it to come about and then trying to make something happen outside of you before the readiness occurs inside that is a complication of the old order. So when you feel things are definitely coming together then it is time. And if you don't feel it, the attempt to make something happen probably isn't going to have the desired outcome. Because make it happen is not the essence and energy that functions the most powerfully in these times. 
And a lot of times, you can try to make something happen, and it may appear that it really has and things begin to reveal themselves as not really working as you thought they might. So wanting something to happen then to make a ritual for your desires and to ask for the clarity and the direction that will assist you and to bring about the things that you are looking to create. And then if it isn't time it still won't come together. Timing is everything. And the impatience of the mortal mind to get things to happen was definitely a part of the illusion that is denying accessibility to many things, and creating a great deal of frustration. Because more than ever people want things to happen when they want them to, and that is not going to be the way.

Saturday, September 10, 2016


The politic of the world and the conflict of those who want to be in power, and yet the power that humanity has known for so long was never really powerful, and there is a consistent weakening of energy now. 
All of the power games that have been played on the planet are bringing together those whose ideas and concepts very often are not altogether in integrity. And there can be a lot of finger pointing who is in the least in integrity, and yet if one really pays attention to the energy; it is if you took the candidates and you shook them up, you wouldn't be able to tell parts of one from the parts of another.

Friday, September 9, 2016


Power for the sake of power has been the foundation of conflict on the planet. 
What man has called power, very often is a misconception. So understanding, feeling within yourself, recognizing what really empowers you, because the ego mind has turned to money and said "money is power". But money is simply a symbol of power, and truly when you're willing to be empowered it isn't always about money.
Money can in a moment buy you something that you think will improve your ongoing. But the truth of it is that thinking is not always the total honest truth. 
So what you create on the inside, what you bring about from within that is going to show you power that you possess, power that belongs to you, power that can avail you of many wonderful things. And it is, it will not set you up to feel that power is with you and then take it away from you, where the intellectual designs of power very often can lead men down the primrose path.