Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Humanity really desires freedom, but the logical mind prevents the awareness that freedom already belongs to you. It’s the ownership of that freedom it’s the willingness to live free rather than keep trying to be free.
Trying is an energy that is trying. When you can forgive trying then you begin to really experience that energetic connection within yourself.
When you stop trying to have an experience then you can have it.

Monday, April 13, 2020


The more that you can allow yourself to be like water, not emotional but with a very strong capability to flow with what life brings, and as you flow through the events and circumstances of life, then it is things become clearer and as they become clearer as you feel clarity, then it is that helps you to really experience life with much greater ease. because when you can see beyond the limits and blockages that the logical mind would create, then it is everything moves so much easier, more peaceful and you see beyond the limitations those that are locked into the outer connection alone will experience because that outer connection is truly ruled by the logical mind, and the logical mind is very limited in its perspective. If humanity were willing in these times to feel beyond the emotional reactivation that this dual pandemic of both financial crisis and of the toxicity of the virus, they would feel that all of this is moving to a much better, much more balanced, much more positive and healthy way of being on the planet. But so much of the old residuals really do have to be removed, and as people are being called to simply be with themselves and it’s such a novelty “to be with myself”, “to be alone” to not keep creating outer distractions, rather than dealing with the inner connection to self where there’s so much wisdom and so many answers are available. So it is that these changes as you allow yourself to just flow with them, because worry projects outward, but it also makes monsters because it always goes to all the what if that more than likely will never even occur. And humanity is so afraid of having bad experiences and yet that’s where they focus. Because when you don’t want a bad experience what humanity does is focus on stopping, blocking, escaping the negative experiences.
To really get well with all that’s happening. It is really important to allow yourself the healing, the empowerment and yes that inner connection definitely puts you in a higher frequency.