Monday, July 28, 2014


A lot of times you have to deal with the ego by calling its attention away from the point so that you can actually get to the point.
Telling others what you have heard is not nearly as successful as offering what you have experienced. The greatest teachers always teach from experience. They teach what they have experienced in their own life, and with the clarity that having that experience was not necessarily easy. Because there has been a desire in the world game to make things appear easy. When they're a lot easier if they're not presented as overly easy because that leaves to disappointment, people are looking for things to be just too easy. And then they can't even appreciate them.


The laws of the Divine were created in such a way that when it is time the most magnificent outcomes would be there. Because even though humanity has often doubted it, God's greatest and most sincere intention is that the creation would have the very best of everything. The greatest good.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Putting the energy out there, or to say it a different way "send your faith out ahead of you" and allow your faith to begin to open the way, so that you can actually accomplish what you have dreamed about. And as you send your faith ahead of you and you allow yourself to be shown this step and this one and this one, people that have had the experience, people that are desirous of accomplishing similar situations and allowing it to just unfold. Not to push because the ego wants to move things into "old timing". And time has changed so dynamically, it is operating so differently that there really is no rush, and the truth of it is you couldn't rush it if you wanted to because the way time is functioning now; when it's time it happens, when it isn't it doesn't.
And people can literally, physically, mentally, emotionally hurt themselves attempting to push things forward, manipulating by old patterns only to find that it simply becomes progressively more frustrating. Patience is a very big piece of mastery, and patience has not been something that the world has learned a lot about. The teachers have not been all together patient and therefore they did not necessarily see that patience had a great deal of value, they would teach; push, force, determination to make things happen but to really understand that in this now and here is where feeling plays such a huge part. feeling the timing, and being so clear with yourself that you can be absolutely assured it is just fine.
Learning to live based more on faith than on how you must do it to accomplish because when you can live on faith and the logical practical mind say you can't live on faith, which is exactly why humanity doesn't because they have been assured through out lifetime "you can't live on faith, faith won't pay the bills". But when you trust your own capabilities, then having faith in yourself is a monumental step toward accomplishing what you truly would desire to bring about. So that necessity to understand how to live with a clear connection with yourself as much of the time you can possibly maintain it.
It's not a human condition to maintain that steady a faith in yourself all the time when it's new. It's like building a muscle. But the more that you can then it is the more you will actually discover the keys that would move you forward are right there inside of you. And you may be absolutely amazed to find that the answers that you been looking for out there have been waiting right where you are, right inside of you.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


There are substances that are in the food that are not always all together agreeable with the human physicality, but much of the fear base that people are experiencing and so often it is a nameless, faceless fear. It isn't something that you could even say "and this is why I'm afraid, or I've been concerned about this" but just suddenly there is fear.
What is it?
If you can name fear, then it ceases to be fear, it becomes some named issue, and once you have a name for it, it is not all together easy but certainly more manageable then if you don't have a name for the fear. And so this nameless, faceless fear that is coming up on the planet in all honesty has much more to do with positive things than it does with negative things. The ego is so disturbed about the fact that people are beginning to feel, move closer and closer to a potential that would allow them to have a better life. And the ego has wanted to be in control of all of that for so very long. The fear of what if I fully prosper, what if I really do well, what if I begin to be all of the things that I have dreamed about?
And the question that the ego asks is what would happen? What would happen if you allowed yourself to have an experience where you did well, where there was not so much pressure, where you could actually recognize your mastery. What would happen?
And so the fear comes up, and yes because there doesn't seem to be any real root source for it, it becomes very difficult to dispense with and then it leaves. Because the ego gets bored with holding its focus on something that powerful, even though it is a powerful fear that the ego might "lose the battle".
Part of the changes.
To pay attention what you might call an allergic reaction, certainly because there is not a lot of consideration in many ways around what goes into the food supply. Certainly large agriculture companies  have created such an unconsciousness around food for those that have not been educated to consider that food has anything to do with how they might feel or how their life might go, and so knowing that there is that potential can be assistive. But it also can become as the world might say "just a handy place to hang the fear, to get it out of the way" without it being actually attended to at all. So the courage to anticipate greater good. The courage to allow  things in your life to improve. And it isn't about a quick jump forward. The ego literally tends to distract people from allowing a greater good because the ego is looking for a huge jump forward. And yet most people couldn't deal with that kind of abundance coming so quickly. So, gentle progress. Subtle improvement, but as you pay attention, consistent evolution.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


When you dream the dream instead of dreaming money.
You open the gate for not only for the money to come but for the dream to be fulfilled.  But when you use the money as a point of reference for the potential, then very often you shot the door because the energy focus is moving toward the money and abandoning, abandoning the dream. So to get very clear that when you discover what you really came here to create when you allow yourself to fully experience what you wrote in your soul script, it will be so amazingly fulfilling. It will be absolutely what you been looking for, and in that respect you will definitely know this is it, this is what I have been seeking, and yes it will bring prosperity but it will bring the whole situation in a place of so much greater ease because when someone discovers what they came for, what they are here for , then it's enlightenment.
And there is a sense of peaceful acceptance of allowance that brings it all to an outcome that the finite mind would probably have never even considered.
Being open to the fulfillment of the dream rather than just the earning of , and so often the statement would be by the ego "enough to get by". And many have gotten "enough to get by" And it is proven to be wholly unsatisfactory.
So moving forward, yes it may require a time of discovering, accepting, allowing, moving forward, but as your focus is on your dream, what you genuinely desire to accomplish more than just making some money you will find the whole thing comes together more quickly, far more satisfactorily with a much greater fulfillment. Learning to function in a whole new energy pattern.

Monday, July 21, 2014


Learning to live by faith.
When everything that illusion has thought is "faith is a wonderful thing, but" and it's bringing yourself to a point where you do not make a qualification about faith that you do not set it aside when things are difficult, when it seems really important that you would set faith aside, and that is the time that people require faith the most.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


This is the time to get really excited about who you are and what you are becoming.
Really excited about your own capabilities and remembering no matter what, when that nameless faceless fear comes up, stay with yourself, stay with yourself, move into the fear, don't attempt to avoid it by moving on to something else, stay with yourself. Be with yourself and be absolutely amazed at the revelations that will come to you, that will change your life. It isn't really so much where you are when the breakthrough comes as that wherever you are you are with you when the breakthrough comes. Because that is what will bring the satisfactory outcome. That you are with you. And feel it.
Feel the joy, feel the thrill, feel the excitement, feel the passion. Feel your power.
Feel your power, the ego is going to convince you that you are not powerful, and this is a test of your power. To own your strength.

Friday, July 18, 2014


It isn't just "I want to change"
but it is that deep release mechanism within self that says " I am now willing to change"
and so it is time for that consideration that you are more willing to make the changes that you have been looking for, then you have been up to this point in time.