Monday, December 3, 2018


You can't see exactly where things in your life are going, and yet it's very important that you have faith that it's well, and having faith that it's well doesn't mean you do nothing, it's simply means that you trust your own processes. It is an opening to a whole new way of being, of creating life, of living in the new age, it is somewhat different than anything you've known before. And yet if you stop and feel into it there may be a sense of deja vu, that you've experienced this, that you've known this, you've done this before, you just can not remember exactly when.
So to care for yourself, to negotiate your affairs and to create it all within this school of life where the curriculum is presenting a totally different course of action. And just because it is strange, different, perhaps some ways feeling unknown, some ways feeling familiar. It's still something that requires your presence because it is your life. Being with you. Energetically being there for yourself and remembering that curriculum of this school of life is becoming spiritual adults. Living more clearly, powerfully in alignment for that which gives you a better, more powerful life, a clearer sense of your direction and the embrace of the newness of all of it without condemning the fact that it isn't like the old way, because it won't go back. There are a lot of people waiting for life to get back what it was. And they really do not understand life isn't going back. It isn't going back to the good old days when people liked what was happening, but it is moving forward to something far greater if there is patience.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Have a plan. That's what the logical mind says and does, but the planning more and more in these times requires flexibility.
"I offer this consideration and Spirit I desire to be shown what is appropriate".
"How can this further my life? I feel this is what I desire. Spirit show me the way that will serve me the best".
Everything requires patience, and humanity hasn't really been educated to patience.
So there is tremendous amount of frustration because the logical mind says "I want to do this now I want these changes now". And unless the gate of time is aligned with that particular idea, thought or concept coming about now, then it probably won't move very much.

Friday, November 23, 2018


The sense of exhaustion is something that is very prevalent on the planet.
People are still attempting to use the energy they always have, and it's heavy. The old way is hard work, it is! And to attempt to create things in that energy becomes more and more exhausting.
Trying to get rid of something that you don't want is also an old energy and it can be very exhausting.
The intellect says "I'm tired of feeling this way" and humans simply do not realize what their affirmations (words are powerful) what their affirmations bring about. "I'm tired of these experiences. I'm tired of feeling bad, I'm tired" and one is feeling it, one may not be saying the words out loud but if one is feeling them, then one is creating that energy. And so to utilize a "power nap" to allow oneself to sleep for 20-30 minutes, and many times that will give a boost that can assist going about ones affairs, and it also gives the body an opportunity to heal somewhat because sleep is a magnificent healer.
And so to utilize the energy in a more comfortable way allows the frustration that really takes a lot of energy, anger, fear, conflict, worry all take a tremendous amount of energy.
Attending to what you feel, what you say, the emotions that is experiencing, being very clear that that is necessitating changes. It's all got to be different.

Sunday, October 21, 2018


One of the things humanity is being required to learn, and it is a challenging lesson is that money is not the solution for everything. "If I had the money", there are millions of people around the world that find themselves in situations that seem impossible, and yet the importance of these times is that they remember that everything they require is with them when they can stop overlooking it by looking out into the world looking for they don't believe they have.
It's interesting to talk about the mysteries, it's intriguing until the requirement to understand them becomes an imperative. And then logic says "the mysteries are an interesting past time when nothing else is compelling my life", and yet the wisdom of the mysteries lies within you.
The changes on the planet are so much about the energy of what humanity is becoming, and the attempt to cling to what has been really is an exercise in futility.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Woman is coming into her own place. which is equality. But because the patriarchy has been designed in the consideration that men are the power. And a woman of power is disturbing. Then it is that the adaptation to being with, living with, walking with a woman who is an equal rather than a subordinate in many instances that is quite a new situation, and therefore it definitely requires adjustment. But relationship is relationship and it requires that the people involved allow themselves, yes be involved. And not standing on the edge of life just watching things happen.

Monday, September 10, 2018


Humanity desires power, and love is the most powerful of all the feelings because it's directly related to creative source. But as much as people want power they also fear it. And that has created such a dichotomy thruout time of desiring to be powerful, and yet wanting to be just powerful enough to be in control without being too powerful and losing control.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


There is not a great deal that any human being can do about these changes, because they are global, they are energetic, and they can present themselves as a lot of different things that could be interpreted by the finite mind as something really terrible. And yet they are actually changes of acceleration in energy moving forward and making positive shifts. But the ego mind doesn't take kindly to them. The ego is very afraid of anything that feels different.
Feeling of just not having enough energy to accomplish things is really about how you are using the energy, and the mind says "tell me what to do and I'll do it", but it isn't altogether a doing, it really is where are you bringing the energy to conduct your life affairs, where are you bringing it so that you can utilize it. If you bring it from the solar plexus, the soul center then the energy feels lighter, easier it is much more sustainable, it is more comfortable. And it is that in that you can get a lot more accomplished. But the emotions that are involved in these changes still are very much connected to the "old order", to the order of doing. And when things don't work then the mind wants battle strategies, it wants to fight it. So the easier you are with yourself.
The more resistant that anyone is to these changes unfortunately the more uncomfortable it becomes because when you let go then things begin to flow. And so much of what is happening in all of these changes is the release of old matter, old emotions, old ideas, old concepts, old needs that are connected to lifetimes that one can't even remember. So to take it easy and ease into things.

Monday, July 23, 2018


Desperation and deadlines are ways that the ego mind complicates human affairs to the point that things that could work don't. Because that intellectual need to get there first, to be the first one to accomplish, to have the best idea, to beat the opposition. And all of these things, even though logic has dismissed them for such a long time, all of these things are becoming more and more vitally important to where global affairs will move now.

Thursday, May 31, 2018


In the scheme of logical reasoning, which is becoming progressively more and more a limitation to humanity, because it operates in a such a closed circuit. The energy of the age of Aquarius is going to really open things, it already is open things up more and more so that humans have a much broader concept of their own capabilities without all the lusting for power “I’m better than they are, I’m smarter then they are, I’m richer than they are, I do it better than they” which has denied a lot of opportunity for expansion. So as the energy is shifting people are going to notice feelings much more expanded. It is going to help people to appreciate that years are simply a modus operandi of the logical mind away to count time.

Sunday, May 6, 2018


The old way of being has been reaction.
And anywhere you look on the planet you can see people living reactively.
People that want to make war, people that love a good fight, people that enjoy the pain of others,
“If I’m going to suffer, then others are going to suffer with I “. And that has been a standard of the illusion. But that just keeps the pain going, it doesn’t heal it. As you allow it to heal within you, then it begins to change what you are broadcasting into the world, because as you make positive changes within yourself, energetically you do change the world, you really make a difference.
The healing you make within yourself flows out into the world and though it may be subtle, though it may seem so small that it’s not worthy. The changes that you make influence the collective consciousness. The old idea of “I’ve got a concept of how to go out and change the world” that has never been particulary well received because it’s the nature of human being not to particulary want to be told what to do, simply because you are created with free will. And the illusion hasn’t honored that. To really experience the feeling of loving and appreciating self allows you to know yourself better and it also helps you focus on the things that are important.
Practicallity says “the focus is on how do I get money?” No. The truth of it, the focus is on living a safe comfortable secure life, because that’s what you really desire, and in actuality money can’t buy that. Money can provide things, but if there is not a sense of settledness, of peacefulness,  of clarity within yourself then all the money in the world isn’t going to make you feel safe.
So to get clear what you really desire because more often than not when the truth finally emerges, what people were looking for was something entrenscic that could not possibly be purchased. And in the willingness to have that life where you are loved and cared for, in the willingness to have that so many things that you desire, that you really hadn’t thought about, not only begin to occur to you but they also begin to come into your life

Saturday, April 28, 2018


Having ideas and opinions at this point in time it’s one of the most prevalent conditions on the planet.
But needing to have people accept the ideas and opinions that very often simply creates war.
Getting well with self within, feeling good about what you’re finding your self to be and being amazed as you honor yourself, as you accept who you are others will also.
Oneness doesn’t mean everybody has the same idea, oneness means that all appreciate and value the considerations of others.
And when life is lived peacefully it changes the very structure of yourself.

Friday, April 20, 2018


Doing is an energy of conflict
Doing moves forward very often without a great deal of consideration of the outcome.
“I got to do this, this is what has to be done now” but masters considers the outcome of the actions before taking them, rather than acting in haste and repenting in leisure.
To really consider within self, when you think it’s logical, what is happening in the feeling center?
Because gut level instinct may be seeking to get your attention, what you thought was logical and practical is simply an attempt to stay small.
What practicality represented supposedly was security and now that isn’t necessarily altogether the truth. Many people are giving their power away in the hopes of being secure, and yet you can’t buy security. Oh the security companies will tell you you can, but even if you have guards and alarms and all manner of protections, if you still don’t feel safe you’re not really secure.

Saturday, April 14, 2018


What humanity has called love has in many ways been nothing but control games.
Because people have been so afraid to let anyone else know them “what would they think? What would they say if they knew who I am?
And so often those fears and those judgements are based on a sense of being less than worthy, a sense of being less than enough.

Sunday, April 8, 2018


Growth is not always the most comfortable of phases and yet what it brings you is wondrous new things, new life, new energy, new essence, new understanding.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Worry is the highest form of negative creation because it focuses so emotionally on what you don’t want. It isn’t “I dare have a negative thought” that would be virtually impossible because it isn’t the nature of the human condition to be so perfectly balanced that nothing changes.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


One of the challenges that men are experiencing is the forgiveness of their addiction to conflict,
to love a good war, to love a good fight, to really enjoy vesting others, being superior, and certainly it is in the spotlight around the world, and leaders of countries preen and prance upon the stage of the world. But it’s everywhere and even the idea that if you aren’t a fighter there’s something wrong with you, if you are not engaged in some kind of conflict you must be weak.
So healing that necessity that has been demanded by the logical mind “prove you are strong, prove you are smart, prove it” and yet how can you? Because proof is only valuable if someone agrees. So you can have a lot of people agree that you are intelligent, that you are wise, but it also makes the ego quite vulnerable to anyone saying something that isn’t pleasant or complimentary or kind.
So even the most powerful of warriors are feeling a susceptibility to what Shakespeare called “the slings and arrows of fickle fate”.

Monday, February 19, 2018


When you trust others to have the ability to make the changes that are necessary and important for themselves, then the power of your own faith begins to expand incrementally so that you begin to discover that when you trust, when you trust others, when you trust yourself, when you trust God, life expands again.
Every level that you pass through you see more, you feel more. Every change that you accept brings about another level of awareness and expansion.
You’re changing and growing, others are changing and growing. The old way said “The healer is supposed to make them well”, but as revelation moves in on the planet the healer is a guide a companion who understands “I can give you information but I can not do this for you”.
And it actually frees the healer from worrying have I done enough, have I done it right, have I given enough.

Monday, February 12, 2018


Humanity is beginning to find that free will is really important. And the ego mind completely disdain the idea of free will. Control has been all about telling everyone what to do, telling them how to live their life, telling them they couldn’t possibly make choices for themselves, and now free will is moving in so that people begin to realize power giveaway is not necessarily protection, and people have been willing to pay to be safe with their own personal power, only to find that if they give their power away they’re not safe at all.
The ego wants to step in and take over, step in and take control, and it really doesn’t matter who has the reigns of power over others, it’s not an appropriate situation. These times are about every human being remembering “I am a divine creative master”, and how they will learn that is as different as all the cells in the body. Every human being has the ability to be amazingly powerful in a very gentle way. Control is not gentle, it can be insidious but it isn’t gentle. And control has utter disregard for the desires and intentions of another human being. The ego mind can convince a person that their ideas are the only way and if others do not live by their considerations, then those that they love, those they care about can be in great danger. But these times are, especially for the children, because the children that have been born over the last 40 years are souls the have come to assist the planet in making these changes, they see things differently, and as it has always been from one generation to another there is the conflict over who’s right. Every generation comes at looks at the next generation and says “there are things that my parents have thought me that I would never follow” but there are also as the child matures “things my parents have thought me that I would continue to live by”
And these times are revealing how the old ways can be tempered so that they can blend with the new. Some of the old simply can not be, and some of the new is yet untried.

Sunday, February 11, 2018


Everything is in such a state of flux. People feel it, they really feel it, they feel there is almost like a strangeness in the air. Nothing feels as it once did, because everything is changing, and where it’s going to go because at this point in time a lot of translation from everything being considered completely physical, mental, emotional to adding equasion of the power of Spirit into the whole thing. And people can appear to be very ill physically, mentally, emotionally and then suddenly everything goes in a different direction. People can appear to be losing everything they’ve had and then suddenly the fortunes shift, and positives flow in where the mind would be absolutely sure there is nothing but negative. It is to really consider, just observing, learning from what you see-feel and being absolutely amazed at how different things can turn out to be then what they appear.


When humanity functioned on the idea that everything was black and white, logic and practicality it’s rather this way or that way, and people simply believed that they had one choice, they said yes or they said no. Power games, frustrations, needing to control , needing to say how things must be, all of those issues can certainly tip the scale, so that the outcome can be positive or it can be a very difficult situation.
Everyone on the planet is stepping into unknown territory now because as Spirit moves in and begins to become a focal point, rather than just the logical practical mind. Spirit begins to change how things look, how they feel. Things are not altogether what they appear to be. It looks as though it’s going one direction, and then suddenly revelation points to the fact that it actually was moving in a very different way. So this is a point where patience is vital, and the desire, the intention for the highest good is a point of reference that is absolutely necessary now.

Saturday, February 10, 2018


The power struggles that occur on the ball in this time are actually excessively limited.
The price of taking power, of trying to get it, that price is amazingly difficult. The price of attempting to gain power from another human being. And in the power plays no one is going to win, and the determination that someone must win is actually a part of what’s holding everything back.
So just stand back and allow things to emerge. Look with your inner eyes. Feel the situation intuitively because the mind goes so quickly to war games. And then there is blindness, because in conflict no one sees clearly, and in conflict no one can heal. Determination can become stubbornness and resistance.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


The intellectual mind has operated in a certain manner for eons of time, and people have become accustomed to at least attempting to function in those patterns today, but those patterns that have been  the norm for so long are changing dynamically. And the ego mind is very determined to do what it wishes, so it will push forward quite frequently instead of simply waiting, patience. And the mind may actually even say “it’s difficult to have to wait”, as you focus on your dreams, your desires, on your own well being, deep, deep cleansing from many many lifetimes in the illusion. Forgiving the pain, the judgement, the distress that the illusion has held over humanity, and consistently calling for, and allowing a deeper level of healing. Not trying to make it happen, but simply asking and allowing the healing to come about. And you will begin to notice the changes, and it is to be sure that you don’t fall into old patterns and simply allow the ego mind to dismiss the changes when you notice them. Because the logical mind is very good at saying “did I really experience that? Did that really happened? It was probably nothing, and more than likely it wasn’t really important”.
So pay attention to the things that you experience that get your attention. Even pay attention to where the ego mind is quick to warn you away from something you’ve noticed. The idea of these changes that are occurring, it isn’t coming from logic actually, it’s coming from the fact that it’s time on the planet for humanity to make these changes. And you can assist in the changes coming about if you are willing to be patient, and assistive, and attentive.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


Patience is being comfortable enough within yourself to trust that when it is time for things to come together in any given situation, it is that you will recognize it, you will be put on notice, you will be shown the way. Patience isn’t attempting to find the right way to make things work. Patience is being energetically open so that when the key is put in the lock, and you are actually shown the next step, you will recognize “this is the next step”, and you will be able to take it.
Patience from an intellectual point of view can give you a headache, it can give you a pain across the back of your neck and shoulders, it can cause discomfort anywhere in the physical body because patience requires that you be still, not that you do nothing but that you are poised so as the time comes for things to come together you actually can recognize it’s time.
Patience is the willingness to let the natural course of things to flow. If you are trying to be patient, if you need to be patient, if patience is wearing thin, then the patience isn’t quite what you wanted it to be. The more patience you allow in your life, the more you practice patience, the more that you will find patience is very comfortable, it isn’t a lack of accomplishment, it’s a different way of accomplishment, it’s a way that can bring answers that the logical mind would totally overlook in its haste to get things moving. So to really know that patience is a virtue, and making things happen quickly is in many ways a device tha the ego has created that prevents things from happening because  if there’s impatience, there’s a need for things to go faster, then there really energetically is a pushing back against the flow of what you’re looking for to come to you.
Patience feels good.
Impatience on the other hand can be quite challenging.
Believing that you’re being patient, when you just can’t wait for things to go a certain way, and a lot of times that will actually be a cue that you are being impatient, that you just don’t want to wait.
To really feel, and as you are willing to feel you can actually begin to experience deeper levels of exactly what patience feels like, what it brings you, what it gives you, what it shows you.
It really is not a nebulous concept, it’s actually a very powerful standard to live by.
So to discover patience and as you are seeking to find what patience really is you may find that the ego mind gets very impatient about you looking for patience, because if nothing else the ego mind functions in control. And a lot of the impatience of these times is simply that the ego doesn’t want people to take the time to really sort the energies out, because in the process they might begin to notice how the ego creates limitation.

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Healing is not something that is done to someone, no matter how it’s obtained. It is something that in the desire, in the passion of the one who is seeking healing there is a willingness to participate in the healing. So when someone just wants to have a drug, something outside of themselves that will give an illusion of healing then you can say that works , but if there is a desire for healing then personal participation, not just in for example taking a drug but also being willing to utilize the magiK of one’s own healing ability.