Thursday, June 19, 2014


The logical, practical mind was set in place after the fall from grace.
So the mind has always functioned in the limitation of illusion. And now that the illusions are passing away how that mind functioned is literally as antiquated as one of the very first computers. Which would have no compatibility with the electronics, the technology of these times. So seeking to operate in this high tech energy as everything is changing with that old technology of the mind, and it throws everything askew. Nothing seems to function. And waiting for it to pass by is simply and exercise in futility. Because it isn't going to pass by, it is changing, you are changing, everything is changing. And the ego can rush around madly attempting to find a way to disprove all of this but it doesn't have the information, oh it can get on a computer and it can look up all kinds of technology but there's a limited grasp of how that functions, because the finite mind dismissing the element of Spirit, which is now becoming a very definite factor. It hasn't been for a long time, there has been a lot of talk in religion, but religion in of itself is a creation of the finite mind. And therefore even religion is requiring to integrate with the new technology.
So feeling the fear of change is a rather natural situation and a thing that is not understood in a place where you are unfamiliar, but very often the greatest fear for the mind is that it doesn't understand and that it can't comprehend and it fears failure. And as you let go of the old ways, it will make a space for new understanding which is waiting right where you are to assist you not only to remember the ancient magik, but to comprehend clearly how to put it into effect in these times how it can serve you. And the old magik is so powerful that it can not be abused as the mind has wanted to abuse energy in the illusion. The old magik is so powerful that if you attempt to use it inappropriately it simply returns to you. It requires to be respected. And one of the things that has occurred in the illusion there has been a loss of respect for self, for others. The cunning of the ego has created a belief that vail and subterfuge of cheating others, of doing inappropriate things and getting away with it is a proof of brilliance. But that old energy will not succumb to that, it is far too true. It is far to clear. So what you are now entering into is a merging of the old ways with this new phenomenally modern technology which functions much more in Spirit, but not so much in realms of mind.
Mind guided by Spirit. Understanding coming from the depths of self, rather than from the head. Looking for the answers intellectually very often in this energy will create a great deal of frustration and that's about all.
And in fear, the mind will seek to dismiss all of this. "It isn't real, it's a lie, it's crazy, it's insane" but it proves itself and that's why we suggest to prove it for yourself because it's real.
It is to come to that place where you do understand it and recognize it, and you have applied it, just to understand how powerful it is how real it is how workable it is, and honestly how simple it is, but it's a whole new way of considering things.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Truth has it's own energy, it has a resonance frequency.
When a truth is told everyone says "aah that's true".
Now, some egoic minds may be quicker than others to start attempting to disprove it, but when a truth is told it carries a frequency that is undeniable.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Honesty in this time it's not only the best policy, it's imperative.
And honesty has not been the way on the planet. There has been a lot of illusion and subterfuge and quite frequently and quite determinately a lot of lies have been told.
So to be honest even if it feels frightening to be honest because this is another step on the masters way. Learning to live as a master every moment of every day, faithful and true to yourself, therefore being able to be faithful and true to others. In the illusion being faithful to self meant us or them.
In mastery being faithful to self open gateways of understanding that will show you how being faithful to others is really created the most clearly by being faithful to yourself, and feeling capable of being there in the situation to bring about the most powerful , divinely appropriated outcome again, again and again. And those who have lived in the illusion so long will say "magic" and yes it certainly feels that way, but it's quite real.


The energy on the planet is changing and nothing seems to function exactly as it did.
Things don't really look that different, and yet it is beginning to really change.
And as the energy shifts, yes things will begin to look different, but what those in the business world are experiencing more and more is how the old ways of planning, of making choices in business of conducting affairs, how those things simply do not have the outcome that once was, that you could look at it and consider it and make this choice and this choice would bring you to a prescribed outcome, you would have a pretty good idea what things would going to do where they would go and now it does not necessarily operate that way.
 Everything in quantum physics operates on a curve. And truly everything on the planet has always operated on a curve, but in the illusion that was not so noticeable. Now that curve of energy affects how the finite minds plans will outcome. So making a choice and expecting to come out at point A  and finding that perhaps you come out at point C or D and not really understanding how in the world you got there, because the mind is so accustomed to making a choice and believing in the outcome without paying a great deal of attention to how that might come about. So being present with yourself in the choices and actually attending to where the energy moves because if you pay attention you can feel it, and as you feel it you can begin to recognize where the differentiations can occur.
And the positive outcomes that humanity would look for are actually more available than ever.
There is a greater potential for good that there has been on the planet in eons of time, but it can't be achieved by striving, by hard work, by force, by making it happen, it can not be controlled.
It can be allowed, and learning those subtle nuances, it's a bit like learning how to steer the ship differently, that you just don't turn the wheel in great motion that oft times the slightest adjustments of energy the slightest change in a thought can move the course so far away from what you thought you're going to achieve that it makes all the difference in the world.
And the logical, practical mind might wave its hand and say "that's quantum physics, I'm operating in a logical, practical world". You are on the planet and more and more quantum physics is the way.
It becomes if you would the guiding force, the directive much more that the mental realms, it is the realms of energy and Spirit. It is to really pay attention to where you are putting your focus when you make a choice. And not only in this moment where you are putting the focus but now, and when you consider this choice again, where is your energy, because each subtle consideration can move that choice away from its goal or toward it. It really is that your thoughts have much more influence on the outcome of your life than physical action and activity do now. And that seems very weird to people. Because they're doing the things they've always done. And the outcomes are not measuring. "What did I do wrong? "
It's simply attempting to operate in an old energy is not going to bring the same outcome that it did before.