Sunday, November 13, 2016


After the election the masses are looking for another conflict. It's as though the whole world has experienced a psychotic event. And yes, things have got to change.
But neither one of the candidates, nor the vice presidential candidates, none of it is going to please the people because the people have allowed their addiction to the conflict to be the most important thing. And so now that it's over, those that were simply enjoying feeding of the energy of the battle are going to be desperate because they don't have any distractions, and while the destructions were going on, the necessity to really deal with oneself has been moving into play. And people are quite distressed about the idea of having to deal with themselves. As long as is there all of this conflict going on, there can be the distractions of deciding who's good who's bad, who's right who's wrong.
After the election a lot of people absolutely do not have any idea what to do with themselves. People that have relied on drugs to get them thru have been using the energy of conflict as their drug of choice for over a year now. And a lot of people are hooked on it. And this is going to be an issue; people that have gotten so involved in the political race, and now that it's over they believe they'll just go back to business as usual, or a life as it was. And in the meantime life has gone somewhere else. Everyone is going to be called within themselves to really get clear who am I inside? And where do I desire my life to go?
Not where do I want you to make me go, or what do I want you to do for me so that I can have what I want, because that's where the mind is. So many people are looking outward.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Humanity has come to such a point of crisis, of demands and expectations and belief systems putting power in the hands of someone else, which has been the game of politics, even the game of business for a long time, but it is the challenge now is; humanity really doesn't require to be governed. It is for people to really find within the depths of themselves, the capability, the clarity, the integrity to make choices that will begin to bring this planet to a completely different energy space. One of the most challenging things of these times, this is a planet of human beings, and the presidents, the leaders of countries, the kings, the rulers, the pope have all been put on pedestals "God put them in office", not really.
Until people begin to get clear that the necessity where things are going is all about interdependence of people, not any one idea, religion, philosophy this is how it's done, that has been done over and over and over on the planet, and it isn't about who is going to tell us what to do the children say. So many black people have been highly disappointed because they were absolutely sure if Obama got into office, he would elevate the black race to a place where no one would question them. And now they're all angry because that didn't happen. But he couldn't change them, and people who really focus on their own oppression no matter what race, what culture, what country, people that focus on their own oppression people that see themselves as victims are going to continue to create that for themselves until they forgive it. So people don't like themselves very well right now, and they're looking outside to find that spark of something that they can say "that feels good, yes that's the way things should go, that's what should happen here". But it isn't, none of it at this point in time in the whole long line of months of this building political conflict, none of it has been of any kind of spiritual wisdom, any kind of clear realization of something bigger than the power of money. Because money has been  installed as the God. And the things that have been done for power, not I am powerful because I remember who I am, but I am powerful because I can frighten, intimidate, I have enough money that I can buy people, I can control things and it all comes down to an empty husk with nothing really of value in it. People possess things, and yet in the changes on the planet the things they possess are really not that satisfactory. It's as though the ego mind has finally come to the place where it's looking around and saying "how many houses can I own? How many television sets? How many computers? How many trips can I make? And why don't I feel pleased with my accomplishments? 
And it all feels old, and tired and empty.