Saturday, December 30, 2017


When money becomes a game it’s much easier to get.
To begin to turn money into a game and those who made a game out of it are seeing themselves taking advantage of people thru this game, and yet Spirit can indeed begin to shift the energy so that prosperity becomes a much easier thing to attain when it is a joyful experience, when it isn’t burdened with all the weights of heavy responsibility of the convolutions of the intellectual mind of figuring out how to get the better of other people in order to prosper. 
The whole monetary system on the planet must “collapse”, change so dynamically that people realize how the game has been played in the illusion for so long literally is no longer workable. All of these men at the top of the pyramid are attempting to insure that they have so much there with them at the top of the pyramid, but if all the people at the bottom of the pyramid begin to find ways to move out of that position of being at the bottom of the pyramid then the whole global economy begins to shift. 
Those that are so sure as they very carefully relieve the general populace of the world and especially of the United States of their income, it isn’t going to make a better life for anyone, because that is simply going to undermine the foundations, and so these crypto currencies are like a game. And it’s another distraction, and another distraction and another distraction.  There are so many distractions that the ego mind can’t keep attempting to bounce back. Because the mind always wants to take things back to the way they were.
There are technological distractions, political distractions, there are conflict distractions, there are monetary distractions. And then you throw in all the natural distractions called disasters that are rearranging how the affairs of the world function. And humanity is going to be brought to the point where it absolutely is required to return to the understanding and appreciation of faith.
And the logical mind has made faith something that is mythological, it has made Love something that causes men to be weak, it has made the ancient magiK something to be desperately feared and yet all of those things are foundational to the whole thing functioning appropriately. 

Sunday, December 10, 2017


These times bring a lot of confusion for the finite mind, because the finite mind uses confusion as a way of deflecting outcomes that either it doesn’t understand or does not desire. To really consider when there is confusion the ego mind is attempting to step in and cloud issues in the situation.
Clarity comes from center, it comes from Soul, it comes from peace. So,if you are looking for clarity in a situation it truly requires that you would find your own center and listen. Be still, and hear the voice of God that speaks from the soul’s center. God is not going to shout out to get human attention. God speaks quietly. So in order to hear the advice to discover the assistance to recognize divine directive in your life, it is imperative that you take those times of stillness and really allow yourself to seek home within you.

Monday, November 27, 2017


You can’t really change others. But you certainly can make the changes necessary to change yourself.
The ego mind, certainly in these times is working overtime to attempt to create as much desention and conflict as possible. Anger, frustration, jealousy are old emotions that the ego mind has used for control, and now it is still attempting to create these same standards of unrest. When someone is making a judgement, is attempting to create separation, very often they will say things about another that may be untrue, that potentially might be derogatory, and from the outside it might even appear that they are telling the truth, especially if those that are involved are not paying attention. So in this feel within yourself to find the truth of what you’re seeing, because the changes in relationships that are coming energetically out of the shifts in these times, heart opening, but also a remembrance of wounds that have been there thru lifetimes and the necessity that those wounds would be healed.
The depth of changes and what they’re bringing, that’s something to really examine. The ego mind would want to see the step and what the outcome of taking it would be, and Spirit always holds “take the step and be amazed at what you find”, and that creates and is creating conflict for people all over this planet because they want to be told what the outcome of their actions is going to be, “if I do this where will it take me”? And Spirit says “have faith, trust that you are loved, that you are cared for”, and as you take the step not in fear or doubt or even the necessity to escape, but if you take the step seeking the highest and best good for yourself and all that are concerned, then revelation will bring you answers that will show you the way as you are willing to be open to those new levels of understanding.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


The church is indeed scrambling to get people to stay because so many are wanting to just move away, so that necessity to call forth illusions to things that are coming and it is the knowledge is with the church. When the Vatican library is opened, and it will indeed be opened in the not to distant future, and when that occurs the revelations of things that have been  known by the church for so very very long and that will create a great deal of unrest among many people who feel that they should have been informed, they should have been told what the church knew, but that tendency of the ego mind to protect people from the misteries, that is something that is causing the church to tip toe around these subject and approach it with great caution, and still the old attempt to protect what the church knows, to keep the people as uninformed as possible so that the church can maintain control. But that control is slipping all over the planet, the control in any situation where control has been held for eons of time, all of that is changing and so the illusions to things that are coming, suggestion that possibly the tendency to leave the mind to the second coming of christ. The second coming is occurring now. It’s in each individual. The christedness was not something that was offered to one man throughout all of time, that christedness is a part of that heraldry of the new humanity that is coming. To live christed is to live more consciously aware of being a spiritual being. The things that will come are truly already on their way. And it’s stirring a lot of unrest where the logical mind has always said “oh but when the time for ascension comes everyone will feel,so joyful”, and the reason that they would feel joyful is because when that time is fully awakened, it is that that knowledge and awareness within self, that I am loved, I am a part of this, I am not rejected, set aside, left out as as the illusion has done for so long. People will really begin to understand and appreciate that they belong. So the illusions leave a lot to the imagination, but it is the truth humanity is already living a lot of the things that were described in the book of revelation. And at this point in time it looks a lot like hell. But it is that that is not where things are going. This is a time of cleansing, and as things are cleared away everything will be so much easier.

Friday, October 27, 2017


The challenge in this time for anyone is finding peace in the midst of all of this crisis, that calmer everything can be maintained the more peaceful that everyone in any household can be the easier is going to be for everyone, and old conflicts of the need to be right, the righteousness on the planet and how it has accelerated to the point that people can almost become violent and many do about the desperate need to be right. So the calmer things are the better, that each and every individual  truly gets to consider what is going on inside of them, what are their own personal feelings in the midst of all of this stresses and tension that  the outer world is bringing. It is certainly to find  a sense of calm and distressing in whatever way can be the most effective for each and every one. So the calm begins within, and attempting to decide something that “I should do to make this calm” quite frequently only adds to stress, so feeling the calm being almost meditative in going about the affairs of life helps to access that inner space and allow things  to flow much more easily and peacefully and this is one of the greatest challenges of these times is for humanity to actually remember from very ancient times when there was that enate ability to call calm the very magic that the master Jesus sent forth to calm the sea when he was in the boat on the ocean when tempest the storm came up. And so that magic exist, it still it’s there, it’s simply that humanity has gotten so far away that the idea “I personally” the ego mind would say “that I have any influence over things that are peaceful or not” a lot of people would say it’s ridiculous, but the truth is that is vital and necessary for all to remember to call that up, and it isn’t that would be found in the finite mind. It is found in the depth of the soul center which is like a vast storehouse of amazing information that holds the resonant frequency of the magic that allows the concept of the power that can overcome so much of what this time is about. More and more when the idea of doing something  becomes the directive it tends to create more tension then it heals actually

Thursday, September 21, 2017


A lot depends on faith, and to trust that you're cared for actually not only opens doors to protection but it also opens gateways to the inner realms that provide and care for. And the gratitude that comes from being cared for and provided for, that gratitude simply opens the way for more.
It certainly will cause humanity to reevaluate what is worth and what is not. Because so many people on the planet have come to a point where their things mean more than the people in their lives, their things mean more than people around them. And in order for this planet to continue in a wonderful way, it is that humanity truly begins to take in consideration the worth and value of human life.
You are important. You are valuable. You are worthy.
And people have felt so bad about themselves for such a very long time that they have forgotten how it is to feel really valuable. So to feel that within yourself actually acts very much like a magnet that will bring you up and over situations that others may not fare so well.
It isn't necessarily the power of finance any longer nearly so much as it is the power of spiritual connection. And that has nothing to do with religious tenant, because religion is based on mental laws  and it has become so corrupted with the power of finance that a lot is lost. So just to remember you're valued, feel it to recognize it. It isn't about power over, it's about understanding what power really is.
The times may not be as easy as humanity has known it, but as One is willing to be grateful for the experiences knowing that they bring gifts with them, then humanity will discover that there is so very much that will bring a new knowledge, awareness, appreciation of self and what life can offer.
No one can decide where all of this will go simply because the finite mind is not equipped to consider what is happening here. People have chosen to simply say "I don't believe it, I'm told that these things are going to happen, I just don't believe that". And it is their choice, but it doesn't necessarily brings things to a positive solution.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


The frequency of the planet continues to rise. The energy is accelerating as far as the changes that are being brought about by revelation. And if One would read into the prognostications of revelation and what the latter days would bring then certainly there is a lot of similarity to what was predicted during biblical times and what is occurring now. And logic would rush to say "but there have been other global disasters, there have been other times of change", Yes and in each time there were certain factors involved that contributed to the changes. In this time You could say all of the factors that have been discussed are being brought into play. So it isn't, yes here are 1 or 2 things that are similar, now it is and this is happening, and this is happening, and this is happening, all of these things was spoken about as indicators of what has been termed "the end of the world", and it isn't, it really isn't the end of the world, but it certainly is the end of the world both energetically and physically as humanity has known it. And one of the issues people have become so distant from one another that they don't know how to inter-relate. 23rd of September marks the end of an energetic shift, and then the frequency is going to gradually begin to rise more. The mind says "oh it accelerated, it went up to a point and now it would drop off and we can get back to what we were doing". No, the idea of going back to is something that humanity is really going to be required to understand, to appreciate there is no back to go to. And now in the physical world that is being underscored dramatically, there is no back to go to.
Who do you know yourself to be? If you haven't considered it, it definitely will become a consideration. How do you live your life? And a lot of people live their life in a haze of drugs, alcohol, so in snared with addictions that they don't even really now who they are. And to come thru these times is going to require presence.
Change and more change, and people are looking for things to stop. The changes have been amplified and magnified so that people must keep moving forward. They must keep making the changes, they are required to keep considering and who am I in all of this? Rather than "when are they going to fix this"? Now everyone gets to look at how this planet has come to function. And to know it really can be better, and there can be so much more. But the planet was created for everyone to benefit and not only a few.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Humanity's doubt that anything, anything of nature could possibly overcome humanity, the idea has become so strong that humans have dominance over nature, and they really don't. That's why it is best to have a good loving relationship with all things natural.
It is important to really consider a lot of change is coming in the future, a lot of reconsideration of how life will be. When the whole planet is in such chaos, it used to be a hundred years ago that if somewhere in trouble others were there to help them. And now everyone is required to consider that their problems are part of the collective whole, and those that truly from their goodness of their heart would be more than glad to serve, they find themselves in such dramatically dire conditions that they can't serve. And so everyone has to consider within themselves and how may I serve in all of this.
Different, yes and all of the modern technology won't stop what nature can do. It can deem the course what the storms may take but it can't prevent it.
A part of the becoming on the planet is for humanity to remember that this is indeed God's creation. And that people have become so involved in their own ways that they discount the value of what God created. So there is a lot involved in all of this, many levels, many layers. And anger and frustration won't bring any healing at all.

Monday, September 11, 2017


The entitlement that so much of the society all over the planet has come to live in brings about a certain amount of inattentive arrogance about their own personal choices. "Can't tell me what to do".
And it is that could very well be a determining factor what the casualty list would be in natural disaster. Whether people are willing to be cooperative or if they choose to be defiant.
When you're dealing with a bunch of warriors who are being weened away from a war, and a lot of them don't know what to do with themselves if there isn't a battle, so they make war where they are, and all of that is a contributing factor to the incidents of weather related disasters as humans called them, a lot of times what takes away the old is simply making a new space for something that's actually better, but even in that humanity is still required to come to a place where they can see things  and recognize them that way, rather than turning toward the drama of loss, because the impact of the illusion on human psyche has been in most all events the impact of that sense of loss. "What will we lose here?"
These times call each human being to look at what do you hold as the most important things in your life, and everyone is being called to define that, whether they find themeselves in the midst of battle, or in the midst of elemental eier. Everyone is being called to define and what is important? And so many have taken life for granted that when it comes to a point of defining what's important they fall into the confusion of the ego mind. The events keep coming and they keep challenging and they're coming faster and faster and faster and they're happening in so many different places all over the world, so that people all over the world begin to recognize it doesn't matter where something happens , everyone on the planet is affected by it. So many people are addicted to reality shows that they are actually watching this stand off between leaders around the world and deciding which side they're rooting for, rather than realizing this is dead serious business for everyone.
And many are having to make very deep decisions within themselves because how they have conducted their life and affairs has been in many ways just looking away from how their choices would affect the whole. Many on this planet are now feeling the impact of Spirit that says "the choices you make influence everyone". No longer can people on one side of the planet look at what's happening to people on the other side of the planet and simply say "thank God it isn't I" and go on about their business. The collective is being influenced everywhere. And that makes a lot of people angry as though the ego would say "no one asked me if I wanted it this way", and when it comes to spiritual evolution it isn't a vote on whether it would happen or not, it's simply the individual choice of how each one will look at the experiences that are coming to them.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


The elements on the planet are reflecting what is being regurgitated from the emotional make up of humanity, what the collective consciousness is throwing up, and therefore the storms are filled with a lot of the violence that's brewing from the competition of leaders of countries and people have no idea how their emotions powerfully influence everything that's going on on the planet.
There is so much negative emotion and conflict of division in the emotions of all on the planet, and people have no idea how their choices to be defiant and just fight because someone doesn't agree with them are contaminating the emotional make up of the elements on the planet.
The more energy people send to the storms, not in fear, even to try to stop it, but simply to send as much Love as possible, because the love will begin to temper the rage that is driving the storms.
Things are changing, and the more that people come to understand within themselves their petty wars are nothing in comparison to the damage that they're doing to the total, to the whole. It's time for humanity to begin to consider beyond self. For the illusion has been very directed toward making people considerate mostly of themselves, and yet anything that anyone does, says, any anger that they express influences the whole and it drives the storms, the fires, the winds, all of the elements are stirred.

Friday, August 25, 2017


Revelation has finally arrived on the planet.
The logical, practical mind has devised definitions of where things are going, and people have decided that ascension means 'I'm going to get away from the negative forces, I'm going to get away from life as I have known it, I'm going to be able to escape what I have created, karma, the accomplishments as well as limitations of life". Ascension is a process, it isn't a happening, it isn't something that suddenly as it has been presented to the world , a 144 000 out of 7 billion people are going to ascend while the rest of humanity is left to wonder what happened, but it is, the ascension process is spiritual evolution, it is bringing the essence of your true self forward and to realize that every step you take in it is bringing you more clearly into an awareness of yourself that you had no idea existed, the Self that is truly you is the ascending self.
There is no there, ego mind wants a there, that's why this concept that ascension is a there, that the ascension process is something that occurs when you reach a level of achievement when your goodness factor is superior to others and all of this is still founded in the limitations of judgement. Measuring against other people, measuring self better than worse then. The more you align with you true self the more the realization the fact that in Spirit the judgement points of the logical mind really have no place. In Spirit there's no right or wrong, good and bad ceased to really exist as a measure.
The logical mind really tends to distort things simple because if there is too much clarity there is a concern of the mind about losing control.
Ascension is a process of discovery, of awareness, of remembering who you are, because what you were created in the beginning is now potentially so much more. Even though the game of illusion has been a most challenging and often times horrendous experience, it's still has sharpen the abilities and now that humanity is emerging from the fog of separation, the realization that there has been a lot of growth that's occurred during these times when it appeared that perhaps humanity were just getting by or just existing. And the ascension process, even though physically you're standing on the Earth will give you the perspective of an overview, so that you see more clearly as though you're standing on a mountain. So all of these changes are occurring and it is an evolutionary process, it isn't a poof or a flash and suddenly everything is different, partly because the logical practical mind would probably move into insanity, total confusion and inability to cope with a such a broad and vast alteration all at one time. So the process of ascension is gentle so that humanity can bear it.
How the logical mind formulates is the mind interpret things by its own realm of reference. So the consideration that all limitation that humanity has experienced is founded on judgement. Judgement is the basis of limitation. So the ascension process begins to move the mind's operation from the realm of logic and practicality into those places of expanded awareness of revolutionary recognition, the ability to see without eyes, seeing beyond what the physical orbs could register, hearing without ears so that you begin to get the information from the depths of your being as an audio broadcast much more than just hoping to get the information by listening to videos, to CDs, to going to classes, to the way that ear has registered things.
Sensory perception is increasing and some people that had begun that process may actually say "i can't stand the sounds of the planet anymore, they are so loud", but they're not really. It's just that you haven't been accustomed to hearing that clearly, so it isn't actually about volume as much as it is when you begin to get evolutionary broadcast it isn't distorted by the listening with the finite mind.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


To release old things is at the same time to make a space for new things. So in the process of releasing angers, judgements, old issues that have been carried for long time, in that process of releasing, purging you're making a space for a new levels of awareness and understanding and that is not how the finite mind has viewed things because judgement says "you get rid of what no longer serves you". So cleansing yes, but the mind is satisfied that what was there is gone, and there hasn't been a great deal of education, even in realms of metaphysics and certainly not in religion that as you clear old things you make a space for new. It's been spoken about, but here again how the finite mind interprets the teachings is very different in may ways what the actual occurrence is proving to be. And yet there may be an intellectual necessity to fill those spaces with different things, there may be the consideration of not wanting to fill the spaces at all. And so adapting to new patterns of response to the cleansing, to the clearing, to the purging, to the pouring out in order to refill.
Letting go, surrender, forgiving, it isn't about giving up it is about giving over. Relising what was and in the forgiveness process realizing that the bitterness that has so strangled the planet and prevented a lot of wonderful evolutionary process to occur even sooner than now.

Sunday, July 30, 2017


The illusion has been very much about giving power away to others, and the finite mind has been most adept to ways to take power, but masters require to know their own power and appreciate and understand how to use it. So the discovery how to give support without denying them the potential of discovering their own capabilities of healing themselves. So great power, the dominion over your own understanding of truly what is a healing and what is simply doing something for someone, because so many are still wanting someone outside of them to make a healing for them "make me get well, make me heal" and yet it's time for them to understand and appreciate it isn't even appropriate for someone else to make them get well because even though it seems like a grand idea for the ego mind it is a denial of free will. And certainly the ego is taking the advantage of every opportunity it possibly can to encourage people to give their power away to others. It has been the way for very long and now it is that each one remembers their own mastery, they also remember that free will was a gift that was granted when creation was first brought forth. So owning your own power and encouriging others to own their own power actually strengthens, it makes a healer more capable, more competent, more clear within yourself about the outcome of where things are going for particular individual. The encouragement that they would be involved with themselves with their lives because so many are watching life if though it's a movie. They're observing the affairs of this journey as though it was something that belongs to someone else, and it is vital that people begin to put themselves into their own life and feel it, be a part of it. It isn't just about being an observer any longer, it is about actually being active in the affairs of the life and what's going on, what is being created and how it is coming about. And a lot of times as people become more and more involved with their own life, the excitement, the enthusiasm of actually living life improves the health immensely.

Sunday, July 16, 2017


The reason that the dolphins and the whales jump into the air is for the sheer joy of being able to break the connection with gravity, and have that feeling of flying free. 
And then when you add in the fact that it's great exercise then yes it would be wondrous if humans remembered to jump in the air more when they are swimming. And it won't be too long until that will definitely be a potential.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


People are going to be making many different choices. But it's not about making war who is right who is wrong. It is much more about the acceptance that each master experiences revelation in a different way. So to feel powerful about what One is finding, but also to feel a much greater sense of awareness and acceptance within, that not only allows to value oneself but also allows to value others. And as One sits with that and feel it within, it isn't so much you must think about this because the thinking process moves the mind to a point of trying to figure it all out, and a lot of the changes that are coming to pass within are functioning on levels that the mind simply does not comprehend, because these changes are coming from an energy that is not necessarily connected with logic or the thought processes especially as the left brain has attempted to function without a connection to the right brain. The openings within, whole new levels of clarity that are shown to One that literally may feel as though One is being taken into a place that One may not exactly know exactly where it is. But if One really feels it, it is within. It is a deep part of who We truly are. And that opens mystical gateways that have been closed for such a very long time.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


The energy of creation doesn't say "that was a good thing or a bad thing. It just recognizes a requirement for balance, and it steps in to bring a balance. Sometimes someone is done a good work and has disallowed their own reward so to speak. And karma brings a lovely balance. Other times someone has done something highly inappropriate to others and has believed that have totally gotten away with it. But the Universe always knows. So the energy is neutral therefore as the master book says "it rains on the just and on the unjust. Because the energy of Spirit doesn't have sociological programming that makes decision who I like or want to be with. It simply makes completely unconditional choices.

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Remembering has been tossed around metaphysical and spiritual groups of gathering for such a long time. Aah yes, the remembering, but there's not been a great deal of clarity about exactly what that means. Humanity will be finding out there is so much more to that remembering than just an idea that has brushed the edges of the mind, because the remembering is an embrace the mental, physical, emotional being enveloped in the spiritual. And because so much time has passed in the illusion there is much that would feel like a memory and yet it is a download of information to bring you in touch with how much has changed energetically since humanity began to close the doors that allowed constant and consistent access. And now that those affairs come to consciousness as you view them almost as someone who has a project that they're working on and they have stayed with it so long that they have to get up and move away and when they come back they can look at the project "oh there's the solution, it was right in front of me". And these connections to the ancient times are very much like that, that there is memory that cause you to more, more than you have known in such a long time, more than you have believed in many lifetimes.

Friday, May 26, 2017


To understand within that it's important to love yourself. It isn't something that is inappropriate, Religions have thought the inappropriateness of self love because if you really appreciate your value you're uncontrollable.

Saturday, May 20, 2017


The systems around the world are going to be a subject to a great deal of change, because humanity really does not require to be governed in the sense that the control games of those who wish to be in power would keep people in control. But it is the changing on the planet would bring more and more inner realization  to what has been termed "the masses". People will continue to wake up, and yes for a time and a time there would be those who believe they are smarter at playing the game of illusions then others are. And that has always been a challenge for those who want to, so to speak rule the world. As all of this is sorting itself out there may be  some trial and error about systems, but that will encourage and give indeed humanity some time in their own evolution to remember their own capabilities. There probably would always be some war because there are some people that love it more than they love their life. But it is things are indeed making such changes that those who set themselves up as the ones that would say how all will live may find themselves being confined in the prison of their own making. The system is bound to change, especially as the gathering the money of taxes becomes more and more simply an energetic financial smugish board for those who are putting their pocket to the edge of the table. So change yes, the more that humanity allows themselves to simply let go of  making any conflict with the old ways the easier all of this is going to sort itself out.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


There is so much more available to the average human being than they dare even
allow themselves to contemplate, because as much as there is a deep desire to be powerful, the misunderstanding about what power really is creates a certain fear of actually wanting to step into it.
Bring powerful in a way of power over is actually a weakness. Being powerful in the way of the ancient remembering puts you in an energetic field of understanding that allows you to bridge dimensions, to begin to understand the spacial travel that the ego mind is working so hard to build rocket ships to get people to the Moon. The remembering of how to move about from one planet to another from one solar system to another, and it wasn't the time consuming, life enveloping energies because as you understand the truth of magiK then you can in a moment be light years away.

Sunday, May 14, 2017


The experience at the soul leaving the vehicle is something that is not anticipated by the logical mind, because certainly the world makes the passing of death something extremely fearsome, and yet there is such a sense of freedom, very much like the free flight of a bird and it is what is experienced is relishing that sense of freedom, that feeling of being unencumbered. A feeling of freedom without making a great effort about it is one of the most intriguing things that One is experiencing, that sense of just being that the logical mind very often would resist quite vigorously. So One is resting, not necessarily what the world would say resting but the Spirit is calm and with the sense of unfathered belonging. 
Things are changing on the Earth plane, they are also changing in a higher realms. Therefore what has been considered as death really is not so much any longer.
There would be time when Spirit is ready to "study" (not going and sitting in a classroom and having information given that you must remember) but having time to investigate what the energy is about, and the more that One becomes aware of what is happening there, the more that there would be changes of what potentially would be the crystalline form for the next life journey, and it won't be a terribly long time. In the old order people could pass from their vehicle and it would be a 100, 200, 300 years before they would return. In these times when time space continuum is shifting and changing it is that everything moves more quickly.
And a lot is contingent on decision where One desires to spend the next time, and what dreams One has for accomplishment because it would take a very different form than what it did in this journey. 
There is no rush and One has all the time there isn't.

Monday, February 27, 2017


Women will empower many of the changes that man can not,
Simply because of the nature divine feminine.
If a woman is attempting to achieve things as man have it won't work.
But if women allow themselves the power that belongs to them,
that God gave the divine feminine, not to be like a man but how to be
blended. divine masculine, divine feminine. Then women will
bring about many of the changes, and those men who can allow themselves
to embrace that softness will again be avant-garde, leading edge.
Where it is happening so to speak. Because the Earth is required  to balance,
and it has been so out of balance energetically for such a long time.
So the things that bring balance, even karma which is simply a system of
balance. It isn't about retribution it is about bringing things to center.
The more you feel that balancing within you, the more that you recognize
that a lot of what the master book calls "seeing without eyes" is actually
a very powerful form of inner vision that clears a lot of the distortions from
the lenses of the old order and allows a brighter viewpoint.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Remembering how to value yourself, because how the ego-mind has
thought humanity to value themselves is by works. What you're doing.
But it isn't what you do, it really is the energy, the intentions that are involved, because
there's just as much action in being, in allowing as there is in doing.
And as the energy is shifting so dynamically on the planet, the energy of
being actually accomplishes far more in less time. It's very efficient.
But it's new and it's strange, and it doesn't feel exactly like you have been thaught.
And there are still many that are living by the old standards that will want to rush along
and hurry into the next thing. But masters don't rush, they consider, they feel you might say
in many ways they test the waters before they jump in. And certainly in these times
the waters can be so infested with sharks, it's a very good time to test the water before
you jump in.