Revelation has finally arrived on the planet.
The logical, practical mind has devised definitions of where things are going, and people have decided that ascension means 'I'm going to get away from the negative forces, I'm going to get away from life as I have known it, I'm going to be able to escape what I have created, karma, the accomplishments as well as limitations of life". Ascension is a process, it isn't a happening, it isn't something that suddenly as it has been presented to the world , a 144 000 out of 7 billion people are going to ascend while the rest of humanity is left to wonder what happened, but it is, the ascension process is spiritual evolution, it is bringing the essence of your true self forward and to realize that every step you take in it is bringing you more clearly into an awareness of yourself that you had no idea existed, the Self that is truly you is the ascending self.
There is no there, ego mind wants a there, that's why this concept that ascension is a there, that the ascension process is something that occurs when you reach a level of achievement when your goodness factor is superior to others and all of this is still founded in the limitations of judgement. Measuring against other people, measuring self better than worse then. The more you align with you true self the more the realization the fact that in Spirit the judgement points of the logical mind really have no place. In Spirit there's no right or wrong, good and bad ceased to really exist as a measure.
The logical mind really tends to distort things simple because if there is too much clarity there is a concern of the mind about losing control.
Ascension is a process of discovery, of awareness, of remembering who you are, because what you were created in the beginning is now potentially so much more. Even though the game of illusion has been a most challenging and often times horrendous experience, it's still has sharpen the abilities and now that humanity is emerging from the fog of separation, the realization that there has been a lot of growth that's occurred during these times when it appeared that perhaps humanity were just getting by or just existing. And the ascension process, even though physically you're standing on the Earth will give you the perspective of an overview, so that you see more clearly as though you're standing on a mountain. So all of these changes are occurring and it is an evolutionary process, it isn't a poof or a flash and suddenly everything is different, partly because the logical practical mind would probably move into insanity, total confusion and inability to cope with a such a broad and vast alteration all at one time. So the process of ascension is gentle so that humanity can bear it.
How the logical mind formulates is the mind interpret things by its own realm of reference. So the consideration that all limitation that humanity has experienced is founded on judgement. Judgement is the basis of limitation. So the ascension process begins to move the mind's operation from the realm of logic and practicality into those places of expanded awareness of revolutionary recognition, the ability to see without eyes, seeing beyond what the physical orbs could register, hearing without ears so that you begin to get the information from the depths of your being as an audio broadcast much more than just hoping to get the information by listening to videos, to CDs, to going to classes, to the way that ear has registered things.
Sensory perception is increasing and some people that had begun that process may actually say "i can't stand the sounds of the planet anymore, they are so loud", but they're not really. It's just that you haven't been accustomed to hearing that clearly, so it isn't actually about volume as much as it is when you begin to get evolutionary broadcast it isn't distorted by the listening with the finite mind.
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