When money becomes a game it’s much easier to get.
To begin to turn money into a game and those who made a game out of it are seeing themselves taking advantage of people thru this game, and yet Spirit can indeed begin to shift the energy so that prosperity becomes a much easier thing to attain when it is a joyful experience, when it isn’t burdened with all the weights of heavy responsibility of the convolutions of the intellectual mind of figuring out how to get the better of other people in order to prosper.
The whole monetary system on the planet must “collapse”, change so dynamically that people realize how the game has been played in the illusion for so long literally is no longer workable. All of these men at the top of the pyramid are attempting to insure that they have so much there with them at the top of the pyramid, but if all the people at the bottom of the pyramid begin to find ways to move out of that position of being at the bottom of the pyramid then the whole global economy begins to shift.
Those that are so sure as they very carefully relieve the general populace of the world and especially of the United States of their income, it isn’t going to make a better life for anyone, because that is simply going to undermine the foundations, and so these crypto currencies are like a game. And it’s another distraction, and another distraction and another distraction. There are so many distractions that the ego mind can’t keep attempting to bounce back. Because the mind always wants to take things back to the way they were.
There are technological distractions, political distractions, there are conflict distractions, there are monetary distractions. And then you throw in all the natural distractions called disasters that are rearranging how the affairs of the world function. And humanity is going to be brought to the point where it absolutely is required to return to the understanding and appreciation of faith.
And the logical mind has made faith something that is mythological, it has made Love something that causes men to be weak, it has made the ancient magiK something to be desperately feared and yet all of those things are foundational to the whole thing functioning appropriately.
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