Wednesday, August 16, 2017


To release old things is at the same time to make a space for new things. So in the process of releasing angers, judgements, old issues that have been carried for long time, in that process of releasing, purging you're making a space for a new levels of awareness and understanding and that is not how the finite mind has viewed things because judgement says "you get rid of what no longer serves you". So cleansing yes, but the mind is satisfied that what was there is gone, and there hasn't been a great deal of education, even in realms of metaphysics and certainly not in religion that as you clear old things you make a space for new. It's been spoken about, but here again how the finite mind interprets the teachings is very different in may ways what the actual occurrence is proving to be. And yet there may be an intellectual necessity to fill those spaces with different things, there may be the consideration of not wanting to fill the spaces at all. And so adapting to new patterns of response to the cleansing, to the clearing, to the purging, to the pouring out in order to refill.
Letting go, surrender, forgiving, it isn't about giving up it is about giving over. Relising what was and in the forgiveness process realizing that the bitterness that has so strangled the planet and prevented a lot of wonderful evolutionary process to occur even sooner than now.

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