Sunday, May 14, 2017


The experience at the soul leaving the vehicle is something that is not anticipated by the logical mind, because certainly the world makes the passing of death something extremely fearsome, and yet there is such a sense of freedom, very much like the free flight of a bird and it is what is experienced is relishing that sense of freedom, that feeling of being unencumbered. A feeling of freedom without making a great effort about it is one of the most intriguing things that One is experiencing, that sense of just being that the logical mind very often would resist quite vigorously. So One is resting, not necessarily what the world would say resting but the Spirit is calm and with the sense of unfathered belonging. 
Things are changing on the Earth plane, they are also changing in a higher realms. Therefore what has been considered as death really is not so much any longer.
There would be time when Spirit is ready to "study" (not going and sitting in a classroom and having information given that you must remember) but having time to investigate what the energy is about, and the more that One becomes aware of what is happening there, the more that there would be changes of what potentially would be the crystalline form for the next life journey, and it won't be a terribly long time. In the old order people could pass from their vehicle and it would be a 100, 200, 300 years before they would return. In these times when time space continuum is shifting and changing it is that everything moves more quickly.
And a lot is contingent on decision where One desires to spend the next time, and what dreams One has for accomplishment because it would take a very different form than what it did in this journey. 
There is no rush and One has all the time there isn't.

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