Monday, February 27, 2017


Women will empower many of the changes that man can not,
Simply because of the nature divine feminine.
If a woman is attempting to achieve things as man have it won't work.
But if women allow themselves the power that belongs to them,
that God gave the divine feminine, not to be like a man but how to be
blended. divine masculine, divine feminine. Then women will
bring about many of the changes, and those men who can allow themselves
to embrace that softness will again be avant-garde, leading edge.
Where it is happening so to speak. Because the Earth is required  to balance,
and it has been so out of balance energetically for such a long time.
So the things that bring balance, even karma which is simply a system of
balance. It isn't about retribution it is about bringing things to center.
The more you feel that balancing within you, the more that you recognize
that a lot of what the master book calls "seeing without eyes" is actually
a very powerful form of inner vision that clears a lot of the distortions from
the lenses of the old order and allows a brighter viewpoint.

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