Thursday, September 14, 2017


Humanity's doubt that anything, anything of nature could possibly overcome humanity, the idea has become so strong that humans have dominance over nature, and they really don't. That's why it is best to have a good loving relationship with all things natural.
It is important to really consider a lot of change is coming in the future, a lot of reconsideration of how life will be. When the whole planet is in such chaos, it used to be a hundred years ago that if somewhere in trouble others were there to help them. And now everyone is required to consider that their problems are part of the collective whole, and those that truly from their goodness of their heart would be more than glad to serve, they find themselves in such dramatically dire conditions that they can't serve. And so everyone has to consider within themselves and how may I serve in all of this.
Different, yes and all of the modern technology won't stop what nature can do. It can deem the course what the storms may take but it can't prevent it.
A part of the becoming on the planet is for humanity to remember that this is indeed God's creation. And that people have become so involved in their own ways that they discount the value of what God created. So there is a lot involved in all of this, many levels, many layers. And anger and frustration won't bring any healing at all.

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