The Earth has had a mindset that technology in the physical is much more important than technology of Spirit. And so there has been a pulling in separate directions, and the Earth has focused on the outer technologies. And the mind has said “ah there now we are directing everyone to intellectually focus upon the other technology of the world” and yet revelation is moving the Spiritual technology into place because where the planet is going it is absolutely necessary that there be a blending. a balance of physical world technology with the technology of Spirit. So that is influencing the inner levels of each and every human being on the planet. And it is that that blending is absolutely necessary where humanity is preparing to go with the next phase of human evolution. It isn’t that technology of the world is inappropriate it’s simply limited. And the ego mind might argue the fact that it’s limited, but it is limited because the logical mind is limited. It doesn’t matter how brilliant the person is, intellectually they can only go so far because the ego has held limits. And the evolution of the planet is now to move beyond those limits, so that the finite mind becomes the infinite mind.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Thursday, November 19, 2020
A number of portals are opening to draw in assistance, support from spiritual places, and they’re coming quicker because these times are requiring progressively more alignment, energy, empowerment, support. Revelation is revealing to humanity more and more of what is going on. As humanity allows the energy of the alignment to expand, to inform, to heal, to sustain, and simply because some may not experience a great deal doesn’t mean that nothing happened and there were no influences. it simply means that some are being transformed at this point in time without having to have a lot of conscious awareness, conscious input in the changes humanity is experiencing. As these portals open, they’re life changing. And it doesn’t mean that everyone will allow the changes but it means that the opportunity for transformation is being provided everywhere.
Monday, October 12, 2020
The idea of fraud, the idea of misconduct of things not being what they appear to be. It doesn’t matter on what foundation the idea is based, it still strikes fear in the heart of people who would hope to trust the system they’ve known. And it’s as though there is so much energy pulling people this way and that way over whether this is right or true or whether this is fraudulent. And it is that this pushes people more and more to go within themselves and listen not to the voices of war that still say “pick a side” but to love. Oh yes the logical mind strides forward in its warrior form and says “love is weak, and the only way you’re going to win is to fight” and yes, humanity has fought for lifetimes. And one war simply leads to the next one. And it’s almost as though people can not survive without the drama of something to conflict over. So it really is a bit like those that would pick up the master book and they would point to certain scriptures and say “this is what this means” and another would pick up the same book and turn to that scripture to prove something that is in the opposite direction. So proof in and of itself can be very divisive. That need to prove it. To all those that want to fight about their candidates to defend what that person says or doesn’t say. If you really trust them, if you really want that person to lead why are you so frightened? why are you so angry if you trust them why aren’t you comfortable with them? And many are saying “I’m not comfortable with neither one, then get clear within yourself what are you energetically looking for, not how to get it or who’s going to bring it but what are you looking for? What are you seeking to find in your world that these candidates are not showing you? And when you get clear within yourself “this is what I’m seeking this is what is missing” then amazingly You then begin to call into your world and honestly each individual is creating a world of their own, you begin to call into your world people, conditions, situations, new stability, new clarity. So it’s bringing into your life, your world the things that you are genuinely seeking that would by your understanding make the world that you desire to live in a better place. It isn’t about what they are going to do, it is about what are you seeking. Because those that would rabidly defend the master Trump or the master Biden are still looking for someone else to do it for me. “I want them to make a world that I’m happy with and the point that is being revealed more and more if you’re clear about what you desire to have in your world, then you actually begin to discover more of that in your world.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
The world has been separate from love for so long, and the world also has viewed love as a weakness. Many people hate because they find love off putting. It is that it really doesn’t matter who wins this election because there are things in the world that have to be dealt with that aren’t about fighting over who’s right and who’s wrong, whether it’s democrat or a republican. There are so many people that want their own freedoms acknowledged and yet they are immediately on the mark to take other people’s freedom away. So the revelation that it isn’t just what makes I comfortable but it is in truth the balance and a harmony of love that allows everyone to find a sense of freedom. And freedom isn’t really a right to do whatever one pleases. Freedom is the ability to really enjoy life deeply. It isn’t even about do I trust the candidate, it is so much more do I trust myself.
Friday, September 25, 2020
As things change in the world, there really is going to be a call for humanity to be very clear that money is not the most important factor in life. The ego mind says “well, spiritually money is considered a bad thing”. No, it isn’t! It’s energy just like everything else, but when there is an imbalance of focus on anything then it becomes more problematic than it is helpful. Just making money it requires that there is a deep internal consideration within self Is it the making of money or is it the feeling of winning? Everyone loves to win, to be a winner.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
The mind says “tell me about a pill. a medicine, tell me about a regimen, tell me about something physical that I can do to stop the changes”. But the changes are a part of a evolutionary process, and therefore the conscious mind is not going to find a way to stop things. It isn’t up to humanity to stop this process and unfortunately even though there is a lot of talk about vaccines, there is such a rush to win the race of who will come up with the first vaccine but very little consideration what may be the outcome of how the vaccine is created in future times six months or a year from now. What will that vaccine bring that could be potentially as detrimental perhaps even more so than the virus itself. But the minds wants to win at all cost. So there are many people who want to believe if they simply ignore the virus it will go away, if they ignore health issues. And when disease comes it really is quite frequently something to get your attention “pay attention to this” pay attention and the answer the fundamental bottom line for many things that are going on in the ball is stress. So much stress, worry, push, drive, trying to figure things out. and taking the time to just allow things to unfold is almost like a foreign concept to the logical mind
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
There are many things on the planet at this point in time that are going on that are a process of the shift from being a completely physical being to being a Spiritual Human. And those changes are making a lot of things obvious that may have been there or may have been developing, but now they’re quite obvious because the way the energy is shifting. Many things are being revealed - revelation. It is simply accepting the things you can not change, at least in this time and having the courage to change the things that you can.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Many of the greatest most awesome creations on the planet were blended projects, and the ego mind has created such a fear of sharing, and yet great things have been created by those who shared ideas and energies, and so the Earth is being called to move into that energy space where there’s not any longer such a fear of sharing that there can be trust that if I share I will not lose, because the ego mind has built it the fear that’s just not enough to go around and if I share my ideas then someone will seek to take them away from me. And yet the more aligned within humanity becomes the more they will begin to remember to realize that what is yours is yours, and if someone else attempts to take it then what they take really wasn’t yours, and if it is yours it will most assuredly either remain with you or return to you. And that is the way divine law works. The logical mind has everything worked out to some pattern of war strategy, or some scientific idea that leads away from the inclusion of love. So the Earth is beginning to remember, humanity is beginning to feel how wonderful it is to share, how fulfilling it is to be involved with others
Monday, July 20, 2020
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
As humanity moves forward they will discover that things that they were told were not good, and truly this is beginning in the places of “highest authority” in these times that if there is a word that comes from one group “this is good” the other group will simply say it’s not, and everyone still gets to make their own choice about what they will accept in the information. So more and more it’s going to be necessary for humanity to really pay attention to what you feel within rather than just coming up with information that would back up a theory because life is becoming more and more real and less and less theoretical. And humanity has lived based on theory for many lifetimes. You create what you live and you create it consciously, so if something speaks to you from your inner knowing, then trust it . It doesn’t mean that what would be really good for you would be good for all but it certainly does mean that as you feel good about it and you follow that inner knowing it will serve you well. And that’s the most important part that it will serve you well.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
, keep going back how things were and going back is an illusion. because what has been is breaking apart in these times where everything looks and feels so different. And trying to recover or rediscover the old ways is simply using a lot of energy that is going to prove futile because those old ways are simply no longer accessible. And people that are really attempting to go back to the old ways are very angry, very frustrated, very distressed, a lot of them mentally disturbed because they are terrified of being out of control.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Friday, May 8, 2020
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
So flowing, when something happens that you don’t like, rather than considering all the options for battles “what I can say, what I can do, what needs to be said, what has to be done” and it is, as you allow yourself just flow you will be shown a whole new perspective, you will discover that there are many options that will bring you a lot of peace, and they don’t have to be engaged in some kind of battle. The peaceful outcomes can be drawn into the life by the energy that you focus upon, what you seek to attract in your daily affairs. And the mind can act very much like a small child “but look what they’re doing, look what they did”. Yes, and they have the free will to make any choice that they would make just as you have the free will to make the choices that you would make. So to flow with energy and allow yourself to connect deeply within yourself with the wisdom, that ocean of wisdom that is within you, that helps you to discover answers that the logical mind would never even consider. Focusing on peace, discovering within yourself what it’s like, what does peace feel like. It changes the whole perspective of life. It gives you a whole new view, it allows you achieve so much more and it isn’t trying to figure it out ( a mental perspective), it is much more the willingness to allow the Soul to show you a whole new way of looking at your life and affairs. You’ll even see other people differently, and that allows you as time passes to experience yourself differently.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Trying is an energy that is trying. When you can forgive trying then you begin to really experience that energetic connection within yourself.
When you stop trying to have an experience then you can have it.
Monday, April 13, 2020
To really get well with all that’s happening. It is really important to allow yourself the healing, the empowerment and yes that inner connection definitely puts you in a higher frequency.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Interdependence requires the faith and trust of self as you move in the world, and that inner knowing allows you to recognize when you are safe, where the logical mind is always focusing on being prepared to fight the fear, being prepared to conflict to save your life, to make things better.
So interdependence is the balance and harmony that you share with other people, and it’s not totally based on what they are doing nearly so much as it is that involves a clarity and awareness within yourself that for example “sharing is safe”, because the logical mind has a great deal of fear about sharing anything. The logical mind says “if you share what you know then others can take advantage, they can take advantage of you, they can take advantage of what you know or what you’ve found”. And yet as you begin to discover how empowering interdependence is, because it brings a sense of solidarity, it brings a deeper level, a grander awareness of inner confidence, of capability, things that if you’re looking out into the world to find out how to be well, it’s as though there is just so much missing. Interdependence is a feeling. It’s a feeling of comfort in sharing with others, and it isn’t full of fear of others taking advantage. The amazing power in respecting others, the amazing strength that fills you when you’re not focused on the fear of what someone is going to take away from you. And yes the inner knowing can most assuredly provide you with a clarity that comes from within so that you can be aware of those who still want to play the game the old way, that still want to take advantage of other people. And you can see-feel what they are seeking without the fear of loss, because the inner clarity, that inner knowing empowers you and also give you a lot more choices, because the logical mind says “you have this choice or this one, you can do this or you can do that”. And Spirit has so many possibilities. And it’s one reason that the finite mind has made things small is because logic seeks to simplify by eliminating potential. And it doesn’t simplify anything because than people are just fighting that much harder to try to get what they want. And fighting doesn’t simply a thing. So the feeling of interdependence within self is warm, is embracing, there is a sense of belonging, there is a clarity about what is required but it isn’t a burden. It’s the willingness to care for self. Many things that the mind is turning over now will come clear as time passes, but the mind wants to know what it wants to know or when it decides, and Spirit operates in divine timing which may come sooner, it may come a little more slowly but it will be as you begin to notice the rhythms of the natural world, it becomes timing in its divine way so that you notice more synchronicity, you recognize what the mind might call coincidences but they’re really not, there are no accidents. So allowing the gentle powered unity, atonement within self, and the pleasure of interdependence. Because it’s very pleasant.