Saturday, June 20, 2020


A lot of what requires to be healed in the world now is the repression of new understanding that the ego has so carefully guarded information throughout lifetimes. And now it’s important for humanity to be willing to share, rather than attempt to destroy the competition. A whole another level of understanding that must come from the depths of self and not from the mind.
As humanity moves forward they will discover that things that they were told were not good, and truly this is beginning in the places of “highest authority” in these times that if there is a word that comes from one group “this is good” the other group will simply say it’s not, and everyone still gets to make their own choice about what they will accept in the information. So more and more it’s going to be necessary for humanity to really pay attention to what you feel within rather than just coming up with information that would back up a theory because life is becoming more and more real and less and less theoretical. And humanity has lived based on theory for many lifetimes. You create what you live and you create it consciously, so if something speaks to you from your inner knowing, then trust it . It doesn’t mean that what would be really good for you would be good for all but it certainly does mean that as you feel good about it and you follow that inner knowing it will serve you well. And that’s the most important part that it will serve you well.

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