Sunday, July 12, 2020


One of the most important factors in these times is keeping the logical mind from attempting to control every situation from old standards, old patterns, old habits. So it is to keep your focus on positive outcomes, not trying to make something happen but being open to things that might occur that in the moment but the logical mind would say “this is an obstacle, this is terrible, old woe”. But it is about being open to see beyond the first impressions, and allow things to develop, so that you have a clearer understanding, rather than making judgements based in a moment because that is really how the ego mind has divided humanity from itself for lifetimes is “you got to make your decisions quickly” or reactions “I don’t like what they’re doing, what they’re saying, how they’re acting” but it is being patient and allowing even things by the first impulse you don’t really like but given time you can see it all from a new point of view, and as you are patient you may find again and again you are relieved that you didn’t react because as you are patient things begins to shift and change to unfold and you can see what first was not obvious which then made all the difference in the world to how you would respond to the situation.

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