Wednesday, May 6, 2020


The changes that you are experiencing look very different when you’re standing outside of yourself or looking outside of yourself then those same changes do when you are availing yourself of the inner support, because the Spirit is not engaged in war games. And human training on this ball has been so much about battles, the war games, fighting, even fighting to get well. And it’s exhausting, it takes so much more energy than simply allowing self to be well with what is going on.
So flowing, when something happens that you don’t like, rather than considering all the options for battles “what I can say, what I can do, what needs to be said, what has to be done”  and it is, as you allow yourself just flow you will be shown a whole new perspective, you will discover that there are many options that will bring you a lot of peace, and they don’t have to be engaged in some kind of battle. The peaceful outcomes can be drawn into the life by the energy that you focus upon, what you seek to attract in your daily affairs. And the mind can act very much like a small child “but look what they’re doing, look what they did”. Yes, and they have the free will to make any choice that they would make just as you have the free will to make the choices that you would make. So to flow with energy and allow yourself to connect deeply within yourself with the wisdom, that ocean of wisdom that is within you, that helps you to discover answers that the logical mind would never even consider. Focusing on peace, discovering within yourself what it’s like, what does peace feel like. It changes the whole perspective of life. It gives you a whole new view, it allows you achieve so much more and it isn’t trying to figure it out ( a mental perspective), it is much more the willingness to allow the Soul to show you a whole new way of looking at your life and affairs. You’ll even see other people differently, and that allows you as time passes to experience yourself differently.

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