The resistance that humanity has lived in for so long, the resistance that has come to a crescendo of obstinance if nothing else to make changes. And pain is an indicator of a refusal to surrender. And the numbness that so many are feeling some in their feet, some in their legs, some in their hands is a part of that attempting to just numb out and don’t have to deal with the deep changes that are going to bring every soul to an intimate awareness of them selves. The word in the world is transparency, the truth is in-to-me-see intimacy with self.
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Monday, October 2, 2023
Truth is the wisest way because the Earth is in absolute middle due to all of the lies of the illusion that have been perpetrated for eons of time. As the veils are falling humanity is going to be more and more revealed, revelation. Bible scholars have looked at revelation and they thought of it as war, and so made the attempt to make a way out of it. But the truth is that revelation is more and more discovering the truth of who you are, what you were created to accomplish, not just in this life because another you might say hallmark of the illusion is the belief system that life doesn’t last that you’re born you live you die and that’s it. And the truth of it is none of the souls that are here today have actually ever died, they have stepped from one life to another, but the soul doesn’t die. So this whole process is about lifetimes of experiences and in this point in the evolutionary process of Earth there are going to be amazingly vast changes in how the whole system works together, because humanity was created to operate, to function as a whole, and not to be separated into camps, classes and even countries.
Monday, September 4, 2023
People want to be well, and yet to want it isn’t an allowable . The allowable goes to those places where there’s not a thousand questions about is it working? When it will work? How it will work? What will happen?Am I doing enough? Forgive doing. Patience is really an ingredient for healing that’s imperative to a good outcome because it helps to center, to be calm it helps you to be with yourself rather than having the thoughts flattering about, to align to focus to be still. For the world has basically been encouraged through generations to be impatient. “I have a right to things, I expect them to come now, this is what I want, I demand it” and very often the higher the status in life the more aggravation and demands there are. But it is that is a great piece of the old order that’s passing away.
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Humanity has so many rules around having help come, being served. Either service is a domination or it’s a slave thing, and the truth of it is service is a gift, to give and receive. For when you share you are giving and you are receiving at the same time. Where the mind has set up the idea you give til it hurts, you pour yourself out and then you have to sit and wait to go back up again, and Spirit will fill you as you are giving forth. There is absolutely no necessity for anyone on this planet to be lonely, to be ill, to be fearful. But the ground rules in logic of a well established and forgiving them takes some time.
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
In the body brain where humanity thought in the beginning there is that connection to divine wisdom, there is that recognition of a clarity that the logical mind does not possess. The most brilliant of intellect are clouded by the illusions. As the illusions fall away you literally can think-feel, and begin to see-feel your way thru. The mind has a very small gate of tolerance and it wants things done immediately, but the more you trust Spirit, the more you will feel just how amazing it is to live in divine timing. To begin to remember that the time that the logical mind fights with is an illusion. Living longer is where humanity is moving, and the practice of living it well simply makes a long life a joyful thing rather than a burden or something to escape.
Sunday, July 16, 2023
You are not responsible for the choices of others, logically you may know it but when you begin to own that. I am not responsible for the choices that others make, I am 100 percent responsible for my choices, and that is Spirit saying “here is your power back”
Saturday, July 15, 2023
So much of humanity has lived in the denial than”I am holly” I am not God but I am absolutely one with that which God is. And that makes you so big, and the logical mind is afraid that if humanity becomes too aware of how big they are logic won’t be able to control it any more and so you’re seeing outcomes of people getting out of control but not having any understanding of allow Spirit to help you direct it. They’re just scared cause they don’t know what’s happening and they’re trying to figure it out and fix it from ways that are actually crumbling and blowing away in the winds of time.
Friday, July 14, 2023
When you’re trying to make something happen you’re rowing your boat upstream. You’re going against the flow. When you relax and you allow yourself to go with the flow then so many wonderful, supportive, enlightening things can come to you because you’re receptive. But when you’re moving upstream you’re in denial and it affects every level of human existence; the emotions, the mentality, the physicality all of the systems of a body but especially those that are much more of energy and light frequency, so the lymphatics, the nervous system even the cardiovascular system which is physical and yet the energy in the blood is very high frequency, it really isn’t of the physical world and to a certain extent it never has been, but it’s more so now then ever.
Friday, May 19, 2023
Going with the flow because you can stand on the edge of the river and watch it flow, and most of humanity does that, but to allow yourself to get involved with the river. Allow yourself to feel you’re in the flow and just be amazed of how things that have been hanging begin to come together.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Surrender, open the door to your inner world. And you can’t open the door to your inner world while you’re standing in the outer world. You have to have the courage to not just peek into the inner world but to energetically enter in. It isn’t physical, it really is purely intellectual, energetic but it’s not necessarily mental. For the intellect is connected to the divine, it’s how the mind uses it that makes it a challenge or a help. Relax the solar plexus, feel into those negative emotions that want to just step right up the minute that you seek to enter yourself, and the logical mind says “see you can’t go in there, you weren’t supposed to, it isn’t for you” and none of that is true, but it’s been a long time since humanity has connected into that inner space, that mirror of the universe that’s outside is within. And logic says “how will I know my way.” Because as you relax and stop fighting with your mind, your higher self, your soul essence are waiting for you to come all the way into that inner space and those aspects of you that you haven’t really connected with consistently. This illusion has been in operation for thousands of years, enough time for the ego to lead the fate of humanity on a path that isn’t quite true. It can make statements that appear to be true, make sense but there’s always some energy that doesn’t quite move directly into the divine, and it’s those little nuances that overtime have separated humanity from their soul selves. It’s not a great distance but it seems monumental. It’s letting go of the addiction to think about it, that need to figure it out, that desire to push to make things happen because the frustration is building on the planet and a lot of people really can not bear it.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Changes don’t come from your mind, they come from your soul connection and it operates not only in a different place in your vehicle but it operates in a higher dimensional frequency than the logical thought. So “I want this to change” that’s good but are you willing for them to change? And the willingness opens to a gateway of surrender, and surrender is turning everything over to the Divine. Everything that you believed you can not live without, turning it over to God, to Spirit and discovering that when you are willing energetically to let go of those things that you thought couldn’t live without, and yes there will be fear, yes there will be trepidation. The ego mind runs the logic and so it is letting go isn’t saying so, letting go is living it, living as though you mean it until you discover that you do. The majority on the planet at this point in this time where fear and frustration are where the focus goes, and that blocks the accessibility to that connection to Spirit within that allows the changes and it isn’t about a willingness to allow them today or right now and then in a few hours starting the whole logical process of “what do I do and how do I do it, will it happen and how do I get it?” But staying with intention of allowing your good. It isn’t about looking at it because or looking for it because divine timing comes when it’s time: The timing is waiting on you to open the door and that’s when the ego gets frustrated, angry and that’s when the logical mind says “I’ve done everything I know to do” which of course can’t be possible because no one human being can do everything they know to do without it taking a lifetime, but stepping the energy of personal will into a position where you align with the Divine, and when you make that connection you’ll feel it, and when you stay connected it isn’t about trying to stay connected, it isn’t about force or push, or conflict, it really is about the willingness in love of yourself to stay aligned. Feel it, feel it, the moment the mind wants to go over all the things that are wrong with you stop! Right there stop and as each complaint comes to the mind bless it and change your perspective because the healing will not come by trying to get rid of what was, the healing comes by allowing what’s waiting. So trying harder to figure out what you have done or what you have not done that will bring the outcome you desire, that is where humanity get stuck because the healing is beyond the logical mind, it’s beyond thought really, it operates much more in a realm of higher dimensional frequency where you think-feel, see-feel, hear-feel and feelings are different dimensional frequency from emotions and the emotions are what makes the frustration the resentment, the anger, the doubt and it goes around and around and around, and the mind keeps reminding you of where it hurts and how much there is that you have to heal. Logic always talks about hard work, what you haven’t done yet and Spirit says “stop doing and let it happen” and you can’t know how it’s going to happen, that’s where faith comes in.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
These transformations are taking the Earth into a whole new place. The Earth herself is up spiraling in frequency and human vehicles are responding as that old heavy carbon base energy is transforming into light technology, a crystalline essence, a clearer mind, a higher frequency, a purer energy. And yes there is so much resistance from a logical mind and resistance really is the source of pain, the wounds and refusing to let them go or swearing I’m hurt too deeply to ever forgive them, and yet as you come to them in love you find they were illusion, a perspective and ego looks at an incident from one view and makes a choice; good or bad, Spirit says walk all the way around the situation and view it from different points rather than making a snap judgement on what you think you see or what you thought you felt.
Monday, March 27, 2023
The mind worries so much about loss, it focuses on the loss, a lack and limit, it’s always worrying about and calculating how I’m going to get more, when if you align with love the nature of love is expansive there’s always more in divine connection but with the logical mind so much of what is going on there is the fight to get what you desire and then the fight to keep it. It is vital to surrender that relationship with logic that the world believes it’s the only way things can be and unfortunately it blinds so much of the population, but when you allow yourself to align with Spirit it isn’t that you get rid of the logical mind or it’s destroyed or harmed in any way, it’s simply taken off of center stage and called to sit in the audience . The mind has wanted to be the ruler it’s wanted to be the star of the show, it wants to stand in the spotlights on the stage. You are body, a mind, emotions which Spirit can translate into feelings and give you a totally different viewpoint on life, because the more you feel the less you fight, the more you feel the less you fear and ego has taken fear and made it something to be careful about that a lot of people have stopped living. Ego has taken the idea of emotion and said “oh emotions and feelings are interchangeable” but they’re not. Emotion is reactive, feelings are patient, they can see things that a reactive nature never even knows it’s there. So a lot of times figuring things out can make people blindsided because they’re so intent to figuring it out that they miss a backlash of the dragons tail. For the mind is very much like a two headed dragon, each head takes a side and they war with each other, and it can almost literally tear people apart within themselves.
Monday, March 20, 2023
The mind is divisive it operates on sides and it has very cunningly separated humanity from its spiritual self for lifetimes by holding things of the world: the riches, the power and telling the mind if you “do it” whatever it is this way then you’ll achieve wondrous things, now a lot of times those achievements never happen but the ego like the sacred coyote can trick humanity into believing almost anything. So the more you listen to your Spirit and let go of that intellectual council with the mind the easier it will be for you to understand things rather than just attempting to gather knowledge and then to know a lot more about it then you do. Every human carries the wisdom gathered for lifetimes and it’s accessible only thru the inner self, but when you love yourself when you’re connected internally, it doesn’t mean either you’re going to be internal or external it means you blend and you see the outer world in a completely different way. Things that you thought that’s all there is to this, and the more that you connect within, the more the coyotes of illusion are moving away and you see truth, enlightenment, clarity that assist you to perceive the next step you would take, rather than thinking you know what it is and then feeling fear to take the step.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
It takes a lot of courage to align with yourself and let Spirit bring the logical mind into the whole. For logic has so long been dominant but it’s not really wanting to sit in the audience and be a part of it that way, it wants to be the whole thing. And so letting the imagination, the creativity, the delight of the experiences even the ones that the mind may say are not good experiences have aspects that when you view them from within self, you find things about them that are very helpful, informative, clarifying, and the logical mind would say “don’t even go there”. But logic’s perspective is very very small, and Spirit’s perspective is unlimited. So forgive your limitations and amazingly you’ll find it really was an illusion. Spirit will bring all of it the extremes that the mind calls good and bad. It brings all of it together and integrates it so that there’s no judgement because the mind has created divisiveness and it is that divisiveness that really has caused humanity to come to this point in their evolution. The healing is the realization that really isn’t good or bad, there is wise choices from a very broad spectrum of positive potential, also negative potential. There is the decision of each human will I focus on the positive spectrum of feeling compassionate, feeling strong or feeling clear, feeling my faith, my vision or the negative that is operating much more out in the world but it’s always blaming always judging or accusing and very often the energies of the negative are vengeful, and those aspects when they are focused upon bring a dead end they go nowhere . Every thought you have broadcasts out into the world, it magnifies and returns. So negative thinking brings a negative return and the negative return in many ways cancels out growth. So the more negativity that is put out the more negativity is magnified. When the thoughts and the focus and the feeling are on how do I make my life a better life which will in turn imbue the good of all concerned and that magnifies and returns and expands and creates growth. Focus on the positive and there’s more, focus on the negative which much of the world is doing and yet there is that silent evolution of people that are waking up and discovering more and more of who they are and they’re not saying much because they’re not sure how that’s going to be received , certainly in other lifetimes magic has not been overly well received because of the human fear of the power of others. People want to be powerful but they don’t want to lose their freedom so there is a constant energetic tug of war, and many now in this time are seeking to rule the world and they haven’t got a clue what a tremendous responsibility that would be.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Planets, the moon, comets, planetary aspects that have been out in the energy in the ethers and many of these things are moving in closer to the Earth then they’ve been, some of them ever, some of them in so long that the idea of such a thing happening is beyond human comprehension. And yet the energy of all of these high frequency connectors are opening not only how the energy of the Universe comes to you, but they’re aligning neural pathways so that connectors within you, the understanding within you is stronger, clearer and much more naturally acceptable. For all of this is available and has been for so long but the logical mind has really fought to prevent humanity from believing it. To believe that these changes really are occurring and they really are in your favor, and you can’t rush them, you can’t make them happen, it really is an allowable all together.
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Let’s talk about where the thoughts go. When someone isn’t feeling particularly well there is a tendency to wanna focus on how to get well but very often that can move into a place of how to get rid of what’s wrong, and that particular thought process, the ego mind really loves and encourages is to keep focusing on what’s wrong and how to get rid of it instead of putting your energy , your power, your thought processes to allowing wellness, not how but simply allowing it and being open and available to letting more and more health and well being in. Focus on how it feels to be well, and the more that you put your focus, your attention on feeling well the more the energy begins to shift to support you in that.
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Finding peace within yourself has absolutely nothing to do with what is going on on the planet. However, finding peace within you allows you to be an amazing contributor of peace to the world. The more you love yourself the more love you have to share, the more love you share the more love returns to you. The more loving things you feel, you share the more that brings you a magnification of what you’re putting out. Vengeful thoughts, angry thoughts, thoughts of retribution or get back also return to you, but they have a dampening effect because they magnify a nullifying energy. And yet much of the world believe it’s quite justified in being angry, and it can tell a long list of why, and then there’s a frustration for not getting what you want when you want it, and yet divine law observes you as a unique individual, it hears your questions, your prayers and it watches for the divinely appropriate moment when the answer to your question will serve you the best. And that doesn’t go with human timing, and that doesn’t go with the mental aspects, and that doesn’t go with the logic at all for God isn’t logical. But when you relax and trust the Love, even if it’s an eleventh hour save God will bring you an answer that very often exceeds what you were looking for. Sometimes the ego gets offended “I ask for this little bit, and instead I got a great amount of gift” and then the ego says “ and you’re responsible for all that extra, you owe God because you got more” And that discipline of religion has caused humanity to make choices that are extremely limited, rather than being willing to ask for the all and mean it, there is a feeling if you dare to ask for all you desire there will be some kind of punishment. And logically people say “ I don’t believe in that”. It isn’t whether you believe or not but it is how you live where you put your focus that makes all the difference in what you achieve and how it serves you. When you ask for something mean it. Feel it in yourself. “I’m asking for positive outcome here, and I am willing to make the changes in my considerations that allow me to achieve what I desire”
Sunday, January 1, 2023
The frustration of having things go on and on creates impatience, it can create generate anger, it can even trigger old rages, angers that have been carried for a long time and because they don’t go away in these times the ego can take it and make a fury out of it. And so it’s sending a lot of population in mental imbalance. It really is about letting go, and you can’t do it, it isn’t an intellectual “I’m letting go, I say I’m letting go”:but when you really do the tension stops. It’s almost as though two parts of you that have been separate click into place, and chaos that you were experiencing in a moment will stop, almost as though someone pushed a button. Keeping a positive focus, and the logical mind wants to argue about why it can’t be positive, it has a list and it will go over it and over it and when it gets to the bottom of the list will start at the top again until you let go. And the outer world pulls, the outer world tends to want to keep you in an internal tug of war. Finding peace isn’t looking for it, it’s feeling for it.