Wednesday, May 10, 2023


 Surrender, open the door to your inner world. And you can’t open the door to your inner world while you’re standing in the outer world. You have to have the courage to not just peek into the inner world but to energetically enter in. It isn’t physical, it really is purely intellectual, energetic but it’s not necessarily mental. For the intellect is connected to the divine, it’s how the mind uses it that makes it a challenge or a help. Relax the solar plexus, feel into those negative emotions that want to just step right up the minute that you seek to enter yourself, and the logical mind says “see you can’t go in there, you weren’t supposed to, it isn’t for you” and none of that is true, but it’s been a long time since humanity has connected into that inner space, that mirror of the universe that’s outside is within. And logic says “how will I know my way.” Because as you relax and stop fighting with your mind, your higher self, your soul essence are waiting for you to come all the way into that inner space and those aspects of you that you haven’t really connected with consistently. This illusion has been in operation for thousands of years, enough time for the ego to lead the fate of humanity on a path that isn’t quite true. It can make statements that appear to be true, make sense but there’s always some energy that doesn’t quite move directly into the divine, and it’s those little nuances that overtime have separated humanity from their soul selves. It’s not a great distance but it seems monumental. It’s letting go of the addiction to think about it, that need to figure it out, that desire to push to make things happen because the frustration is building on the planet and a lot of people really can not bear it.

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