Tuesday, March 18, 2014


To be very clear that not only what you eat but how you eat it is very important now.
So what  you put into your mouth and shall we say the condition that you are in when you decide to eat, are you stressed when you go put food in your stomach? Because if you are stressed that is definitely going to influence how the whole digestive track responds. So consideration of yourself to really do your best to eat when you are relatively calm, when you are in a good mind frame because that influences how the body processes the food. And all of that can create physical difficulties because irritation creates irritation, the more irritated you are the more the intestine , the bowl and a colon are going to register those irritations. Be in alignment with yourself, and yes the two headed dragon (the ego) will say " I can't do that, that's just too much going on" now remember whatever you name your life is what it's going to be. " I can't" is very derogatory statement to make about yourself, not only it is not true because everyone can bring about what they desire if they are really willing, but it also is a pronouncement of weakness that isn't true.
You all are very strong and capable  but when you say "I can't" pay attention to what happens to your energy. When you say "I can't" it may feel as though your energy just plummeted into your shoes because saying I can't like pronouncing your incapability. It's a denial of your mastery. And you all deserve so much better than that. So the idea that what's going on the mental, emotional, spiritual level doesn't affect the physical basically it's an insanity that has been attended to far too well because everything about you is directly involved with everything else. If you're intellectually mentally stressed it's going to affect every cell of your physical form. If you're in emotional reactivation it is going to have a negative affect on your body. And Spirit can show you the way thru this jungle of conflict if you will allow it, but if you dismiss it then Spirit is simply required to wait because the spiritual realms simply can not over ride the logical practical mind in the affairs of a master.

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