Feel yourself powerful.
Not powerful in a conflicted sense, powerful
in the faith that what you require , what belongs to you is yours. And
you will receive it and more. And when you begin to live in the faith
that you are worthy of receiving the highest and best treatment, then
you will begin to notice that your life follows that path of
understanding that you actually begin to be treated better. But anger
and resentment is not going to prime the pump for better treatment, it
will simply hold you in the small places, and the world is to a great
extent living that way. Fighting harder than ever to get what belongs to
them and getting less and less. Not because there is less but because
when you fight to get it you live in a war zone, and you really can't
enjoy the spoils of war in a war zone, and yet if you're going to fight
you live in a war zone, and so you never get to really enjoy what you
have accomplished. Forgive the battle and be absolutely amazed at
everything that happens.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
The collective consciousness is operating in a completely different
vibratory rate and so everyone on the planet is becoming more aware of
what is going on in the whole.
In the illusion there has been the belief that "they" are not connected with "I" so if it doesn't directly influence my life then I don't have any real concern about what is going on with them.
Now it is really becoming progressively more obvious every day that what is going on with any is genuinely influencing all. And the patriarchal society has been very prone to want to hold on to how things have been "that's how we've always done it, that's how it works" but unfortunately those old patterns and old standards are becoming progressively more antiquated as each moment passes, as you are reading it is that how it is has become how it was and is rapidly becoming some mythology of the past simply because the way that the energy of the illusion functioned is not the way quantum energy functions. And the world, the Earth, her vibrational frequency is shifting into those higher levels. So the attempt to conduct business, the attempt to operate by old standards, the attempt to cling to old value systems is becoming progressively more and more difficult all of the time, because those vibrations were connected to the illusion, and when it passed as humanity moved into the new millennium, when things begin to really shift and change quickly, rapidly when everything begin to move into higher frequencies. How humanity functions in the business world financially, how things went, the religious principles and standards, how medicine operated even though it seemed to be very high technology. All of those conditions have "fallen between the cracks" as things have changed vibrationally, immensely, and the finite mind really can not keep up with it. The mind is brilliant, but it is the thinking process called logic really does not function well in higher vibrational frequency because you can't control emotions, feelings, your spirit with your mind. So all of these shifts are creating a stress factor in the collective consciousness. The more that you energetically align with yourself, function more from your intuition, the more comfortable you will become in your own skin. Simply being well with yourself, really feeling good about you is vitally important, and really helps you to live in the place where you really would like to function to feel successful to feel prosperous to feel that life is serving you well rather then the aggravation of limitation which really is dynamically connected to the old order, because the potential for greater success becomes stronger the more the Earth moves into those higher dimensional frequencies. Not that you could get success in the same manner that you have before but certainly that the potential for success is greater than it's ever been, but you can't get it by trying. And the old order did so much of what it did by trying.
In the illusion there has been the belief that "they" are not connected with "I" so if it doesn't directly influence my life then I don't have any real concern about what is going on with them.
Now it is really becoming progressively more obvious every day that what is going on with any is genuinely influencing all. And the patriarchal society has been very prone to want to hold on to how things have been "that's how we've always done it, that's how it works" but unfortunately those old patterns and old standards are becoming progressively more antiquated as each moment passes, as you are reading it is that how it is has become how it was and is rapidly becoming some mythology of the past simply because the way that the energy of the illusion functioned is not the way quantum energy functions. And the world, the Earth, her vibrational frequency is shifting into those higher levels. So the attempt to conduct business, the attempt to operate by old standards, the attempt to cling to old value systems is becoming progressively more and more difficult all of the time, because those vibrations were connected to the illusion, and when it passed as humanity moved into the new millennium, when things begin to really shift and change quickly, rapidly when everything begin to move into higher frequencies. How humanity functions in the business world financially, how things went, the religious principles and standards, how medicine operated even though it seemed to be very high technology. All of those conditions have "fallen between the cracks" as things have changed vibrationally, immensely, and the finite mind really can not keep up with it. The mind is brilliant, but it is the thinking process called logic really does not function well in higher vibrational frequency because you can't control emotions, feelings, your spirit with your mind. So all of these shifts are creating a stress factor in the collective consciousness. The more that you energetically align with yourself, function more from your intuition, the more comfortable you will become in your own skin. Simply being well with yourself, really feeling good about you is vitally important, and really helps you to live in the place where you really would like to function to feel successful to feel prosperous to feel that life is serving you well rather then the aggravation of limitation which really is dynamically connected to the old order, because the potential for greater success becomes stronger the more the Earth moves into those higher dimensional frequencies. Not that you could get success in the same manner that you have before but certainly that the potential for success is greater than it's ever been, but you can't get it by trying. And the old order did so much of what it did by trying.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
To be very clear that not only what you eat but how you eat it is very important now.
So what you put into your mouth and shall we say the condition that you are in when you decide to eat, are you stressed when you go put food in your stomach? Because if you are stressed that is definitely going to influence how the whole digestive track responds. So consideration of yourself to really do your best to eat when you are relatively calm, when you are in a good mind frame because that influences how the body processes the food. And all of that can create physical difficulties because irritation creates irritation, the more irritated you are the more the intestine , the bowl and a colon are going to register those irritations. Be in alignment with yourself, and yes the two headed dragon (the ego) will say " I can't do that, that's just too much going on" now remember whatever you name your life is what it's going to be. " I can't" is very derogatory statement to make about yourself, not only it is not true because everyone can bring about what they desire if they are really willing, but it also is a pronouncement of weakness that isn't true.
You all are very strong and capable but when you say "I can't" pay attention to what happens to your energy. When you say "I can't" it may feel as though your energy just plummeted into your shoes because saying I can't like pronouncing your incapability. It's a denial of your mastery. And you all deserve so much better than that. So the idea that what's going on the mental, emotional, spiritual level doesn't affect the physical basically it's an insanity that has been attended to far too well because everything about you is directly involved with everything else. If you're intellectually mentally stressed it's going to affect every cell of your physical form. If you're in emotional reactivation it is going to have a negative affect on your body. And Spirit can show you the way thru this jungle of conflict if you will allow it, but if you dismiss it then Spirit is simply required to wait because the spiritual realms simply can not over ride the logical practical mind in the affairs of a master.
So what you put into your mouth and shall we say the condition that you are in when you decide to eat, are you stressed when you go put food in your stomach? Because if you are stressed that is definitely going to influence how the whole digestive track responds. So consideration of yourself to really do your best to eat when you are relatively calm, when you are in a good mind frame because that influences how the body processes the food. And all of that can create physical difficulties because irritation creates irritation, the more irritated you are the more the intestine , the bowl and a colon are going to register those irritations. Be in alignment with yourself, and yes the two headed dragon (the ego) will say " I can't do that, that's just too much going on" now remember whatever you name your life is what it's going to be. " I can't" is very derogatory statement to make about yourself, not only it is not true because everyone can bring about what they desire if they are really willing, but it also is a pronouncement of weakness that isn't true.
You all are very strong and capable but when you say "I can't" pay attention to what happens to your energy. When you say "I can't" it may feel as though your energy just plummeted into your shoes because saying I can't like pronouncing your incapability. It's a denial of your mastery. And you all deserve so much better than that. So the idea that what's going on the mental, emotional, spiritual level doesn't affect the physical basically it's an insanity that has been attended to far too well because everything about you is directly involved with everything else. If you're intellectually mentally stressed it's going to affect every cell of your physical form. If you're in emotional reactivation it is going to have a negative affect on your body. And Spirit can show you the way thru this jungle of conflict if you will allow it, but if you dismiss it then Spirit is simply required to wait because the spiritual realms simply can not over ride the logical practical mind in the affairs of a master.
Monday, March 17, 2014
In the bible it talks about God creating, and as God created, God named
everything. And when God created humanity and gave humanity the divine
connection to creation: a mind, a soul, the imagination, the desire, and
intentions to bring things about, as these gifts were given God also
said "and what ever you name things that is what they will be". So if
you feel that your life is in crisis and you keep talking about your
life being in crisis and perhaps reiterating to other people that " my
life is a mess, I don't know where it's going, I don't understand why
things won't happen the way I want them to" that's what you're naming
your life. And whatever you name it that's what it will be, until you give it a new name. And yes, it
takes courage, it takes discipline, it takes really loving yourself,
feeling you in love with you, in order to honestly clearly give your
life a more positive name. I want is a declaration that something that
you are attempting to gather isn't a part of your life yet, and want and
need both tend to hold the energy of what you desire apparently in the
elusive world just out of reach. And yet everything that you desire and
everything you require is literally right at the tips of your fingers.
In the blink of an eye things can change as you allow them to change but
trying to make them change simply seems to jam the works more and more
in the energy of these times.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Relationship really is about relating.
And the best relationships occur when the people involved have some relationship of goodness within themselves. The world game has been "this person standing in front of I is supposed to give me something, make me happy, do something for me, or I'm supposed to do something for them" and that creates all manner of complications simply because another teaching of the world is rather than saying to the other person what can I offer you, there is the assumption that I know what you require and let me give it to you. And then a lot of times hurt feelings emerge because I did so much for you and you didn't appreciate it.
So, relationship, are you willing to love yourself?
Because getting something from someone else outside of love is really becoming less and less viable. So what does love have to do with it? A lot, really. It is to have a business relationship is not as intimate as having a personal relationship but it still requires respect, first of self and then of the other, it requires listening to what they are saying, really paying attention rather than hearing the words and then going on with your own assumptions about what should outta gotta musta happen. So having a relationship requires involvement, it's not some abstract . And relationship that is going to have any fulfillment in it is not purely a sexual venture. If you really desire to have a relationship then who are you bringing to that relationship?
Know thyself!
Because if you don't know who you're bringing to the relationship then you're going to go into it from your head rather then from your heart. And a good relationship, even if it's not intimate functions much better when it is a heart full relationship, when there is caring and consideration, when there is compassion involved. So wanting to have a relationship with someone, and yet not really considering their desires, who they are, who you are, but just having an idea how the thing should work and then trying to make it happen is presenting a great deal of frustration for everyone on the planet, because deciding how to make things work in a relationship which is two people is really not viable. And so to understand that a relationship really is about two people coming together. What has happened in the world game is that two people come together and perhaps if it is a potential love relationship in the beginning each one is showing their best, but as the two come together the control games that they have practiced all of their life, starting from when you are children those control games can come into play and soon the relationship that is one relationship is in a battle zone of two people trying to control the same relationship, and one wants to be the dominant force, and that does not make a loving relationship, especially as people are spiritually getting stronger within themselves to have relationships when one person dominates and the other is a follower doesn't feel good. So if you desire to have a relationship it is to find out what your control games are, to recognize what their control games are, not for you to stop them, but as you understand how the control games function, when you don't play into their control games, when you understand what your control games are so that you aren't acting from that place, the whole situation begins to change, it begins to clarify. And when the control games are set aside then there is a much more win win situation rather than one is the winner and one is the loser. And it may be a constant battle to regain a position of power, so really consider that as you desire to have a relationship to understand how to relate rather then trying to make things happen, rather than having an idea of what you want and then setting out to get it , that's great if it allows compassionate consideration for everyone involved but if it is simply attempting to get what you want and not quite considering what's going on all the way around, it can create a battle zone because if it feels if you're trying to take over the situation other people may step back, may stay away, they may not even consciously realize why , except that it feels as though you're trying to take their power or vice versa.
And the best relationships occur when the people involved have some relationship of goodness within themselves. The world game has been "this person standing in front of I is supposed to give me something, make me happy, do something for me, or I'm supposed to do something for them" and that creates all manner of complications simply because another teaching of the world is rather than saying to the other person what can I offer you, there is the assumption that I know what you require and let me give it to you. And then a lot of times hurt feelings emerge because I did so much for you and you didn't appreciate it.
So, relationship, are you willing to love yourself?
Because getting something from someone else outside of love is really becoming less and less viable. So what does love have to do with it? A lot, really. It is to have a business relationship is not as intimate as having a personal relationship but it still requires respect, first of self and then of the other, it requires listening to what they are saying, really paying attention rather than hearing the words and then going on with your own assumptions about what should outta gotta musta happen. So having a relationship requires involvement, it's not some abstract . And relationship that is going to have any fulfillment in it is not purely a sexual venture. If you really desire to have a relationship then who are you bringing to that relationship?
Know thyself!
Because if you don't know who you're bringing to the relationship then you're going to go into it from your head rather then from your heart. And a good relationship, even if it's not intimate functions much better when it is a heart full relationship, when there is caring and consideration, when there is compassion involved. So wanting to have a relationship with someone, and yet not really considering their desires, who they are, who you are, but just having an idea how the thing should work and then trying to make it happen is presenting a great deal of frustration for everyone on the planet, because deciding how to make things work in a relationship which is two people is really not viable. And so to understand that a relationship really is about two people coming together. What has happened in the world game is that two people come together and perhaps if it is a potential love relationship in the beginning each one is showing their best, but as the two come together the control games that they have practiced all of their life, starting from when you are children those control games can come into play and soon the relationship that is one relationship is in a battle zone of two people trying to control the same relationship, and one wants to be the dominant force, and that does not make a loving relationship, especially as people are spiritually getting stronger within themselves to have relationships when one person dominates and the other is a follower doesn't feel good. So if you desire to have a relationship it is to find out what your control games are, to recognize what their control games are, not for you to stop them, but as you understand how the control games function, when you don't play into their control games, when you understand what your control games are so that you aren't acting from that place, the whole situation begins to change, it begins to clarify. And when the control games are set aside then there is a much more win win situation rather than one is the winner and one is the loser. And it may be a constant battle to regain a position of power, so really consider that as you desire to have a relationship to understand how to relate rather then trying to make things happen, rather than having an idea of what you want and then setting out to get it , that's great if it allows compassionate consideration for everyone involved but if it is simply attempting to get what you want and not quite considering what's going on all the way around, it can create a battle zone because if it feels if you're trying to take over the situation other people may step back, may stay away, they may not even consciously realize why , except that it feels as though you're trying to take their power or vice versa.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
In the energy of these times intuition plays a far greater part on
success than it ever did and the truth of it is even in the illusion
those that were most successful we're relying on their intuition even if
they didn't realize that's what it was. So the intuitive flow, the
consideration of what it feels like to be successful and to get very
clear that if success is something that you don't believe really belongs
to you then you may succeed and find that success seems to move away
because you doubt yourself, and many have had difficulties with success
in that place because they felt as though once they succeeded success
should stay with them, and they begin to drift back to the "old" ideas
and limiting thought forms and misaligned belief systems. And success
survives in a positive environment, it's like a flower. And when the
environment becomes acid, when it becomes insecure, when it becomes
filled with worry and concern then it is as though success simply moves
away. It is attracted by those who really trust success. And trying to
make it happen is less and less viable in the energy of these times than
ever before because when the illusion ended, so many of the principles
and factors that were applied in illusion are not happening in reality.
And humanity did not realize the change, did not recognize the energy
shift. People were so focused on how they were doing things that they
continued to attempt to do them and for a time it worked, and now it's
changing. And it requires being clear and present with self. It isn't an
out picturing nearly so much in the energy of these times as it is an
in dwelling magnetizing positive to your self by willing to formulate,
consider, feel, recognize or as the saying goes "what you conceive of
and what you believe in is what you will receive" so if you can conceive
of success as a reality for you not just a dream or something out in
the future , not something that's beyond your reach but something that's
with you, then you begin to allow it to be a consistency, but if you're
pursuing it, if your belief is that you don't have it and you've got to
get it then it becomes an on going chase. And the belief that it isn't
yours holds it just beyond the tips of your fingers, behind the veil of
your disbelief that it belongs to you. The components of success are
relatively simple but success has not been considered easy by humanity,
and therefore that belief system in difficulty that success is hard
work, that it involves a lot of stress, and then success becomes a war
game. And war games in these times are becoming more and more an
exercise of futility. So hard work turns into simply a drain on the
energy, and the harder you work it often seems as though the dream gets
further and further away. He who dreams the dream will actually dream
the currency flow that will provide for the life and the dream. He who
dreams the dollar and says if I dream the dollar and I work hard enough
then someday I will have time for my dream, and he never has time for
his dream because the focus is always on the money and not upon the
dream. So getting clear that the success formulas of the old order, and
many books have been written and some of them worked for some people but
many people have tried the formula and either it didn't work or it only
worked for a short time and then they said "these things work for
others but not for I " and the reason the easier the person is with
success, the more they feel successful, the more they believe in success
the easier it is to be successful and that is why the cliche has been
"the rich get rich and the poor get poorer" because those that feel
rich, even if they don't have a lot of money, those who feel rich will
tend to attract that flow, that ease that allows rich to come, but the
poor are fighting poverty and while they are fighting poverty on a daily
basis that are also attempting to get rich. And the focus at best is
divided and at worst is filled with so much anger and frustration
against those who might succeed and why they've succeeded, and how is it
that I can't succeed and around and around, and the ego has a field day
with it, but it doesn't bring success because it's fought with fear and
anger and mistrust. And always the idea that what is desired is
something that isn't yours, that belongs to others and you must get it
from them or something that you don't have and you got to find a way to
get it.
So being with yourself, being sure of yourself, trusting yourself and really putting yourself in a mind set in an environment that allows you to feel rich.
So being with yourself, being sure of yourself, trusting yourself and really putting yourself in a mind set in an environment that allows you to feel rich.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
In the energy of the old order the harder anyone tried to get something
to happen the more it was believed that effort would be rewarded by a
positive outcome.
In the changes it is now that the more the force of energy is applied to bring something about the more difficulty there is in obtaining the outcome that is desired, and so it is an absolute imperative to be very clear where are you putting your focus because worry creates an outcome that is focused around the worry so if there is a concern about the finances and there is the tendency to go over and over and over the situation attempting to find a solution the more the energy is focused on the limits the more aggravation there seems to be around the limitation. It's almost as though you would feel as though you're up against a wall, and the harder you attempt to get around the wall or over the wall or thru the wall the more challenging it becomes. And so to discipline yourself to really begin to focus on what you positively desire, and it isn't about want and it isn't about need, it really is about the positive allowing of the outcome that you desire, and the more frustration is involved in visualization the more challenging it becomes to obtain what you desire.
Patience is definitely a prerequisite to achieving what you desire and that referring to the past is not going to bring the positive outcome "I did this before, and so if I do this again because it worked in the past then certainly it's going to work again" and it doesn't, because the times have changed, the energy has changed, you have changed.
Success is a very real energy.
It isn't an illusion, it isn't a dream to be chased and if the belief is the success is not with you that it is somewhere else that tends to create the on going pursuit of being successful and yet never quite seeming to reach the point where the success is with you, or if you gain it perhaps it seems to slip away rather easily. Success is an energy that every time you succeed, every time you accomplish something that you have desired you change, and the mind tends to be rather formula oriented , this is what I have done to succeed this is what others have done to succeed, so this is what you must do to succeed, and perhaps the first time that you do it, it has a success rate but the next time that you attempt to succeed in the same manner it either may not be as successful or it may appear that it isn't succeeding at all. And so every time you succeed you change. So attempting to succeed by the same standards to succeed in the same pattern is not going to bring the same results because you changed and it may be very subtle but as you succeed a little more you change and each change moves you into a different energy space. So the success that you achieved in the beginning will not come because you are now a different entity, perhaps only slightly, but in these changing times it is to know that things are really going in a completely new direction, you up spiral , you raise your frequency and now to attempt to succeed in the "old" place doesn't bring the same outcome because you really are different and you're operating in a higher frequency. And so the successes must be attended to as though each one is a rather new situation because you're in a new place with yourself, so the same old formulas don't work. And that has led to progressively more and more frustration for those who believe they have an idea of how success works only to find what has served them well before is not being so agreeable in the energy of these times. And it isn't because you're failed it isn't honestly not because you're not trying hard enough, in fact it is because people are trying too hard. And the energy of these times is not as susceptible to trying at all, but certainly to force and control and the energy just stops and nothing seems to happen and everything waits until you are willing to be open again to allow things to move again, and then it really begins to shift and change. So focusing on a success, but focusing on it as though it is with you right now. Feel it, don't just intellectually conceive of the potential what you know must work, but feel the success. Feel it within yourself.
In the changes it is now that the more the force of energy is applied to bring something about the more difficulty there is in obtaining the outcome that is desired, and so it is an absolute imperative to be very clear where are you putting your focus because worry creates an outcome that is focused around the worry so if there is a concern about the finances and there is the tendency to go over and over and over the situation attempting to find a solution the more the energy is focused on the limits the more aggravation there seems to be around the limitation. It's almost as though you would feel as though you're up against a wall, and the harder you attempt to get around the wall or over the wall or thru the wall the more challenging it becomes. And so to discipline yourself to really begin to focus on what you positively desire, and it isn't about want and it isn't about need, it really is about the positive allowing of the outcome that you desire, and the more frustration is involved in visualization the more challenging it becomes to obtain what you desire.
Patience is definitely a prerequisite to achieving what you desire and that referring to the past is not going to bring the positive outcome "I did this before, and so if I do this again because it worked in the past then certainly it's going to work again" and it doesn't, because the times have changed, the energy has changed, you have changed.
Success is a very real energy.
It isn't an illusion, it isn't a dream to be chased and if the belief is the success is not with you that it is somewhere else that tends to create the on going pursuit of being successful and yet never quite seeming to reach the point where the success is with you, or if you gain it perhaps it seems to slip away rather easily. Success is an energy that every time you succeed, every time you accomplish something that you have desired you change, and the mind tends to be rather formula oriented , this is what I have done to succeed this is what others have done to succeed, so this is what you must do to succeed, and perhaps the first time that you do it, it has a success rate but the next time that you attempt to succeed in the same manner it either may not be as successful or it may appear that it isn't succeeding at all. And so every time you succeed you change. So attempting to succeed by the same standards to succeed in the same pattern is not going to bring the same results because you changed and it may be very subtle but as you succeed a little more you change and each change moves you into a different energy space. So the success that you achieved in the beginning will not come because you are now a different entity, perhaps only slightly, but in these changing times it is to know that things are really going in a completely new direction, you up spiral , you raise your frequency and now to attempt to succeed in the "old" place doesn't bring the same outcome because you really are different and you're operating in a higher frequency. And so the successes must be attended to as though each one is a rather new situation because you're in a new place with yourself, so the same old formulas don't work. And that has led to progressively more and more frustration for those who believe they have an idea of how success works only to find what has served them well before is not being so agreeable in the energy of these times. And it isn't because you're failed it isn't honestly not because you're not trying hard enough, in fact it is because people are trying too hard. And the energy of these times is not as susceptible to trying at all, but certainly to force and control and the energy just stops and nothing seems to happen and everything waits until you are willing to be open again to allow things to move again, and then it really begins to shift and change. So focusing on a success, but focusing on it as though it is with you right now. Feel it, don't just intellectually conceive of the potential what you know must work, but feel the success. Feel it within yourself.
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