Sunday, May 6, 2018


The old way of being has been reaction.
And anywhere you look on the planet you can see people living reactively.
People that want to make war, people that love a good fight, people that enjoy the pain of others,
“If I’m going to suffer, then others are going to suffer with I “. And that has been a standard of the illusion. But that just keeps the pain going, it doesn’t heal it. As you allow it to heal within you, then it begins to change what you are broadcasting into the world, because as you make positive changes within yourself, energetically you do change the world, you really make a difference.
The healing you make within yourself flows out into the world and though it may be subtle, though it may seem so small that it’s not worthy. The changes that you make influence the collective consciousness. The old idea of “I’ve got a concept of how to go out and change the world” that has never been particulary well received because it’s the nature of human being not to particulary want to be told what to do, simply because you are created with free will. And the illusion hasn’t honored that. To really experience the feeling of loving and appreciating self allows you to know yourself better and it also helps you focus on the things that are important.
Practicallity says “the focus is on how do I get money?” No. The truth of it, the focus is on living a safe comfortable secure life, because that’s what you really desire, and in actuality money can’t buy that. Money can provide things, but if there is not a sense of settledness, of peacefulness,  of clarity within yourself then all the money in the world isn’t going to make you feel safe.
So to get clear what you really desire because more often than not when the truth finally emerges, what people were looking for was something entrenscic that could not possibly be purchased. And in the willingness to have that life where you are loved and cared for, in the willingness to have that so many things that you desire, that you really hadn’t thought about, not only begin to occur to you but they also begin to come into your life

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