Monday, February 12, 2018


Humanity is beginning to find that free will is really important. And the ego mind completely disdain the idea of free will. Control has been all about telling everyone what to do, telling them how to live their life, telling them they couldn’t possibly make choices for themselves, and now free will is moving in so that people begin to realize power giveaway is not necessarily protection, and people have been willing to pay to be safe with their own personal power, only to find that if they give their power away they’re not safe at all.
The ego wants to step in and take over, step in and take control, and it really doesn’t matter who has the reigns of power over others, it’s not an appropriate situation. These times are about every human being remembering “I am a divine creative master”, and how they will learn that is as different as all the cells in the body. Every human being has the ability to be amazingly powerful in a very gentle way. Control is not gentle, it can be insidious but it isn’t gentle. And control has utter disregard for the desires and intentions of another human being. The ego mind can convince a person that their ideas are the only way and if others do not live by their considerations, then those that they love, those they care about can be in great danger. But these times are, especially for the children, because the children that have been born over the last 40 years are souls the have come to assist the planet in making these changes, they see things differently, and as it has always been from one generation to another there is the conflict over who’s right. Every generation comes at looks at the next generation and says “there are things that my parents have thought me that I would never follow” but there are also as the child matures “things my parents have thought me that I would continue to live by”
And these times are revealing how the old ways can be tempered so that they can blend with the new. Some of the old simply can not be, and some of the new is yet untried.

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