Tuesday, January 30, 2018


The intellectual mind has operated in a certain manner for eons of time, and people have become accustomed to at least attempting to function in those patterns today, but those patterns that have been  the norm for so long are changing dynamically. And the ego mind is very determined to do what it wishes, so it will push forward quite frequently instead of simply waiting, patience. And the mind may actually even say “it’s difficult to have to wait”, as you focus on your dreams, your desires, on your own well being, deep, deep cleansing from many many lifetimes in the illusion. Forgiving the pain, the judgement, the distress that the illusion has held over humanity, and consistently calling for, and allowing a deeper level of healing. Not trying to make it happen, but simply asking and allowing the healing to come about. And you will begin to notice the changes, and it is to be sure that you don’t fall into old patterns and simply allow the ego mind to dismiss the changes when you notice them. Because the logical mind is very good at saying “did I really experience that? Did that really happened? It was probably nothing, and more than likely it wasn’t really important”.
So pay attention to the things that you experience that get your attention. Even pay attention to where the ego mind is quick to warn you away from something you’ve noticed. The idea of these changes that are occurring, it isn’t coming from logic actually, it’s coming from the fact that it’s time on the planet for humanity to make these changes. And you can assist in the changes coming about if you are willing to be patient, and assistive, and attentive.

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