Thursday, September 21, 2017


A lot depends on faith, and to trust that you're cared for actually not only opens doors to protection but it also opens gateways to the inner realms that provide and care for. And the gratitude that comes from being cared for and provided for, that gratitude simply opens the way for more.
It certainly will cause humanity to reevaluate what is worth and what is not. Because so many people on the planet have come to a point where their things mean more than the people in their lives, their things mean more than people around them. And in order for this planet to continue in a wonderful way, it is that humanity truly begins to take in consideration the worth and value of human life.
You are important. You are valuable. You are worthy.
And people have felt so bad about themselves for such a very long time that they have forgotten how it is to feel really valuable. So to feel that within yourself actually acts very much like a magnet that will bring you up and over situations that others may not fare so well.
It isn't necessarily the power of finance any longer nearly so much as it is the power of spiritual connection. And that has nothing to do with religious tenant, because religion is based on mental laws  and it has become so corrupted with the power of finance that a lot is lost. So just to remember you're valued, feel it to recognize it. It isn't about power over, it's about understanding what power really is.
The times may not be as easy as humanity has known it, but as One is willing to be grateful for the experiences knowing that they bring gifts with them, then humanity will discover that there is so very much that will bring a new knowledge, awareness, appreciation of self and what life can offer.
No one can decide where all of this will go simply because the finite mind is not equipped to consider what is happening here. People have chosen to simply say "I don't believe it, I'm told that these things are going to happen, I just don't believe that". And it is their choice, but it doesn't necessarily brings things to a positive solution.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


The frequency of the planet continues to rise. The energy is accelerating as far as the changes that are being brought about by revelation. And if One would read into the prognostications of revelation and what the latter days would bring then certainly there is a lot of similarity to what was predicted during biblical times and what is occurring now. And logic would rush to say "but there have been other global disasters, there have been other times of change", Yes and in each time there were certain factors involved that contributed to the changes. In this time You could say all of the factors that have been discussed are being brought into play. So it isn't, yes here are 1 or 2 things that are similar, now it is and this is happening, and this is happening, and this is happening, all of these things was spoken about as indicators of what has been termed "the end of the world", and it isn't, it really isn't the end of the world, but it certainly is the end of the world both energetically and physically as humanity has known it. And one of the issues people have become so distant from one another that they don't know how to inter-relate. 23rd of September marks the end of an energetic shift, and then the frequency is going to gradually begin to rise more. The mind says "oh it accelerated, it went up to a point and now it would drop off and we can get back to what we were doing". No, the idea of going back to is something that humanity is really going to be required to understand, to appreciate there is no back to go to. And now in the physical world that is being underscored dramatically, there is no back to go to.
Who do you know yourself to be? If you haven't considered it, it definitely will become a consideration. How do you live your life? And a lot of people live their life in a haze of drugs, alcohol, so in snared with addictions that they don't even really now who they are. And to come thru these times is going to require presence.
Change and more change, and people are looking for things to stop. The changes have been amplified and magnified so that people must keep moving forward. They must keep making the changes, they are required to keep considering and who am I in all of this? Rather than "when are they going to fix this"? Now everyone gets to look at how this planet has come to function. And to know it really can be better, and there can be so much more. But the planet was created for everyone to benefit and not only a few.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Humanity's doubt that anything, anything of nature could possibly overcome humanity, the idea has become so strong that humans have dominance over nature, and they really don't. That's why it is best to have a good loving relationship with all things natural.
It is important to really consider a lot of change is coming in the future, a lot of reconsideration of how life will be. When the whole planet is in such chaos, it used to be a hundred years ago that if somewhere in trouble others were there to help them. And now everyone is required to consider that their problems are part of the collective whole, and those that truly from their goodness of their heart would be more than glad to serve, they find themselves in such dramatically dire conditions that they can't serve. And so everyone has to consider within themselves and how may I serve in all of this.
Different, yes and all of the modern technology won't stop what nature can do. It can deem the course what the storms may take but it can't prevent it.
A part of the becoming on the planet is for humanity to remember that this is indeed God's creation. And that people have become so involved in their own ways that they discount the value of what God created. So there is a lot involved in all of this, many levels, many layers. And anger and frustration won't bring any healing at all.

Monday, September 11, 2017


The entitlement that so much of the society all over the planet has come to live in brings about a certain amount of inattentive arrogance about their own personal choices. "Can't tell me what to do".
And it is that could very well be a determining factor what the casualty list would be in natural disaster. Whether people are willing to be cooperative or if they choose to be defiant.
When you're dealing with a bunch of warriors who are being weened away from a war, and a lot of them don't know what to do with themselves if there isn't a battle, so they make war where they are, and all of that is a contributing factor to the incidents of weather related disasters as humans called them, a lot of times what takes away the old is simply making a new space for something that's actually better, but even in that humanity is still required to come to a place where they can see things  and recognize them that way, rather than turning toward the drama of loss, because the impact of the illusion on human psyche has been in most all events the impact of that sense of loss. "What will we lose here?"
These times call each human being to look at what do you hold as the most important things in your life, and everyone is being called to define that, whether they find themeselves in the midst of battle, or in the midst of elemental eier. Everyone is being called to define and what is important? And so many have taken life for granted that when it comes to a point of defining what's important they fall into the confusion of the ego mind. The events keep coming and they keep challenging and they're coming faster and faster and faster and they're happening in so many different places all over the world, so that people all over the world begin to recognize it doesn't matter where something happens , everyone on the planet is affected by it. So many people are addicted to reality shows that they are actually watching this stand off between leaders around the world and deciding which side they're rooting for, rather than realizing this is dead serious business for everyone.
And many are having to make very deep decisions within themselves because how they have conducted their life and affairs has been in many ways just looking away from how their choices would affect the whole. Many on this planet are now feeling the impact of Spirit that says "the choices you make influence everyone". No longer can people on one side of the planet look at what's happening to people on the other side of the planet and simply say "thank God it isn't I" and go on about their business. The collective is being influenced everywhere. And that makes a lot of people angry as though the ego would say "no one asked me if I wanted it this way", and when it comes to spiritual evolution it isn't a vote on whether it would happen or not, it's simply the individual choice of how each one will look at the experiences that are coming to them.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


The elements on the planet are reflecting what is being regurgitated from the emotional make up of humanity, what the collective consciousness is throwing up, and therefore the storms are filled with a lot of the violence that's brewing from the competition of leaders of countries and people have no idea how their emotions powerfully influence everything that's going on on the planet.
There is so much negative emotion and conflict of division in the emotions of all on the planet, and people have no idea how their choices to be defiant and just fight because someone doesn't agree with them are contaminating the emotional make up of the elements on the planet.
The more energy people send to the storms, not in fear, even to try to stop it, but simply to send as much Love as possible, because the love will begin to temper the rage that is driving the storms.
Things are changing, and the more that people come to understand within themselves their petty wars are nothing in comparison to the damage that they're doing to the total, to the whole. It's time for humanity to begin to consider beyond self. For the illusion has been very directed toward making people considerate mostly of themselves, and yet anything that anyone does, says, any anger that they express influences the whole and it drives the storms, the fires, the winds, all of the elements are stirred.