Sunday, July 24, 2016


The chaos of change is most everywhere on the planet. What the founding fathers had in mind for the Unites States in the beginning and what has resolved itself in this time is a part of the clearing out of old ideas that simply will not serve in the ongoing anywhere on the planet. And there are many in the political arena that would desperately attempt to take things back to where they were, and they are not aware that there really isn't back to go to.
There really isn't anything that would be there for going back, certainly not to go back to the old ways of managing business or money because the gross injustice of separation is definitely coming forth in these times., and it's getting progressively more difficult for anyone to say that can't see, feel what's happening. 
The anger of so many in this country that a black man would be telling white men what to do, and all of those old injustices of racial conflict that the illusion has set about. All of that is certainly required to be dealt with.
Yes, there are shadows and many of them are the shadows of the illusion passing.
Constant violence keeps occurring in sacred places. The wards and protections that have been set in place for the illusion, that have kept magiK out of the world to a great extent. Those wards and protections are being broken loose. The Middle East is a huge energy vortex that has been an opening to the worlds of magiK all along. And now, there would be emergencies there  that are not supposed to be violent. And yet may stir violence because of the fear that many human beings have for magiK. So there are distresses that are going on all over the planet. No matter where you are, you are the creator of the peace. So if you hold peace within yourself, then you will live relatively peacefully. And if there is the chaos then that can be very uncomfortable, not only for the one that is creating the chaos but all around them.

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