The energy of a recent solar eclipse is a mighty push for every being on a planet to expand into greater intuitive allowing. There are a lot of people that are intuitive but they are so afraid of it. They have been so programmed that the intuition is a tool of a devil, and yet to use one's intuition is a necessity in a growth into mastery.
The intuitive awareness not just in a physical, emotional world but the connectiveness to higher consciousness, all of that is really expanding and this eclipse moved it to another level. So deepening of awareness, and that can certainly increase the stress because there is no controlling it.
Trusting that you are cared for. Trusting that where you are being moved is in alignment with your own spiritual evolution. It isn't something that is being pushed upon you. It is your own inherent changes that are definitely necessary, and very quickly on the heels of all of that is that the new moon is bigger, more powerful. It is a super moon which means that the energy is very close to the planet at its closest axis to the Earth energy, and that Uranus and Pluto are bringing their evolutionary revolution into being, even though they are in separating aspect which means the energy is getting a little bit less, but the continuation of bringing humanity to a point where they would grow so tired of war that they would simply stop the war within themselves. And as the war stops within, then it begins progressively more difficult to keep the war going on the outside.
So, new beginnings.
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