Saturday, February 13, 2016


There are such powerful energetic assignments now, and each one of them is another step to humanity recognizing, realizing that becoming "The New Human" is not a dream of far distant future times, 
The far distant future times have been accomplished. This is the time of fulfillment of the dream. So the energy keeps amplifying now and magnifying. And it is that the increases,the amplification each month; new moon, full moon, and how the progression of the planet keep going that the sun moves into the sign of Aries, a time of new beginning , and Pluto continues its square to the planet Uranus and Aries.
 Evolutionary revolution. 
And the world appears to be going thru the same motions that it has gone thru for as long as humans can remember. And yet the steps are falling into place that will change many things. 

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