Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Self realization comes as it is time.
Being aware of self is not critical judgements. Being aware of yourself requires that you tend to look for finer attributes of yourself. And when you encounter something that you don't like, you don't want to be there. It isn't to go into battle mode immediately to get rid of it, which is an old pattern in the illusion. But first to look at what you have discovered and how can that benefit my ongoing. How is it that I'm finding this flaw in myself at this point in time. But to really understand that how the finite mind judges things does not necessarily mean that what has been called a flaw really is. It may actually be a personality trait that is going to be beneficial in the times to come, but the finite mind couldn't put it in any kind of a category. So the mind wants to get rid of what it doesn't feel is useful. So self realization is living your Spirit every moment  of every day. And allowing that awareness to truly bring you the recognition of an amazing life, not necessarily a glamorous life, not necessarily a high profile life but an amazing life. A life well worth living. A life that is filled with joyful anticipation. A life that is so aligned with synchronicity that the MagiK moves with you. Not that you're looking for magiK to happen. MagiK in many ways is like an animal in nature. If you aggress on an animal in nature, it will run away. But if you make yourself still within, if you are patient and you can wait then the animal will come close, perhaps even to touch you. And the same thing occurs with the magiK of remembering that indeed you are divine. That magiK will be with you as long as you don't "need" it, as long as you don't "try" to use it to make something happen. But the moment you aggress on the magiK, just like an animal in the wild it will disappear, it will move away. So self realization requires that you take yourself lightly, that you enjoy yourself. 
Churches have made the idea of self realization feel like another form of separation, that as you are remembering who you are, you will become so lofty that you are unapproachable. The ivory tower complex. 
And some people have actually decided they really don't care if they don't make Ascension because it sounds all together too isolated, while others more aesthetic of mind might find the time alone to be wonderful. But there is the necessity to be shure that you are not attempting to escape the ways of the world, because whether the control is running away or whether the control is running to, if there is control involved then it's going to limit the process. 
Living a masterful life is exciting, fulfilling, it is joyful, it is always filled with some new insight, and it is always moving forward so as you are in the process of Ascension there is always upward mobility. But it doesn't take you so far away from the world that you don't have a physical journey. It's simply changes your perspective on how you function in the world. As you simplify yourself in your own mind then the self realization that you experience becomes clearer, easier to recognize, it becomes much more comfortable and it allows you to be so very clear. Realization of self is not a religious process. Realization of self in the energy of these times is about accepting who you are. Even if you would go thru spiritual initiations,  even if you would have unique experiences it isn't to take you away from the process of living. Life more than likely as you find yourself will become more simple, simply because you will find yourself not requiring as much. 
In the world the measure has been how many things can you have, how much can you accumulate or acquire. And throughout time there have been aesthetics who were quite content to live in a cave perhaps only to have one or two garments and to live a life of meditation. But that is not the criteria for mastery, it is simply the choice that some masters make for their journey. They simply step away from life, but the evolutionary process at this point of time isn't about taking life away from anyone or anyone away from their life. It is about giving a whole new set of values to the life you are and will create. Realization is consistent, it's ongoing. It's as much a part of your life as any condition of growth could possibly be. 
A child grows, they get taller, they get bigger, they can accomplish more. And yet they are so involved in growing that the realization that they have changed may come one particular day when something so different about their body, about their perspective of life comes to them and they realize they've made some big changes. And that is the way self realization comes. 
The important factor is living it. 
Once you realize something, it isn't about a mental note; check out I've done that as much as it is now that I realize that that is a part of my life, how do I apply this new found consideration of my self to make my life and all the life's of others happier, more joyful. So that realization becomes an integral part of your ongoing. 
The finite mind gathers information but self realization takes the information and puts it into effect. It recognizes how this awareness, how this insight, this new understanding of myself can actually give me a better life, and then it is about applying that understanding rather than just  "I know that" . 
When you get another insight about yourself, when you realize the next step or have a new reality it is to consider that it is another step. Moving from "I know" to "I understand".

Monday, November 16, 2015


Life is changing. Spirit is stepping in to assist one's divine contract at the right place at the right time. That isn't a separation of Spirit or physicality, that is awareness of the blending that Spirit is now making to come into physicality, and that influence is going to accelerate very rapidly now because the closer the Aquarian age comes to being set into place, the faster all of this is moving. So it isn't so much that the choices would be "this is what I want" as much as the choices would be "how does this feel as I consider in the outgoing the outcome or to put it in another way; consider the outcome of your actions before you take them so that you make wise choices rather than acting in haste and repenting in leisure.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


There is a tendency to use busy-ness as a point of self avoidance. And that has become an acceptable trait. But it still translates into the energy of becoming to self avoidance. And no one is going to live the life they truly desire in future times if they are unwilling to really be in alignment with themselves. So this is a point that is quite imperative to honor and appreciate yourself and take the time to understand who you really are.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


To come to a place where there is such a love and appreciation of oneself that there doesn't have to be augmentation that is deadly. 
Women are dying to look good.
And the makers of cosmetics are saying "there is nothing harmful here" and that is a lie. The quality of the cosmetics that are sent to the world are a much lesser quality of integrity even than what is sold in the United States. Cosmetics are a very dangerous game. And an underlying energy that people would begin to realize that cosmetics create an illusion, but the illusion is passed. So to attempt to look beautiful when one doesn't feel beautiful is simply perpetuating a lie that eventually, and in these times sooner rather than later is going to reveal itself: if you don't feel good about who you are then all the cosmetics in the world are not going to change the face you see in the mirror. Because you can not apply enough cosmetics to hide the sadness of the soul, or the loneliness within and it certainly won't heal the judgements that many people carry against themselves of not being good enough. 
So no matter what is put on the face it doesn't change how the person feels about themselves, and that is what's really important. 
As people in this time are so addicted to technology that if you said we want you to spend 48 hours without the cellphone they might feel as though they would go mad. There are people that if you said I want you to leave off the hair dye, the foundation, the eye shadow, the lipstick, even the nail polish for a month to get accustomed to who is there. They would, some of them become quite suicidal at the idea of being so revealed because of the judgements that they carry against themselves, and yet the cosmetics don't make them real. 
So to find absolute, most natural way of coloring the lips, the hair, the nails and then begin very gently ease away from putting a mask on rather than face the world. But that requires being real. And that has become quite a  challenge for many people on the planet.