Sunday, December 20, 2015


Those that are accustomed of saying how things will be and having them be that way are required to sit with themselves and discover how self determine they are. And the fact that self determination propels things forward in a much slower time, but now that kind of force, that kind of push can simply put a great monkey wrench in the cosmic works, and things don't move much at all. And the mind doesn't understand it. The mind hears the words and then wants to dismiss them, "I don't get it" so it can't be real. But what is passing was never real. And what is moving into place is real. And humanity has not lived real in thousands of years. You have been very carefully instructed that dreams are an illusion. And dreams are the stuff of which the future is designed. So they are potential reality. And how the mind has defined things is beginning to reveal itself in business, in the monetary system, in religious institutions, in every facet where the control of the intellect has been the factor that has made the planet work. It's all slowing down and coming to a holt. 

Friday, December 18, 2015


Men have been very accustomed to seeing a woman as a possession. And wanting them to fill a nitch that the man has in mind for them. And as the Goddess is emerging, women are masters, they are equals and they're very intuitive. So are men, but they don't always pay attention to it. Women are more likely to listen to gut level instinct. Men have been so accustomed to desperate women, needing their presence so badly that the woman will throw her life, her future and everything else away just to have a man, and if he shows her attention and appreciation, then they will lay down their life for them. And even that is beginning to change. Because it's an energy that no longer serves the world. As women walk as equals with men there would be a profound energetic shift for a much higher level of consciousness.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


The changes that are occurring now are pulling the planet more and more toward interdependency. The changes, the divine shift is more and more the energy of the Goddess moving forward, more and more calling for a clarity of appreciation of how to relate. And the blending of the ancient into now. Bringing that divine, that you were in the very beginning into a direct connection with all of the technological shifts that are going on on the planet. And people are required, and many would not agree with this, they're required to be more peaceful rather than more war like. Because the more the planet focuses on fear, the more that you powerfully as creative masters simply magnify fear, rather than the potential for the new Earth which is so wondrous. 
So these changes are causing a shift of consciousness that humanity really can not control. Because control is another factor that can take you to the edge of the higher frequencies, but it can't go there. So as you are being called into higher dimensional understanding, the way that your mind has functioned absolutely is required to shift and change. And that in an of itself has a certain amount of fear because it feels so strange. A lot of people actually believe they're losing their mind. 
If you lose your mind, you'll take charge of your life. And this is what is happening, the mind simply technologically does not function under the old standards any longer. It definitely requires that you think/feel and that you shift your base of thinking operations from the head to the solar plexus. For the new technology operates from the center not from control booth of the mind.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Vulnerability isn't a destructive issue. It actually restores you to a place of power you have not known in so many lifetimes, that it's almost as though you would doubt that such a wonderful potential could even exist. And yet as you honor yourself and you feel the love within you for you, it opens doorways of potential that have been closed for so very long, and it will change your perspective of your life. It will help you to realize your greater capabilities, your greater gifts and talents and even bring you the ability to have the courage to step out and fulfill things that you have wished for, things that you have held back. And the primary limitation generally begins with the words what if? 
What if I was myself and it didn't work? What if I dared to step out and it failed? And what if it didn't fail? And what if you got to realize a whole new capability within you ?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Self realization comes as it is time.
Being aware of self is not critical judgements. Being aware of yourself requires that you tend to look for finer attributes of yourself. And when you encounter something that you don't like, you don't want to be there. It isn't to go into battle mode immediately to get rid of it, which is an old pattern in the illusion. But first to look at what you have discovered and how can that benefit my ongoing. How is it that I'm finding this flaw in myself at this point in time. But to really understand that how the finite mind judges things does not necessarily mean that what has been called a flaw really is. It may actually be a personality trait that is going to be beneficial in the times to come, but the finite mind couldn't put it in any kind of a category. So the mind wants to get rid of what it doesn't feel is useful. So self realization is living your Spirit every moment  of every day. And allowing that awareness to truly bring you the recognition of an amazing life, not necessarily a glamorous life, not necessarily a high profile life but an amazing life. A life well worth living. A life that is filled with joyful anticipation. A life that is so aligned with synchronicity that the MagiK moves with you. Not that you're looking for magiK to happen. MagiK in many ways is like an animal in nature. If you aggress on an animal in nature, it will run away. But if you make yourself still within, if you are patient and you can wait then the animal will come close, perhaps even to touch you. And the same thing occurs with the magiK of remembering that indeed you are divine. That magiK will be with you as long as you don't "need" it, as long as you don't "try" to use it to make something happen. But the moment you aggress on the magiK, just like an animal in the wild it will disappear, it will move away. So self realization requires that you take yourself lightly, that you enjoy yourself. 
Churches have made the idea of self realization feel like another form of separation, that as you are remembering who you are, you will become so lofty that you are unapproachable. The ivory tower complex. 
And some people have actually decided they really don't care if they don't make Ascension because it sounds all together too isolated, while others more aesthetic of mind might find the time alone to be wonderful. But there is the necessity to be shure that you are not attempting to escape the ways of the world, because whether the control is running away or whether the control is running to, if there is control involved then it's going to limit the process. 
Living a masterful life is exciting, fulfilling, it is joyful, it is always filled with some new insight, and it is always moving forward so as you are in the process of Ascension there is always upward mobility. But it doesn't take you so far away from the world that you don't have a physical journey. It's simply changes your perspective on how you function in the world. As you simplify yourself in your own mind then the self realization that you experience becomes clearer, easier to recognize, it becomes much more comfortable and it allows you to be so very clear. Realization of self is not a religious process. Realization of self in the energy of these times is about accepting who you are. Even if you would go thru spiritual initiations,  even if you would have unique experiences it isn't to take you away from the process of living. Life more than likely as you find yourself will become more simple, simply because you will find yourself not requiring as much. 
In the world the measure has been how many things can you have, how much can you accumulate or acquire. And throughout time there have been aesthetics who were quite content to live in a cave perhaps only to have one or two garments and to live a life of meditation. But that is not the criteria for mastery, it is simply the choice that some masters make for their journey. They simply step away from life, but the evolutionary process at this point of time isn't about taking life away from anyone or anyone away from their life. It is about giving a whole new set of values to the life you are and will create. Realization is consistent, it's ongoing. It's as much a part of your life as any condition of growth could possibly be. 
A child grows, they get taller, they get bigger, they can accomplish more. And yet they are so involved in growing that the realization that they have changed may come one particular day when something so different about their body, about their perspective of life comes to them and they realize they've made some big changes. And that is the way self realization comes. 
The important factor is living it. 
Once you realize something, it isn't about a mental note; check out I've done that as much as it is now that I realize that that is a part of my life, how do I apply this new found consideration of my self to make my life and all the life's of others happier, more joyful. So that realization becomes an integral part of your ongoing. 
The finite mind gathers information but self realization takes the information and puts it into effect. It recognizes how this awareness, how this insight, this new understanding of myself can actually give me a better life, and then it is about applying that understanding rather than just  "I know that" . 
When you get another insight about yourself, when you realize the next step or have a new reality it is to consider that it is another step. Moving from "I know" to "I understand".

Monday, November 16, 2015


Life is changing. Spirit is stepping in to assist one's divine contract at the right place at the right time. That isn't a separation of Spirit or physicality, that is awareness of the blending that Spirit is now making to come into physicality, and that influence is going to accelerate very rapidly now because the closer the Aquarian age comes to being set into place, the faster all of this is moving. So it isn't so much that the choices would be "this is what I want" as much as the choices would be "how does this feel as I consider in the outgoing the outcome or to put it in another way; consider the outcome of your actions before you take them so that you make wise choices rather than acting in haste and repenting in leisure.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


There is a tendency to use busy-ness as a point of self avoidance. And that has become an acceptable trait. But it still translates into the energy of becoming to self avoidance. And no one is going to live the life they truly desire in future times if they are unwilling to really be in alignment with themselves. So this is a point that is quite imperative to honor and appreciate yourself and take the time to understand who you really are.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


To come to a place where there is such a love and appreciation of oneself that there doesn't have to be augmentation that is deadly. 
Women are dying to look good.
And the makers of cosmetics are saying "there is nothing harmful here" and that is a lie. The quality of the cosmetics that are sent to the world are a much lesser quality of integrity even than what is sold in the United States. Cosmetics are a very dangerous game. And an underlying energy that people would begin to realize that cosmetics create an illusion, but the illusion is passed. So to attempt to look beautiful when one doesn't feel beautiful is simply perpetuating a lie that eventually, and in these times sooner rather than later is going to reveal itself: if you don't feel good about who you are then all the cosmetics in the world are not going to change the face you see in the mirror. Because you can not apply enough cosmetics to hide the sadness of the soul, or the loneliness within and it certainly won't heal the judgements that many people carry against themselves of not being good enough. 
So no matter what is put on the face it doesn't change how the person feels about themselves, and that is what's really important. 
As people in this time are so addicted to technology that if you said we want you to spend 48 hours without the cellphone they might feel as though they would go mad. There are people that if you said I want you to leave off the hair dye, the foundation, the eye shadow, the lipstick, even the nail polish for a month to get accustomed to who is there. They would, some of them become quite suicidal at the idea of being so revealed because of the judgements that they carry against themselves, and yet the cosmetics don't make them real. 
So to find absolute, most natural way of coloring the lips, the hair, the nails and then begin very gently ease away from putting a mask on rather than face the world. But that requires being real. And that has become quite a  challenge for many people on the planet.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015


If you do not have any energy leadings to make a step, then it isn't time. 
The fact that you would be put on notice that you would be drawn to look at a situation does not necessarily mean that  you have to take immediate action. But to listen within, and to feel almost as though when there is s green light, when it is time to make a move, you will feel the energy shift in such a way that it would be clear. So if nothing is really coming to mind, you're not feeling particularly drawn to take a step, then it is to listen. 
In the energy of the old order the ego functioned in a lot of desperation around money. In these times there are many people that are feeling perhaps even more desperate about money. And it isn't necessary people that don't have money, there's a lot of desperation in the places of those who have a great deal. It is to consistently remember, none of the world being on the planet is really based on money but on the energy of the currency flow of God. It's all about the currency, the frequency much more than it is truly about the money itself. 
So as you get clear about that, and you really pay attention you will find that more and more all that you desire and all that you require is being given to you when you require it. Perhaps not one moment before, maybe not far enough ahead of time that the finite mind would be comfortable because the finite mind believes in amassing, getting a lot of money set aside, and yet the more you live in the realms of mastery the more connected you are to divine understanding, the more you will begin to realize that when you require the energy, it will be there. And more often than not, not one moment before, 
So faith is a great element of moving forward in prosperity. And truly a lot of the games that were played in the illusion that became addictions for many people are not feasible any longer, they simply are not necessary, and they are certainly not important. 
When you really trust your gut. When you really pay attention within yourself, you will find that you are very clearly led when it is time and when the decisions are important. Trust that you are cared for and led in the divinely appropriate way. This is one reason the finite mind does not like the whole concept of mastery because control has no place in the higher realms of frequency. And the vast majority of beings on the planet simply do not know how to function without control. 
So really paying attention within yourself, trusting your intuition, and always being willing to recognize the timing.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


There is so much confusion going on anywhere that money is involved. It's as though the balance around money and what it's about has become so distorted, so upset. 
The finite mind believes that it's absolute insanity, but when you let go of the situation around money, it opens the flow so that even if the money, the energy that is due to you doesn't come from the place you thought it would, you will still get it.  
But when there is an expectation, a need, a demand, then that simply jams the flow, and a lot of times it just brings things to a neutral point where nothing is changing and nothing is moving.


There is so much compromise in the government. The master Obama is very clear about many things that are going on, but it also is 2 things involved. 
1 : his choice to stay in integrity as he would lead the country and 2: in fact that in many places his hands are tied, so that he can not make changes. 
He has done a great deal to attempt to bring a greater financial, health, wealth and happiness balance to the people, to all the people. But it is that there are still a few that want to have everything. And that is something that revelation is bringing to the fore not only in the United States but all over the world. That the leaders are really not a least bit interested in the people doing well. In fact there's almost a fear that if people do well, if they are financially well off, if they have good health that they would become uncontrollable. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


When someone steps beyond a veil, it isn't an end to life at all. It is an ongoing in a whole new understanding. And for many that can be very challenging, but progressively the energy of the times really is moving people to a much deeper recognition that what operates beyond life is now waiting to operate in conjunction with life. And this is still a difficult situation for the finite mind of many that are passing now to understand, to take it in. 
And so the will of those that have been very caught up in the old order can sometimes obviously make things so much more difficult than they have to be. 

Sunday, July 19, 2015


The ego child says "tell me a story, what does the future hold? tell me that my future is going to be good". 
Absolutely, not only is your future going to be good, it's going to be outstanding. 
It's going to be beyond anything you could possibly imagine.
The crocks of the thing is, will you allow that ? Or are you going to sit and hope it unfolds, or are you going to try to make something happen and then be upset that what you desired didn't happen instantly. And it doesn't mean it won't. It simply means that as everything on the Earth is moving faster, humanity is being called to slow down. So the necessity of being patient, of slowing down is a big part of the achievement of what you desire. 
Giving up won't stop it, it will just delay the process. So even though it takes a lot of courage not to give up on yourself when you can't see exactly how things are going to work. It's necessary, it's a bit like going to the Spiritual Gym and working out to build your faith muscles everyday. And the ego would say I don't feel like going to the gym today, I have worked hard enough, long enough, I should get very good outcomes. And the Spirit certainly wouldn't disagree except the ego tends to operate from a perspective of entitlement. I deserve to have the good. Yes you do.
But the ego puts a twist of neediness in it. And the moment there is neediness then all of Spiritual beings who are here to assist you must step back.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


The mind always wants to get in a rush, the mind wants to get out ahead of things and know the next step. And the mind gets very angry if it can't have its way. And then the anger brings up fear, and the fear brings resistance and the resistance brings pain; mental, emotional, physical pain. If nothing else it brings up all the old patterns of the ego saying "you don't have any value, there's nothing here for you to accomplish". The ego may even say "you've done it all" which is like someone saying "I've tried everything". No human life has lasted long enough for a soul to try everything. Not up to this point. And it is in the becoming as you remember your mastery, you also will begin to forgive trying. Because it really is a know thing.
It brings frustration, it underscores limitations that aren't even real. It makes you feel bad about yourself, and for many they just want to leave, get away. But avoidance is not a healing, and therefore frustrating though it is to the ego in order to accomplish what you truly desire, it requires that you be very present with yourself now, right here. And pay attention to how the mind is struggling to get to the next thing. Fighting to get a clear picture of what the idea is and "how I can do it".
And the energy is changing. The energy has changed in the whole universal concept of things. And those who have been in control of their lives are finding that there is a great deal more frustration than ever as they are attempting to be in control. Because control has no place in higher dimensional frequency. So the more that humanity is trying to make things work the way they have always known it, the more frustrated people become. Those that are allowing themselves to wake up ,those that are being well with their own remembering are experiencing life in a very different way.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Money by the numbers is not going to work. It's not working now. The medical profession has done money by the numbers for a long time. Simply pushing as many people thru a day as they can, and now their lack of attention, their lack of caring is beginning to rebound on them.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Fear is an illusion. It isn't real and yet people have lived by it by its directive for so long. And the fear creates all manner of resistance, that is why people don't want to change very much. 
Even in the letting go of they have made soul decision to pass from the planet, a lot of times the fear makes the passing very difficult, even though the person may be saying "I want to go". 
Fear is causing the resistance which creates a lot of the pain of living in physical form. The resignation to the difficulty of being human.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


The 5th dimension, the causal plane has been considered the place where humans go to dream their future, the next step, the next phase of where things would go. To go in and dream a million dollars, and then energetically to drop it through into the physical realms. But now humanity is living in the frequency, in that energy of the causal plane. So you actually have greater access to your creative potential then humanity has had in thousands of years. So you're closer to God, more connected to your divine inheritance. And the accessibility is so much easier. So much easier in fact that it really worries the ego that accessibility is so easy. So it's also in part integrating the ego. Helping the ego to get comfortable with your expansion. So that ego isn't constantly, like a worrisome child pulling at your shirt tail, "we can't go there, I'm afraid, you can't do that, what would they say"?

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Discovering who you really are is quite a heavy experience.
It really does lift you up, elevate you and allow you to feel how that connection to those higher frequencies where all of humanity is going now. 
The Earth in many places in many ways looks more like hell than anything else, but that is because everything that is not about the highest good is being required to be forgiven, and for people to adjust to the fact that they don't have to work so hard, they don't have to suffer, and certainly do not have to punish or be punished in order to have greater good.

Sunday, May 31, 2015


The evolutionary process of Spirit interacting with physicality begins to put glaring spotlight on religion. Because most religions have fallen in the illusion to a place of speaking out with both side of their mouths. 
It is why Pope Francis is such a disturbance to the world because he is a man that speaks what he feels is true. and as he speaks what he feels is true, not that other people have to believe it, but this is what he feels from the lord God of his being is true. And that speaking honestly about himself has a resonant frequency that is very attractive to quantum evolution. And the church holds its foundation so solidly in old energy. So there is a fear that Pope will reveal secrets that shouldn't be told, that he will do things to cause change that shouldn't happen. And those kinds of evolutionary steps are going to be absolutely necessary in every level of human life; religion, politics, the corporate world, all levels of business.
 It's all going to be required to change.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Quantum energy is not some advance in technology that's amazing, it is an advance in the human technology that is almost unbelievable, and yet it is most assuredly taking people to whole new level of awareness. And the awareness of self really is the most important part. How are you going to know how you fit in into all of this if you're aren't aware of yourself?
Quantum evolution. 
New levels of understanding, and it just continues to open you up to bring whole new levels of awareness, and because it is moving in the inner places it isn't just getting stuck in the cranial brain. Even those who are so convinced that the only way to live is to fight will be required as time passes to find new occupations. The occupation of militarist will as humanity evolves begin to become less and less a requirement. And even the love of war, and the blood lust to kill others will begin to dissipate as quantum energy moves into place more and more. So it is very subtly restructuring everything. Changing the DNA, and calling people to really appreciate themselves in such a way that has absolutely been un-allowable, inconceivable in the illusion.
So much is changing and so subtly.
Welcome to the restructuring of the planet that is bringing master who will be able consciously to plug in to the awareness of their mastery. And the egoic mind sees it as just another tool that can become a weapon to claim power over the world,"I can take over the world with that". But as you really assimilate what it is about there will be no desire to take over the world, but much more to invite the world to be a part of the totality of what you are discovering that people could live peacefully and not see peace as a loss of income. That masters would remember the capability of creating unimaginable wealth, but realizing that how the world has required money simply begins to pass away as people wake up. And the finite mind can't imagine these things, and yes the first question that asks is how do I do that? 
Absolutely you can not do it.
When the energy of doing is brought into the situation, the capability of accomplishment in their realms begins to dissipate, if someone is trying to do something, trying to think up a solution, trying to control other people, they will find that even though energetically in the past they have accomplished many things by trying. It doesn't work any longer. So relaxing, allowing yourself to experience responses in life involved with other masters. To realize that there are levels of respect, of personal value, of accessible wisdom that have not been available to humanity in lifetimes because of the illusion. And as people begin to feel really good about the changes they'll no longer fight them. 

Friday, May 29, 2015


Now quantum is blending the energy of original creation in this place and lifting all of humanity. 
All of humanity; those that don't believe, those that are angry, those that are frightened, those that don't want to, those that don't care. Everyone is being lifted up. So as you connect to it, as you feel that energy. You'll also become very subtly aware of the hum gets disharmonious, which usually says you're trying too hard, you're working too much, you stepped out of connection with yourself. And it is as though the internal mechanism can register a dissonance that says relax, align and feel the harmony moving in you again. It connects you to all of the synchronicities that are moving, that so many people miss because they are looking outside of themselves, rather than within. And therefore they are missing a lot of the energy that would assist them to accomplish more, but also the more that you connect to the quantum energy, you begin to become more aware within yourself of your connection to the whole. A realization from the body-brain that you are not alone, that you are not separate. You really don't have to do anything by yourself. And there is such a comfort in that realization, and insurance that you are capable, and an assurance that you are always attended to.  
For every soul that is on the planet there are at least a hundred masters that are available in attendance for their requirements, for their growth, for their evolution. 
Some people are aware just enough of that energies. Feel it, but there is also a tendency to fear it because it's not something that is familiar. A lot of the quantum aspects of evolution can feel very alien. 
So bringing yourself to a place where you feel comfortable with people,ideas, things that are very different from what you have known, been thought, accepted, believed.
Quantum evolution. Quantum understanding is amazingly different. Because it calls for looking at, feeling into all of life without any preconceived notions. 
Nothing in this world is as it appears to be.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


As Spirit integrates into physical form the idea of controlling one another becomes less and less feasible, and the ability, the capability of creating greater things, because there isn't a conflict of competition, or the fear that someone else would steal your idea. It is simply masters sharing amazing concepts and being appreciative of what other masters are offering, of what they are coming up with. And because all of the knowledge and information, the wisdom of the Universe comes from higher places it isn't about owning the information, because as you move into quantum understanding, you really begin to appreciate that everyone sees things differently. So no one is going to steal an idea because they would take that information, that knowledge and they would put it into effect from their own perspective. So you might look at what they've come up with and say "that's just like mine". But in quantum understanding you also feel it, and you become much more aware of the subtle frequency differences that will tell you just like a thumb print or an eye print this belongs to this particular master, so that it can't be taken. And you can see so much of the beginnings of transference of energy because the old order has said knowledge gives you a sense and edge over others, so if you can take what other people know and have it, then you can control others,and the things that the criminal element of the world have utilized, taking what people hold as secrets and using it against them is all beginning to be revealed, people still don't get it, they're still wanting to fight invasion but it is bottom line live your life in such a way that if someone hacks into your email they're not going to find something embarrassing, they may find something astounding. But it's very subtly calling to people to let go of judgement, the criticism of self and others that has so supported the sense of unworthiness.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Welcome to the wonderful world of Quantum evolution. And the finite mind looks at it and says "you can't make those things happen, people won't change". Quantum evolution isn't saying "by your leave I will change you", quantum evolution is operating on the dynamic understanding if you're here, you've agreed to this. So there is no offense of violation of free will whatsoever.  
Quantum energy lures people to want to know more and at the same time terrifies them. Quantum energy is so attractive because it is "great unknown" 
And yet it feels like truth, and yet there is that powerful fear of the ego that losing control while its wanting to get control thru the understanding of quantum energy. The more you really understand it, the less there would be inconsideration of abusing it, because as you understand it, you realize that everything is connected. You can not use this energy as a weapon against a few and not have it done dynamically influence the whole in such a way that nothing could ever be put back the way it was. It's almost as though as God created this concept of quantum energy; every possible potential that the human mind can come up with to get around it so that they can use it as a weapon instead of a tool was taken into consideration, and there was an over-ride or closure of the back door into the files. This really is a science of masters because the finite mind just doesn't even begin to grasp how it could possibly work.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Nothing that is going on in the world is as it appears.
And it is a time of instructional consideration of life for people to begin to realize that nothing really is as it has been, and no one can measure life the way they did before. Because if you're on the planet you're moving into the alignment of the new Earth, and you are becoming new humans. 
So the structural difference, the physical form will become lighter, 
The old order has wanted physical density, a lot of muscle and body mass, and the need to be very very strong physically. And that was a truth of a time , but as you move into quantum evolution the physical form will begin to get lighter. 
Spirit integrating with physicality, it never could before.
Every soul came as a spiritual being,and they came to live in a physical form, but the more physical the form became the less humanity remembered hat they were spiritual beings. And so the things of Spirit were put outside of self, and then they were put in unreachable, untouchable places. So quantum physics is challenging physical science to understand how the energy that you can not see functions, where does it come from and where does it go. And the scientists have made postulations intellectually, and lot of them have decided "that makes sense". It makes sense to the finite mind but the finite mind doesn't have a grasp of quantum evolution. The finite mind is a knowledge gatherer but it is not wired to  conceive of how things of the higher frequencies function. 

Friday, April 17, 2015


The atheistic mind or mind that has come to believe that mind is all there is, is very shut off, very cut off from compassion, consideration, caring, and in Japan and China there is a lot of focus on mind being the most powerful thing of all. The dolphins are very refined race of beings, as are whales and their is a high energy that they are bringing to the planet. Many of the dolphins now are translating into human form because they can communicate more readily, they can assist with the higher understanding that they carry, so a lot of the dolphins that are being slaughtered and they are translating into physical human form, and that is a part of why you could say they have agreed to this, that they absolutely know the time has come for them to move into human form. And it isn't really a step up for them, in many ways considering the level of their wisdom and experience thru out time it can almost be a step down. But it isn't about a judgment because they have agreed to this in love without a condition, they have agreed to be a part of what moves humanity forward in these times. And the dolphins have no anger towards those that are taking their lives because they understand deeply the purpose, and they do know that even though the physical form of a dolphin may be killed, the spirit of the dolphin will live on and on.
So in these times where death means less and less, where it's just another aspect of translation and yet it is taken to be such an awful thing such an atrocity because humanity had used it that way, taking a life is an insult, taking a life is a crime, taking a life is a cruelty against another, that those who will take a life very often are so wounded they don't even appreciate it. So those who are killing the dolphin very often are workers who are ordered by large corporations to go out in boats and to herd the dolphins into nets and take their lives , owners of big corporations, those who deal with the fishing industry who don't want to dirty their hands or " get caught" in the actual slaughter of dolphins so they send the workers out as though the people who must kill dolphins for their livelihood wouldn't have any feeling about it one way or the other, and the mind very often can create such illusions that those on high places say because my hands never touched the dolphins I have nothing to do with their death. So we're going to remind everyone again ; everything that you do affects everything, the thoughts you have, the actions you take , the angers, the hatreds, the attempt to control, the separation from selves and others had all affected everything thru out time. And the dolphins love so clearly and truly and unconditionally, and yet their wisdom is that of masters of a high level of understanding of the beauty and truth of life.
You can invest yourself in the anger against those who are killing the dolphins and you can live in the acid of hating them for what they do or you can allow yourself to merge with the consciousness of the dolphin and allow that consciousness of the dolphin to lift you into a place where they understand. You can desire to kill the killers or you can allow yourself  to support these courageous masters who are allowing themselves to make this translation in this time for all on this planet, humanity, nature, animals, the waters, the air, the trees, the earth. You can look at it from compassion and allow yourself to learn or you can look at it and see it only from the old ways which is all about war and hatred and separation, and it's a choice that every human being is up against but as you allow yourself to make a choice for love, to make the choice for love to hold your attention to shift your perspective, to move your energy in the paths of love then you can honestly say these beloved creatures have not died in vain at all

Sunday, April 12, 2015


In the material world energy has been always a factor, but people have not necessarily as the world says put two and two together, but now as everything is refining, shifting it's moving into higher frequency and its creating all manner of what the mind might call dysfunction, but very often it's simply energy shift.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Courageous patience is an element in these times that everyone requires. No matter what the situation that may have the focus of attention for the moment. Courageous patience to allow things to reveal themselves. 
Revelation for what they really are. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015


The less in any aspect of your life that you can make it a war game the easier you can allow it to be, it is the quicker it's going to come to a positive resolution. Energetically let it go. The ego wants to fight, and war has less and less positive effect in these times than ever. It's never been really something positive, but in the energy of revelation, it is making a conflict simply does not bring the satisfaction that the ego has gotten before. It is simply to energetically move on to other things and allow the situation to resolve itself because there has been that desire to get it taken care of, to get it out of the way, to deal with it, and to be in clear recognition that addresses does not accomplish what you desire. So to let it go before you magnetize more unpleasantness into the situation.

Monday, March 16, 2015


Business as usual really isn't. 
Because there is no usual to business any longer. 
Understanding that, sometimes can be rather difficult since the mind has its own perceptions of how things should be. So when nothing is happening it is because the energy is stalemated. You can't try to make things happen. And people want to force the issue, push it thru, make it happen, have it come faster, and the more there is the energy of trying the more things just lock up.
So to let go of trying.
The egoic mind can say "if I let go of everything, then I have nothing". 
No. As you really let go, rather than being in conflict over the concept of letting go, as you can really let go, then it is you will find you open new energetic gateways for things to come to you that did not before.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


The law as humanity has lived with it has been about revenge. 
And yet, the energy of revenge in the upspiral of the frequencies now isn't bringing any positive outcome. So to forgive revenge, because it isn't going to bring you a positive outcome.  
Letting it go makes the space for things to come into your life that will prosper you in such a grand way that this will be nothing. As you are open to wondrous prosperity coming into your life, soon this event will be past.

Friday, March 13, 2015


To be fully engaged in life is not just doing. It is the actual experience of feeling, of energetically being involved in the life. A lot of people go thru life watching their life, but not necessarily experiencing an involvement in it, and therefore they are pursuing something that they can not find or can not reach that they're always looking for the next thing rather than being comfortable being with what is there. To enjoy life is to truly participate in it, to really be a part of it. So enjoying the life is not just doing something, getting a momentary rush of happiness for the outcome and then having to rush on to something else. Enjoying life is right where you are. Enjoying life is now. It isn't predicated on something that's going to happen out there in the future, and maybe someday I'll get what I want for my life to get better, but really enjoying who you are right now in this moment.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Blessings upon your birthday.
A magical time, celebrating that energy of the stars of the day of your birth. 
And it is that as you move into that time, in many ways it is as though Shiva's broom simply sweeps away a lot of the old things and prepares you to enter into the new energetic year. So it is that you are open to a whole new receptivity and venture energetically into things that, perhaps you have  touched on but not known clearly, and even into things that are so new that they will bring you amazement. So be alert to the synchronicities. 

Monday, February 23, 2015


A lot of times for the initiate to have the experience, Spirit will utilize those that are available to bring it even if they are not necessarily altogether wise. 
It's no longer in initiations in the great magiK who is the most knowledgeable as much as it is who is the most connected.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Everything that humanity can invent, they can do without the invention.
And that is what the technology of these times is really putting before every one. 
So all of this technologies: computers and cell phones, all of the technological communication which truly in these times is becoming more and more susceptible to energetic interference. Not because it's really a weakness as much as it is that there is a necessity for people to respect each other's communication. People texting, and they are texting madly, and they are not connecting with the person they're talking to. They're simply putting energetic symbols on a screen and waiting for the next impulse to come in on their telephone. So as people are required to connect, really feel one another energetically. Then hacking and all of the technological interruptions that many egos are very proud of themselves that they are creating will begin to disappear. Because in the higher levels of technology that kind of abuse is simply not there. It isn't that its banned, it's simply that it is so out of sync with higher level energy that it disappears. 
For these times the technologies are very impressive. 
Humanity carries within themselves the ability for clear, private, protected communication intuitively. And what is holding it back is trust. It's as simple as that. People just don't trust that they are capable of all the things that they are. 
Humanity is being put on notice to feel within self and begin to really pay attention to how the electrical energy of all of these hi-tech gadgets influences you. How do you feel it, how do you experience it. How does it open new neuro pathways and really pay attention as you begin to feel it more and more within yourself your own internal expansion that will allow you much greater access to without the outer technology. And in that having very dynamic influence on how others communicate in times to come. 
With every technological invention that is placed before you, pay attention because it's opening you up to in part remembering when these devices were not necessary, and in part to a whole new way of communicating energetically.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


There are so many things that are changing on the planet now. 
And how things have functioned business wise are changing for everyone. So if you can't let it go then  you may find that it becomes an energy block, because everything is energy and the logical practical mind has not operated on that understanding at all.
It has operated on the understanding of war games, of force, of manipulations, of control and how business as usual has been done in the past is not necessarily going to function well as the energy moves into a higher dimensional  frequency. It is that there are people that  don't believe in higher dimensional frequencies, but that doesn't stop gravity from holding them on the planet. 
To say that you can not do something may be the very block to the energy that  will deny things moving forward. 
And yes, the egoic mind has it's ways of creating and it's not prone to want to let them go, however, it may possibly move to a point where the energy will come to a spot where absolutely you are required to let things go and allow them to move forward into a place, into an energy that will open the way again. 
But to attempt to manage affairs by the intellect alone is not necessarily going to make it terribly easy in the ongoing. 
Pay attention to the energy of trying, of attempting to make things happen and you may notice the harder you try the less things move. And when you simply let it go, then it can move forward, things can change. In fact as you allow it, that is a great piece of the magiK of mastery, is knowing when to just release things and allow them to move. Knowing when to let it go and be open to see what the Universe will bring you if you're willing. But when you attempt to force things to continue to operate by the old standards, then you may simply discover that a lot of things in your life are not as open as they were, they aren't moving as well. Because the energy of these times shifting into higher frequency simply is not going to follow the path of the old ways. A lot of how the logical practical finite mind has functioned is becoming as antiquated as computers become in a very short period of time. The fact that humanity has operated by those standards for so long doesn't mean that now things are not changing dynamically. And the dynamics of calling for a whole new understanding within self. So there are those certainly, you see it all over the planet who are still attempting to conduct business as usual the way they've always known business as usual, but it isn't working as well. And a lot of things that were done to force issues in business are simply being revealed inappropriate. 
It is a time of amazing changes. 
And it is to really pay attention for "I can not" can definitely clog the energy so that it won't move. And so it is to pay attention, feel within yourself. 
And it would be a great wisdom to  trust your intuition.


Everything in the world is about energy. 
When you feel a connection to a place, to a person, to a situation, to stay alert for signals, ideas, information that can come to you about affairs In your current life, and the way that your attention is drawn, pay attention is to feel a connection, to feel it, to really notice in the situations of your life. It requires that you operate on the understanding that there are no accidents, that coincidences are really just ways of giving you information, and to be alert for synchronicities all of the time, and feelings about a connection are part of the synchronicity.
Synchronicity is a gift that God gave that humanity carries the connection, and it shows you the next step. But in the separation the logical practical mind has come to dismiss that there's  anything to it. 
And definitely there is a lot to it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


When ego is guiding the way there is generally some confusion, there may be a sense of haste or neediness in the thing. When Spirit is guiding the way it feels good, it feels clear. 
So to be very attentive within yourself whether you're attempting to function by logic, or if you are allowing the truth of higher consciousness to guide you. So to be very clear that you're making your decision based on what Spirit guides, and ego may actually give you the council "Spirit is for spiritual things, and logic and practicality are for business".
Learning to do business in a physical way guided by spiritual essence. And that is where the world is truly moving now. And as business is followed in that particular council, the amazing changes that can happen on the planet is absolutely astounding. 
To really get clear within yourself that if it sounds like a good deal, how does it feel? Not what do you want to be there, but how does it feel? Letting go, so that you can really hear clearly without physical ears wanting to guide you. That will make all the difference in the world in the choices you make, and whether things operate in the manner which you desire or whether it looked good and then turned out to be something else. 
The gut level instinct is much clearer than the intellectual logic and practicality, even though it's been trusted in the illusion.  And you're not operating in the illusion anymore. Things are different .
The Aquarian age is moving rapidly and nothing is functioning as it once did. 
And yes, you may find for a time things may feel very strange, it may feel almost as though you don't know what steps to take because you're still trying to take the steps by the way you've always known. But learning  to trust your intuition, listen within yourself, and Spirit gives amazing council. It may not be what you wanted to hear but it's still as you are willing to attend to it can be very valid and very valuable. 

Friday, January 2, 2015


In those times where the physical form was just really beginning to come into play, when everything about being human was still rather new, for Lemuria was not so much about physical bodies, it was still a lot about energy, and Atlantis was the next step into a new technology of physicality. And it was also an awakening to the beginnings of the illusion. And so Atlantis, great scientific experiments, the blending for a time of Spirit into physicality, though it did not last very long because there was a belief of great necessity to hurry up and get involved with physical affairs. So that movement tended to end the time of the blending of Spirit and humanity, physicality, and to carry things along into greater levels of science. And then the illusion created such separation that it was almost as though humanity fell into a time of dark ages where now that the physical form was brought into play, all of the emphasis was on being physical, and not so much attention to the spirituality at all anymore. Time passed, many eons. 
It really isn't about numbers as much as it is about how things have evolved in these times because Atlantis was the history, and now all of humanity is being opened up to really living the mysterious, the amazing, the vast creative potential that is waiting for all in this time.
Experience the connection of the ancient and the now.
The children of the stars come to this place and bring their clarity, their wisdom, their understanding and in many instances their remembering of things they have learned in other places, often times places where the souls that came to this planet to experience Atlantis and Lemuria have known well in other journeys. And now  it all begins to blend together. It isn't about the separations any longer.
It is much more about the understanding that everything is really, truly One. And that can make the finite mind feel as though as locked in some form of confusion that could not possibly be because you can tangibly recognize that there is separation, and yet energetically it isn't real. 
And so to bring remembrances of scientific experiments from Atlantis into this place in this time and translate them into the energy of the becoming.
And some of those things were so amazing that science with all of its brilliance would not be able to fully comprehend everything that was created in Atlantis. So much of it got lost and it slipped into the realms of mythology.
It is so ancient, it's new. It is so close
you can almost touch it, and yet it may feel as distant as lifetimes that have been forgotten.
The magiK of Atlantis.