Sunday, July 27, 2014


Putting the energy out there, or to say it a different way "send your faith out ahead of you" and allow your faith to begin to open the way, so that you can actually accomplish what you have dreamed about. And as you send your faith ahead of you and you allow yourself to be shown this step and this one and this one, people that have had the experience, people that are desirous of accomplishing similar situations and allowing it to just unfold. Not to push because the ego wants to move things into "old timing". And time has changed so dynamically, it is operating so differently that there really is no rush, and the truth of it is you couldn't rush it if you wanted to because the way time is functioning now; when it's time it happens, when it isn't it doesn't.
And people can literally, physically, mentally, emotionally hurt themselves attempting to push things forward, manipulating by old patterns only to find that it simply becomes progressively more frustrating. Patience is a very big piece of mastery, and patience has not been something that the world has learned a lot about. The teachers have not been all together patient and therefore they did not necessarily see that patience had a great deal of value, they would teach; push, force, determination to make things happen but to really understand that in this now and here is where feeling plays such a huge part. feeling the timing, and being so clear with yourself that you can be absolutely assured it is just fine.
Learning to live based more on faith than on how you must do it to accomplish because when you can live on faith and the logical practical mind say you can't live on faith, which is exactly why humanity doesn't because they have been assured through out lifetime "you can't live on faith, faith won't pay the bills". But when you trust your own capabilities, then having faith in yourself is a monumental step toward accomplishing what you truly would desire to bring about. So that necessity to understand how to live with a clear connection with yourself as much of the time you can possibly maintain it.
It's not a human condition to maintain that steady a faith in yourself all the time when it's new. It's like building a muscle. But the more that you can then it is the more you will actually discover the keys that would move you forward are right there inside of you. And you may be absolutely amazed to find that the answers that you been looking for out there have been waiting right where you are, right inside of you.

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