Monday, July 29, 2013


If others are having issues about your choices, that is their choice. And if they do not like what you are doing, if they are not comfortable with what you have chosen, then as a Master in the remembering you get to really let it go. Let it go and no matter what to be so clear within yourself about the energy that you  are not getting caught up on your own judgements, for this is an issue for these times; all of the judgements that every human being has carried through the game of separation to play that game. All of those judgements are coming to the fore, they are revealing themselves in every possible way and many of those judgements have been terribly painful. So these mirrors that stand before you that apparently are not in approval of your choices are reflections of things that consciously or unconsciously you have held against yourself. And now it is time to forgive, forgive, forgive, let it go, be done. For every thing that might cause aggravation or that might cause you to feel sorrow. Why would they not appreciate my joy? All of this is so vitally important for you to look at within yourself. To really get clear so that you are not caring old burdens that absolutely no longer serve your life.  Very often the mind looks outward for validation among those that are in the collective of the life, and now it is for those to be considered. Must I make changes in my plans because of their disagreement? No.
But would I feel wounded because of their disagreement? And that is the issue that requires solution, that even though it might not hurt your feelings, it could make you feel uncomfortable, it could make you feel unsettled. You might even find yourself questioning I have called these my friends and now they are in disapproval of my choices. And then the ego begins its journey of activity to make you question all that is in your life. And these questions are not to call you to turn away nearly so much as they are to cause you to examine, just examine yourself and find the answers within you. If there is an issue with what someone else is doing then you get to sit quietly with yourself and to look at why am I bothered by their perspective?
As you will be well with the changes, and more that any other time since humanity began to play the game of separation, this is a time where you must be absolutely clear that you are living your own truth. That the choices that you are making are choices that would call you to be true and faithful to yourself. For if you would make choices that would in any manner separate you from yourself again one more time, the pain of that separation could be greater than it has ever been felt before simply because the energy of these times is bringing in a dynamic that has not existed before. And that dynamic is the necessity to remember that in the beginning time you were faithful to yourself, that the love of God that created you kept you faithful to yourself . So make your choices in joy and as you are faithful to yourself then it will be well. And others who are reacting perhaps to the fact that you are changing, and people have a great deal of difficulty with someone who is making changes because if you are changing it is as though you are putting a mirror of shift before them. And if you are changing, perhaps things in their life are going to have to change also, and they would rather prevent you from changing than to contemplate the fact that soon they may be following exactly the same path that you are. And so to enjoy, delight, lovingly enter into the changes with greatest of understanding and appreciation for yourself.

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