Wednesday, August 2, 2023


 Humanity has so many rules around having help come, being served. Either service is a domination or it’s a slave thing, and the truth of it is service is a gift, to give and receive. For when you share you are giving and you are receiving at the same time. Where the mind has set up the idea you give til it hurts, you pour yourself out and then you have to sit and wait to go back up again, and Spirit will fill you as you are giving forth. There is absolutely no necessity for anyone on this planet to be lonely,  to be ill, to be fearful. But the ground rules in logic of a well established and forgiving them takes some time.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 In the body brain where humanity thought in the beginning there is that connection to divine wisdom, there is that recognition of a clarity that the logical mind does not possess. The most brilliant of intellect are clouded by the illusions. As the illusions fall away you literally can think-feel, and begin to see-feel your way thru. The mind has a very small gate of tolerance and it wants things done immediately, but the more you trust Spirit, the more you will feel just how amazing it is to live in divine timing. To begin to remember that the time that the logical mind fights with is an illusion. Living longer is where humanity is moving, and the practice of living it well simply makes a long life a joyful thing rather than a burden or something to escape.