Monday, July 12, 2021


 So much of the ability to heal is contingent on their willingness to heal, because one of the major shifts in energy that’s happening on the planet is humanity has been basically thought that healing is done to you, and it is really becoming more and more dependent on is the individual willing to accept the healing because there can be the greatest healers, the most ancient wisdom , the finest of facilities and even the greatest of ancient magic if you would. And it still depends on the willingness to accept the healing. How much one is willing not just to heal but to embrace the changes that the healing brings. And that’s where so many people will actually step back is they desire the opportunity to be well, they desire to have a comfortable life or to have an adventurous life, whatever but it is that the bottom line is if you’re going to really be well you get to let go of how you believe life is, who you have been and those changes create a lot of fear to the ego mind, and so it is that consideration is the biggest factor actually, because as things are moving on the planet and the movement really is going toward the ability to step into being the masters that humanity was created to be, to live in a higher frequency and it’s available to everyone, but so many don’t understand, they don’t remember, they don’t want to know, they don’t care, and so the opportunities are presented to all, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that a lot of people will be receptive right now in this time. And so healing of the physical, the mental, the emotional bodies also requires the embrace of Spirit. Surrendering to Spirit.