For the rush, the push to get everyone vaccinated and yet so little consideration in outcomes that have not been considered. To control the population has been the way for all the lifetimes. Those who want to be in positions of power want to keep those that they want control sick, uneducated, sad, lonely, impoverished and yet create an illusion that they are the saviors and they are the ones that are doing good for the downtrodden. The whole idea that there is a necessity to keep humanity believing it is downtrodden is a question that as things are changing on the planet as revelation is causing people to really look within then suddenly there are deeper levels of awareness that just because someone tells you they’re saving you doesn’t mean they are. And yet there are people who have allowed themselves to believe that they really have been saved by a dictator, by a tyrant, by someone who has an agenda something to prove, and when the mind does the planning a lot of times it doesn’t consider a lot of subtle nuances. and so there are arrogant determinations of how things could be, should be, would be all over the planet, there are those that would wish to do away with democracy and there are those who would take ridiculous risks to preserve democracy. And yet the answers ,the clear answers for the highest good of all concerned really exist within each individual within, not out in the world, not by some action outside of selves or reaction but feeling that courageous necessity to make wise choices even though sometimes those choices seem incredibly difficult. And so it is that the things that have been going on for lifetimes are simply being made more obvious than ever. And as they become progressively so much clearer that no one can say “I don’t see that”. And in this point in time there are still many people that are refusing to see what’s going on right in front of them because they have spent so many lifetimes looking the other way. In order for humanity to make evolution that had to be a clearer understanding of what it is to be a physical being, and so a number of lifetimes, thousand lifetimes humanity has spent and some many more than that in that process living as a physical human, and all of the challenges that come from being a physical being, but the people of Earth have lived it so long that they refuse to believe that there is any other way. And so these times are opening the way so that people can experience within themselves, remember when you actually knew who you were, and you weren’t trying to figure it out outside of yourself and people knew that the purpose was a spiritually oriented situation rather than something that made them look good before the outer world population. All of those things that have been the foundations of judgement for lifetimes must now be recognized and forgiven, because no one is more right than anyone else and no one is more wrong than anyone else, but the way that each soul goes about the becoming really has a powerful influence how things will be for that being in the future. What’s always been there suddenly it’s becoming blatantly obvious. And yet it’s still isn’t time for the major evolution because there are still too many that still believe in the old ways of being.