Friday, May 28, 2021


 The political arena is turning into a circus. And it certainly provides a distraction that can keep people looking away from what’s important. They look out into the world and they look at what some politician may or may not do. but they don’t take in the consideration that one man or a group of people can not change the world because free will says everyone still has a right to choice, and even if the choices that certain politicians are making are good choices it isn’t about forcing the whole to comply to their idea. So who runs for office and what they’re going to accomplish from my perspective and what I see is the Earth is calling humanity to come home and look within. Come home and feel yourself and be in touch with your own energy and desires, not just what you think should happen in the outer world but what is your loving desired attention for your own life because focus on the outer world has kept humanity separate from their best and finest part. And so it is vital, it is absolutely necessary that humanity begin to honor that the answers really do lie within. The answers aren’t out there. It isn’t finding the right person to do it for us it’s about finding us.

Monday, May 17, 2021


 The old ways are becoming more passé each day. And humanity is so determined to keep,doing things the old ways, and it’s nit healthy, it’s not changing because the old ways are becoming more antiquated each moment. Even the address of the medical profession can get so far behind because of how many people are not feeling well, that you’re being treated for something that may no longer be an issue or that there have been changes energetically in the basics, and the doctor may be treating you for something that really is no longer a factor ecause you have moved forward, you have advanced, you have changed.