Saturday, February 20, 2021


The changes that are occurring in each person, the changes that are occurring out in the world, all of those changes are redirecting humanity, redirecting life as it has been known and so much that has been taken for granted for such a very long time is now being called to be re-examined, reconsidered, opening up to more. Opening up to more and letting go of limitations that have simply been accepted as so for such a very long time but living beyond what you have known. Recognizing yourself as beyond what you have been thought to believe. The changes go so deep and call each one to live much more aware, much more clearer, much more present now in this time. The energetic shifts moving into a higher frequency and allowing it to unfold because if you’re living somewhere you’ve never been then there can be a lot of realization that the rules by which you have lived for so long do not necessarily apply to the new place where you now are. So being aware, being clear, being comfortable, checking things out within rather than going to the logical mind and saying “Is this real” and because the logical mind has functioned in illusion for such a very long time, there’s a lot of things that the logical mind wouldn’t know if it’s real or not. So the answers lay within, and what you live out in the world starts within you, created by what you think about, what you believe in, by what you’re afraid of, what you have faith in. The more you listen within for the answers, the more that you realize that what you discovering in the outer world is a product of where your attention has gone the most.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 The energetics are affecting everyone but they’re not affecting everyone alike because there are so many different dynamics in the human condition. So being comfortable with the changes, it isn’t even necessarily attempting to figure out what is going on because the energy that is changing now is not something that the finite mind is really clear about or connected to. So patience with the changes , and the mind says “what can I do about it” when the mind hears nothing, there’s a great deal of frustration because for lifetimes it has been that the mind says “you got to do something about this” And you immediately begin to think and calculate then you come up with something that you can do and make and maybe it works then you say “ah I did the right thing” but it isn’t so much the doing as it is the discipline of allowing, allowing yourself to be peaceful. and the ego says “but I got to take care of myself” Caring for yourself does not necessarily mean that you’re going to be in jeopardy or that you can’t function as you forgive trying to function the way you always have, it will get easier and easier to function differently.The mind says “fight to take care of yourself, fight to get well, fight to overcome” and in all honesty it takes a lot more courage and a lot more strength to wait and listen especially since the logical mind is saying “we can’t wait, you can’t wait” and yet the discipline of waiting can show you a comfort they you really have not known in lifetimes, and the patience to allow things to unfold rather than making an instantaneous judgement about what’s going on or what isn’t, and trying to fix it without being clear if it even requires to be fixed.