The Earth has had a mindset that technology in the physical is much more important than technology of Spirit. And so there has been a pulling in separate directions, and the Earth has focused on the outer technologies. And the mind has said “ah there now we are directing everyone to intellectually focus upon the other technology of the world” and yet revelation is moving the Spiritual technology into place because where the planet is going it is absolutely necessary that there be a blending. a balance of physical world technology with the technology of Spirit. So that is influencing the inner levels of each and every human being on the planet. And it is that that blending is absolutely necessary where humanity is preparing to go with the next phase of human evolution. It isn’t that technology of the world is inappropriate it’s simply limited. And the ego mind might argue the fact that it’s limited, but it is limited because the logical mind is limited. It doesn’t matter how brilliant the person is, intellectually they can only go so far because the ego has held limits. And the evolution of the planet is now to move beyond those limits, so that the finite mind becomes the infinite mind.