The inner knowing, that awareness that the finite mind says “how will I know?”. And Spirit says “you will know”. And the mind says “but how will I know? tell me how to recognize this so that I will know when I have found it”. And it’s a feeling of safety, security. solidarity that exist within you but you haven’t trusted it in a very very very long time.
Interdependence requires the faith and trust of self as you move in the world, and that inner knowing allows you to recognize when you are safe, where the logical mind is always focusing on being prepared to fight the fear, being prepared to conflict to save your life, to make things better.
So interdependence is the balance and harmony that you share with other people, and it’s not totally based on what they are doing nearly so much as it is that involves a clarity and awareness within yourself that for example “sharing is safe”, because the logical mind has a great deal of fear about sharing anything. The logical mind says “if you share what you know then others can take advantage, they can take advantage of you, they can take advantage of what you know or what you’ve found”. And yet as you begin to discover how empowering interdependence is, because it brings a sense of solidarity, it brings a deeper level, a grander awareness of inner confidence, of capability, things that if you’re looking out into the world to find out how to be well, it’s as though there is just so much missing. Interdependence is a feeling. It’s a feeling of comfort in sharing with others, and it isn’t full of fear of others taking advantage. The amazing power in respecting others, the amazing strength that fills you when you’re not focused on the fear of what someone is going to take away from you. And yes the inner knowing can most assuredly provide you with a clarity that comes from within so that you can be aware of those who still want to play the game the old way, that still want to take advantage of other people. And you can see-feel what they are seeking without the fear of loss, because the inner clarity, that inner knowing empowers you and also give you a lot more choices, because the logical mind says “you have this choice or this one, you can do this or you can do that”. And Spirit has so many possibilities. And it’s one reason that the finite mind has made things small is because logic seeks to simplify by eliminating potential. And it doesn’t simplify anything because than people are just fighting that much harder to try to get what they want. And fighting doesn’t simply a thing. So the feeling of interdependence within self is warm, is embracing, there is a sense of belonging, there is a clarity about what is required but it isn’t a burden. It’s the willingness to care for self. Many things that the mind is turning over now will come clear as time passes, but the mind wants to know what it wants to know or when it decides, and Spirit operates in divine timing which may come sooner, it may come a little more slowly but it will be as you begin to notice the rhythms of the natural world, it becomes timing in its divine way so that you notice more synchronicity, you recognize what the mind might call coincidences but they’re really not, there are no accidents. So allowing the gentle powered unity, atonement within self, and the pleasure of interdependence. Because it’s very pleasant.