This year, this decade begins a new opening, new awareness, and it allows humanity to have experiences that up until recent times the majority of people simply said “I don’t believe that those things are possible, I don’t believe that the good that has been called magick is real, and so many people were so afraid of it. The opportunity to really see things from the inside, not just the mind calculating all of the time, but the opportunity to really look beyond what you have allowed to see before. The possibilities, the potentials that are opening up so that you can look at your life and see it from a very different perspective. Humanity is being called to look at things from a vastly different perspective because the ego mind always councils lack. And it is that council of lack “there’s not enough” has kept humanity paralyzed for lifetimes. The unthawing of frozen energy and in many ways so much of humanity is being forced to really look at things in ways that have not have been available before.