Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Woman is coming into her own place. which is equality. But because the patriarchy has been designed in the consideration that men are the power. And a woman of power is disturbing. Then it is that the adaptation to being with, living with, walking with a woman who is an equal rather than a subordinate in many instances that is quite a new situation, and therefore it definitely requires adjustment. But relationship is relationship and it requires that the people involved allow themselves, yes be involved. And not standing on the edge of life just watching things happen.

Monday, September 10, 2018


Humanity desires power, and love is the most powerful of all the feelings because it's directly related to creative source. But as much as people want power they also fear it. And that has created such a dichotomy thruout time of desiring to be powerful, and yet wanting to be just powerful enough to be in control without being too powerful and losing control.