Wednesday, June 28, 2017


People are going to be making many different choices. But it's not about making war who is right who is wrong. It is much more about the acceptance that each master experiences revelation in a different way. So to feel powerful about what One is finding, but also to feel a much greater sense of awareness and acceptance within, that not only allows to value oneself but also allows to value others. And as One sits with that and feel it within, it isn't so much you must think about this because the thinking process moves the mind to a point of trying to figure it all out, and a lot of the changes that are coming to pass within are functioning on levels that the mind simply does not comprehend, because these changes are coming from an energy that is not necessarily connected with logic or the thought processes especially as the left brain has attempted to function without a connection to the right brain. The openings within, whole new levels of clarity that are shown to One that literally may feel as though One is being taken into a place that One may not exactly know exactly where it is. But if One really feels it, it is within. It is a deep part of who We truly are. And that opens mystical gateways that have been closed for such a very long time.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


The energy of creation doesn't say "that was a good thing or a bad thing. It just recognizes a requirement for balance, and it steps in to bring a balance. Sometimes someone is done a good work and has disallowed their own reward so to speak. And karma brings a lovely balance. Other times someone has done something highly inappropriate to others and has believed that have totally gotten away with it. But the Universe always knows. So the energy is neutral therefore as the master book says "it rains on the just and on the unjust. Because the energy of Spirit doesn't have sociological programming that makes decision who I like or want to be with. It simply makes completely unconditional choices.